The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1905, Image 3
v VV ' i DAILY INEBRASKAIN. ilm ,. - -) I, iitt,i(fyyi(j()t))itiy u it if. it i r T7! BUSINESS DIRECTORY Krerr loyal Ualvertltjr Stadia t Is J If f.M te patroalse these, ttearai- j k3 advertisers, nBd e meatfoa X I t tjha, fp?Jf walla, delag to. t ft & feBC-Bf Bf aCBf .af Bf ft&f af Htf B U4 Lf Lf B Bf a B B Bf L bBA VI s Y t-. : CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICES. Rato ono cent por word each Insertion; minimum, ton cents. F 'T, ':!:' BARBER pHOPS Thb Aristo, Cjfrpoa's Palacp, Mogul, George's Place. BOOIS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lty- coin Book Store, UnLBook Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITALr-Gillespie. "'. BAKS-rColumbla Rational.' First Na- Uonal. , BOtilNG ALLEY Crescent CAlpiES-r-Woodward Candy Co. -CABPgNTER-Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER"Tommy," at Rings' Drug CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup. & , Wood. ' ' CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland. ' i COALGregory, Whltobreast. . CONFECTIONERYMaxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DRyGglSTSr-Stelnor & Woemponer, Brown Mann, Rector, Harley, Riggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- shelmer. .EXPRESg Lincqln Lopal. FURNITURE-Rudgo $ Guonzel Cp.(- Hardj. " ' . ' FURRIER Steele. HAERpASHERYrtlP.50 HatStord. HARpAREV-Rudgd & Guonzel Co. HQTELSr-LlnVoll. ' ICE CREAM AND. ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWEJLER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp PRJNTIJGeprgd Brps., Newppn, turyt Ivy Bres Rjaylpw Prpss, Preer- Cooppr. Qo. REStfATJEHTMYfleld, Can- ejron, Goo Healfcfy ppna Pftfp. . BHggjBfifiersofl. Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union Collogo Tailors, Ludwlg. , i " r LOST. PEARL-HANDLED knlfo,- on campus, Saturday. Finder plcaso return to" No? braakan ofllco. A PLACE to tret a good $2.60 hat $2.50 Hat Btoro, 114T O) 8t " WANTED; YOUNG man to work In shoo Btoro prt of time; exporlencb necessary.- Address Ncbroskan 6. " " ' STUDENT to y?ork part of time for board; Address Npbraskan 6. YOUNQ men to solicit for sultorlum.' J. y. aiiiuuuii, xxou J ou, juy, fOR SALE. FOUNTAIN pen, good condition, .dress Ncbraskanj No. 1. Ad- PIANO, now, good makp, at a bargalh; Address Nebraska No. 2. , BICYCLE, flrstcliCBS, now, at a f-cduc- muii. iiu, a, xuutiui skan. CADET uniform In gobd condition, socr ond-hand. Address Ncbroskan 4. FOR SALE Cheap, a military suit in flno condition. B. C. Enyart, Junior Law, 508 N. th St. FOR RENTROOM8. NICELY furnished rooms, Btrlctly moaern Kooa board near, lzoi Auto phorfe; 8060. ' " v Student and Faculty Receptions. ' A number' tit receptions wore glyen for the now students last evonlng; and each qnp of them, brought out a' large number of Frpsmon.' , At thp ,AVt' Hall, Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews rocelved, assisted 'by the Faculty, mostof whom were pros ont. About three hundred students accepted this opportunity, tomopt the Chancellor. In tho receiving line were the Chancellor and Mrs.' -Andrews and .the differ,ontdpans.,and their wives. Ices wpre served, tjio table bolng presided oyer by MlB.s Daniels and MIsb Chduvront. " . - The yplpp Society gave its annual opening reception n U. 10$, whjch was vpry taspfully deporatod. There wan no regular progarm, but refreshments were served and all present had a very enjoyable time. The Palladians received in their own Tinlf, and all tho old members turned out, bringing with them a host of now students; Refreshments word sorvod and an- informal program rendered. 1201 p. St. FOR RENT 2 largo cast front rooms, ono "Vorir' largo Bouth'room with' bay win dow; all nicely furnlshpd; houso strictly modern. 