The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1905, Image 4
"V' i .i " ' . .1 , M - v. V T THE DAIUY NEBRA8KAN ' t ." " ANNOUNCEMENTS FreihmanLawt. Moot Monday in U. 2tt7, Election of officers. . . art I ' S I j2 Hs"es5!Si " f . . ; . - V ' f 'j I . ' , . .. . : , . -S a r r- ; ' ft TW .s k' iv-N. ft 'frt rv . 'T t i f . i hi'- lr ' ow IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT J7SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI TOMMY, THE CATERER. WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING.' LET US CON VINCE YOU ..." GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. auff s?-m, VbLz tkVrBBBBBBl KT'BBrJsBBBBBBi'v H bbbbbbbbbbbf'' vtK 'bbbbbbbbfbbbbk'S(bbb1 . " SPALblNG'S '. ' Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 190$ Edited by WALTER CAMP. , Containing tho nowly revisod OFFI CIAL PLAYING HULBS and -pictures of loading teams, embracing over 2,500 tf ayors. PRICE, 10" CENT8 For Balo by all Nowsdoalora, Athlotlc Goods Dealers and Depart ment Stores. Spalding's catalogue of all athlotlc sportSvmalled froo. to any address A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. ' , Now York, BostonjBuffalo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St, toiils, Kan sas City, Pittsburg, ,San Frandlsco New Orloans, Syracuse, CIncinnaU, Montreal, Can., Londoij, England. - Seniors. -. . Meot Tuesday in chapel, 11 a. m. Election of officers. Boston and The East PftSt dtllv lrIn scrvlcA via Mm Chicago dc North- Western RaHway, aw, apuBie-track rway fto tlw mioun kivw-to cnwago, eowwct iac at ChlcacQ with all Immc for aU polBto East. The trains of the Nor th-Western Line are atost coapletely equlppM for the iwy ana coarort or patrons. Tfce Best of EverytWut 7VM udtuH lafenutiea ea wMortloa. to E. Th McGINNIS AWlt. ' 1024 0 Street ICWcjfe k Nerfh-Weeiera laelwav I.i .. ' ' 4 - inwwe - Sophomores. -, . Meot Tuesday in Ohomlstry Lecture Room, 11 a. m. Eledtlon of officers. Notice. t All news items for tho Nobraskan should bo loft at the odltorial office, U. 204. Only business communica tions should bo left at tho business offlco, U. 211. u Convocation. -Chancellor Andrews will occhpy tho chapel hour next Monday with a talk on University Co-operation. As this will bo tho first opportunity ta hoar Dr. Andrews this year, no ono should nogloct to attend convocation onlhat morning. Tho subject Is. an essential ly practical and vital ono, and one with which the Chancellor is thorough, ly "conversant Tho now Agricultural School build ing at tho University farm has boon completed and is nowelng occupied. Tho building is. veneered with pressed brick similar to that used on tho now physics building. Tho general architecture of tho building is very pleasing. Inside it is. flnishedentiro ly in hard wood: This is probably tho beBt building now ownod by the Uni versity. Albert F. Magdanz, 'o4, waB looking up friends on tho campus Wednesday. Last spring Mr. Magdanz was elected to tho position of Instructor in animal husbandry in tho Agricultural School, and Is expecting to take up his duties about Navombor 1st During tho past summor ho has been -engaged in re porting and editorial work,- for , tho Twentieth Century Farmer and.ln that .capacity has just finished- visiting arid' reporting thovarloua, state fairs in tho western circuit , New Presidents Illinois. - Thonstallatlon of President James of "the1 Untyorsity of Illinois will tako .place- In abquta month, tho ceremony- oxtenaing over throo days. Besides having . tho usual Characteristics ;of such functions, tho coromony. will tako tho form of aclvic demonstration, Jn .tending