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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
ilJfSS AiAlJI'WlWU Bil 11 ft--' f t " f .'. r VJ t THE DAILY 1NIBJBRAOKAN. B trrm aifr l-j ' '4 :v i - r. v k V ; 4 & UZ t-.' . kf n- V hi. , Ju: ; i -- 'f T - y ' L""" " ' , CbtDiity llibtiskm 'r ' - ' ', C'- - ceMolWatlon of'. The HcBperian, Vol. '81, Thr Nebnukaiv Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. . Publlhed dally, except Bunday and Monday, at the University of Nebrasto, L Mnboln? NebVby the Hesperian publlah k' IngCo. , . . - . , V N f Director. V iO, V. T: Stout. . Iaurenee bowler. V J , H. P.NcavH .Dwlght Cramer. .AQ. Bchrelber. Bdltor-ln-Chlof ..... . J. p. CI1 Manager. .... ... ...... .'.Fred Naughton Circulator. . . Walter B.8tandevjsn Athletic... R. A. Vaxf Orsdel i i i ' . Editorial Roomii. U 204. BusincBj Ofllct, U 211V4. Poet Office, Btntlon A, Llh- coin, Neb. Ofllco hours of Business Manager and Editor, Xltea-to 11:30 dally. ' i ' ,' Tele'pbpne.. ...... . ..Automatic 1B28 NlghtTelephone. . . , . .Automatic 2385 Subscription Price, $2 per year In advance TCnt-rift'i-nt the Doatofflco at Lincoln, Nob., ns Bocond-class mall matter 'under the act or congress or uarcn s, ioto. Individual notices will bo charged for at the rnto of 10 cents, for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo, published free, as heretofore. pE WITT; BRISTOL BRACE. Tho University of Nebraska has suf forod an Irreparable loss by tho death of Dr. Braco: Ono of tho oldest-professors In the Unlvorslty, ho waB'also oho of tho greatest, .and It is duo to him as much or more than to any other "mpmbor of tho faculty that our Uni versity has, a reputation oxtending Jar beyond tho bordors of tho state and nation,, and Hhat It has reached Its present high rank, among tho universi ties ,o' tho world. If It Is possible that any one de- . " apartment Buffers more fronvThls death Lilian any dthor, It-Ip .tafellfrfter - .....-.-- -;-. in i partment, oi wnicn no nas peon, tne. '. hoaa for eighteen years. .It Is to him that credit -must bo given for tho high V. standard foachod and maintained by 5 The New Oxford ,4 -Hot Kom the Ht They are $5.00 s ors in'$2. BUDD cocooococoococococoococooo tho department under his charge, and for tho reputatlpn for thorough work Which it has earned, placing It second to npno In tho West, desplto tho al most Insurmountable obstacle of In adequate equipment. Although a stern 'disciplinarian, In sisting upon hard, consistent work from ovory .ono in his glasses, Dr. Braco;was, universally popular with all who camo Into contact with him, and they will ono and all join in mourning his loss. ' , Rain Interferes. (Continued from page 1.) v ' 'still heavy and tho play was some what fiercer than In the first par-of . tho gamo. Tho Unlvorslty kicked off to Minor, who. returned to tho twenty- flyd yard line. Smith made four yards and Nebraska was penalized, for an offside play by Borg, Minor made . . thVee yards, but then the University ilnetjheld. On tho next play tho iJnl veralty got the ball on a fumble on i. ovor tho fenco into tho street Thero. was a scramblo over tho fenco for the ball, and Lundln fell on it whero it lay. After consultation, tho officials allowed the Utilvbrsity a touchdown. Eager tried tho goal, but failed., Score, 15-0. Tho University secured tho ball on the thlrty'flvo yard lino and after sev eral downs, Schmidt kicked to Minor, who returned to the twenty-flvo yard line. Tho high, school txiod a fako kick, but did not gain. Taylor was taken back and given tho ball, making two five yard gains. Weller was sent over for.'tho flhal'score. 