to emphasize the lntlmAto or ganic connection : of tho UniveralW f with tho education and administration of tho Stato and Nation. Other col leges dnd universities will be invited to send delegates to these ceremonies. School of Music' Cafe Opens. -Many University students wM be glad to know that tho- University School of .Muslo Cafo .has boon 're opened and that under .the new man agement tho samo high standaf d of excellence vwill bo maintained Tho Cafo has been remodeled during the summer ,ahd every preparation madq to serve "the .public in first-class stylo. Tho Cafo was very; popular among tho students last year and' tho now man agement promises tho samo careful attention which was given. last year. Better' step over aoross tho street and have lunch with us today. NEBRASKAN WANT ADS ' ' -w BRING RESULTS A'- .'5'f" r A &m 'Minnesola is playing football with avlm this fall, and has'defyted all tho teams jet by a good margin. Their season closes tho week preceding Thanksgiving this year, instead of on that day. '. '.-,' " Remarkable Reduction In Rates to the 8011 On October 3 and l7JNovember 7 and 21, December 5 and 19, the Mis souri Pacific will sell round trlpvtick ots to many points in Southweslern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory? Arkansas,' Texas and Louisiana at 75 per .cent, of the ono way rate. For example, round trip rate to Ft Worth, Tdx will bo $13.65, to Galves ton, $20.35, to Oklahoma City, $10.00, otc. ' Two dally trains, with Pullman sleeper every night to Kansas .City, Full information at City Ticket Of fice, S. W. Cor. 12th & 6 streets. F. D. QPRNELL, , P, & T.-A.7 : School of. Music Cafo .now op en. ' . King& Jessup Tho Jvy Press for fine printing. Lincoln Local Express, 1234 Q St Both phones. ' , B. Nowton, '04, .visited his Pal broths o 1UOU UVUU1U&. , , '- " ' 1 Eat at Don Cameron's now restau rant, 119 So. 12th St r Beta Theta Pi entertained at tho chapter house last evening. Printed or engraved calling cards at King Si Jessup's, 125 No. 12th St . Luther Burbank, the fanous plant ovplutlonlkt, has been elected to mem' borship in tho Sigma Xi honorary fra ternity at Stanford. M..EAT AT THE.'. GOOD HEALTH CAfE KHf Licallai-Cir, 12th mi P. TAKK YOUR CI.OTUE8 AND OCfTP SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS BBU.TEL. 147. ' ' ABTO 1M. 130 N 8TRKKT. ' .22L OURtODA II IT" TA8TE8 UKE MORE I , Mai, Tli Drue Cittir U 1321. o s XfXm As(W 9m T.J.THORPfcCO. Rubber Stamis, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Lock Smllhlnf,GeMral 'Hachlnc Works, MeeeJ Makers, Etc. 308 So, lltli, LINCOLN Xi V A WELCOfoEGIFT IN ANY HOM1; vLWlk VHBH"BBSftBBlBaBSlBlllllBta s BkfBQiBlllllllllllllllVVklllllllllllllllllllllllllBllViSllllllllV lV. ouns W AlA, -1'HB COJLLEGE1' ETtTyonevlllua colleg loefiirflJi UokU m (deal gift to pbceon the ekne ftf. eme'i fiknit ta -enjoy, rrca fboujh oae dug Bot at" all htmttU ' - itt rwiiirirriB (!!! A1ULL BOOK STORM'AIci)lUlJtM "" w wyrrrpe ery mm M-momMMm r .. J "-1 i '- j .- IK A bbbbbbm -l' sr BBBBBBBI l "BBBBBBBmm " ' "?" TSBBBBBBBb i I -AcTT-rrry l BBBBBBBBM ' " BTaVBH ttjBBT 1 1 BBBBBBBBB '''bVVbVm----bf1bbbbbbbbb ' $ KJTicTaacyaoR2aXF ,JK. -VlTtaM Of C1WU MMMtlf'F Ptl xfy '"-'SSli KlkMAd 00 YEAR' -'''KM OiHBfHKCXitfNCB ?m 2I bbI fBBiiikllJ ' m BBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV ' Tradc Mamks DrtMin ' "CorvmHT Ac. AnyoMBeadlng a kU uxl dwtripiUm nay SckntincHsKiicaii. AMadooqy lWnatraUa weekly. 'LwfMif. f VffiS; JJ 1lfMMHr.BUlaf wwei n esejsjssBBsjSjBBXi, 5Vt r BpT ".; ""ll ,' ' 'M r"' rIf j " " jf'afe1.' ''"f :" l1lf tj- ai m it' 'ii-e:',iiii'iitriti rr. .iijSMfci.. ..