'directly in' front of tho goal posts. Cotton missed goal.' Score, 200. Tho rest of tho gamo was a punting contest between. 8chmdtnnd Minor, with the result in favor 'bfjthe latter. Tho line-up': University. High School. Denslow R. B Proudflt Bean I Cotton. ...;..,. It. T. Harrlson(Capt) xayior .. . u. uowcrs 1 . .... .Ewing Borg (Cttpt.): . . ."C.v. ...Collins rNolsonT L. Q. . Sommerholder Lundlnv. L. T. Hildobrand Burns . ..,.. ... )CX)COCXXXXX)COCOCOOCOCOCOCO centers down Billlngmoyer... L. E Smith Johnsbn Morse Q. ..;..,... .Minor Eager Beokly P. B Bransdn Schmidt , ... Weller L. H Itathbono Wilson. ,,..... R. H. ...... Gobhardt Llttlo Officials -ItoforcerCondra; umpire, Woods; linesman, C. Mason., ' -i r-1 Rhetorlo 1 Meeting of All Divisions. A1J eight divisions of Bhetorio 1 will meet todty (Tuesday), .October 3, from 11 to 11:30 o'clock in Memorial Hall. Announcements. Address by ChancollorAnilrew. r'm Department of Rhetoric. , Senior: ' Class mooting Thursday at 11:00. rChoralstry Lecture Room. Election of. officers. ' 1 , ' . , Junior. Olass meeting this morning at 11:00, U, 406.' Election of officers. L ., i i - Mabel Stephens, '04, Is teaching school In South Omaha. , the high schpolthlrty yard Mke 'The intervening distance to 'the goal was mWe fr'slow gains, Cotton going pter for the rmph& score. During -this part of tho game Dohslow go a Vump on the side of tho head- and was .re placed by Colhart Cotton failed to kick goal, Bcore, 10 to 0. Tho Unlvorslty received' the ball' on JLhq next, kick oi'jon tho forty yard line. Gains by Schmidt, Woller, Cot ton and Llttlo advanced tho ball to within ten yards of the high school' goal, where a penalty for holding gent It back ten yards. .When tho ball was within five yards of tho goal again it was transferred to tho high school on downs. Minor fell hack for a punt, but when Collins passed tho ball to him he .threw it high above Minor's head and Grey.;. -east. 3 hapes andcol- - ', H 50 Hats. ' o $2,50 HATTER I V .j : There ;afe Man) i Imitdtiws (M Baker's Don the package iWalter Ititlcd to uAimtkTnMjuk Cocoa" orBaker's Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book erit free. - ,, Walter Baker & Co.Ltd. EMttbtUhtd S760 Dorchester, 45 Highest Awards HARRY PORTER Will saye you mbiiev ' ... w ;. : , on Auu. u mrer sity supplies; Iyargest as8ortment in the city. Do not fait .to, , call : : : : ' 1123 O STREET DON'S CAFE 1 14 t). 11 itikt. Her ' UljU' DlRllf JllHI ll CjMIICttM - v QPICN A. X. TO. 1 A. M. WKNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER QO. ' . .1134 0 STREET. QUAMTY OUR SODA TASTES IiIKE MORE. RlasJM-Drn Cutter 1321 6 St. ' v yv ' lis I pT II e I I MJl- - 1 r-n i ."SOi m , XT-mt) ! i4' misled by them! SL Our trade-mark is oh every of genuine goods . Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no "other chocolate or cocoa than Baker & Co.?$ is en- be sold as "Baker's v: N Massachusetts v ." - t in Europe and "America ' . ' V for firtt-clatt Tilorins; at low prlcts, stt Union Cblltf t Student Tailors. Aut6JTatIc Phohs 3255.v InlonColIcflc Tailors v.. ro'sx brriCKBLDa. gTDDtoJJT - TRADE - HOLIC1TE3D STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG Co! Aiitilliii Dr. Saml S. 'Sfenl j ly7 oPTiciAN... g x. ? H2308Ti?EET 3 .J O Yeur Paironags Solicited! ' 1 bbbI .asssssssssssss ' ' '"w'l H Wutfx CT each ; a for as cYa I T" x t - M Iv;. A -v. . , x ' , S .-4 . 2 H ! i $,' 'i .. '