1 block from 'car lino; sultablo for small cluHcof young m'on; nlco walk ing dlstanco from, University. Mrs. G." J. Hobs', 837 N. 26th ' Both ph6n6s. NICELY fiirhlshercdst' room. Best board In cl$y. 1844 M Str v v " BOOKS 8EC0UD HAfiD.. SLIGHTLY damaged books, mlscoilano- ous lot' at great ' reductions! "University Book Stare. ( PENTISTS: DR. EARL TRUELL, 1105 O St DR. Ft A. M0'Tffifc'6urf fflk. Tm - I PHY8ICIAN8. DR. H.'J. LEHNHOFF, 145 So. lith St Tel.': BoH"480; Auto; 48ffr DR. C. W. C.POYNTER, 1105 O St Phono: Bel) L 825r utq. 2,34;. HjliiHiHMHHBl i r isWC EBfi 1 13 IS JHI . New Century Printers J s 1241 N Street I Especially aollolU tki trade ofE ,''' V ihoo -MTlaklag It well printed ' Bl m " l.. -. ' . '. fYVYYVlOnfYYVYYVYVVVVVVVVvirt i SUBSCRIBE; ,.". Q uulAuuuuJUUJwAAir & r-iV. Cl , 4 Q -u. Q FOR. TE-n i. f ' DAILY J 8. NEBRASKA I X ("j m' 8 $1.00 Per SetjiMter, O . HAIR RRE88EJJ& J3ETY parlors, 1312 Jf Sk. MES8ENQERS, S. AuoP22T3 P-9SffBRS-. T'l PH1H. Skating Rink Opsni. On Monday evening, October 2, the management will open the doors oy the Auditorium Skating illnk to Tho public, and tho skating seanon will be on. Last winter this fanclnatlng in- door sport proved very pppyl'ir among tho people of Lincoln', and especially 'tn Univcrj?:ty students. Neii ui'.v afternoon vqu would And 'a crowd pt thp fa'r co-eds and the'.r escorts gliding over tljp smopCn floor. Durlnvj ho summer t.h? Rtnic has beeji enti.vj'.y renoVated atfi many new additions' made for Xhe comr.rt, of tho patrons, so that this year the- sport should provo even mprp popular than last . Tho Rink wUl be oppn .afternoon na tvflll ha nvnnlnea nnd rnmnopnh in. structprs will vbp pn )ian to teach bo; ginners." v Sam Wttrfield Sam's Qafe tittjo Qeai Hot tfafltes nndflnp Keaband J-unfihe. ' 'FOjLLOWTHfFFLAQ. lll " fV f- r f T- r M9YEWT1.EP. KEYS and repairing of all kinds, T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 Soi 11th StT n" . r O8TEOPATH9, JIORELOCK"& SMITH. 10 Oliver Thea tre Bids:. Tol.:"Bell F 672, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER', prlvato ambulance sorIco. 120-4 So. 18th St AUTOMOBILES. FOR RENT. 122 N; 13th St Llncohi Automobile Co., 3 . . BATHS., CHRIS' BATH'HOUSE, llthand P Sts. .'.SANJTORIIJM. .' . ' SULPHO-SALINE- Bath House.'TltT and M Sts. ' . 4 . . . . BICYCLE REPAIR8. W. E. PARKER, 1200 P St 1 . i. HAVE your clothing: cleaned and qlts ' ? Webpr.purrlumtJlt!! and Bnthusipsni s waxing wa?jn gt tjjp Y: M. O. A, headquarters, The lmppr7 tant question pf thbpup spems to pp. "Are you a .member qf ths y. M- c C?7 The forpea are dlvldea inljo three squads, at the head of which are A. B. Bur(r, F, R. Hoggart jsuid B. B. Yoder! T,ho goal of each division is to. secure lGGmen making a total of 500, which s a very reasonable 'membership for a Jnlversltyith the .number of men attending Nebraska. The contest. will close at 6 o'clock on vOctober 16. A banquet will then bo given by tho los ing sides to tho winners," to which every mail who secured-ono member will be invited. ' ' .' t HpMEHVI8ITOR8 EXCURSION, NO ' VEiyiER 3QTH. To many points in Illlnolsrlndlasa, Ohio, Kentucky, Western .Ponnsylvav- nla, Now York and West Virginia a.t "GRBATEY REDUCED. RATEsi " The WABASH hasi solid road-fee, rpek ballast, and now equipment; re clining chair cars (SEATS FRBEL For rates, maps and pil inf of mailers"'. ;" can at twaDasn. uuy umco, iwi Far ijnm St., or address. , i -;;tj HARRYE. MOORES, Of. A. P. D. Wabs R. R., . Omalm.Nobr. W hye always. J? W m M M STUDENTS LAUNDRY 1J( wanl'yVuf builnett.' iflMOStrt. At9 3754. Pt S74 x , "'Mr. I?. .Qufrih, '04, whq gradu ated from ono of tho Agricultural cpqrsps, has beon ropontly elected to' an enviable position in the tC-kiahoma Gollege and Experiment Station.. '.Be sides looking after most of thp experi mental work In field, crops, he has clf&rgq' of a large sharo of the .teach-, Ing work Jn the same line. ' , Eapt the Uni. Sphopl pf Muslp (jare; new m,anagement. Wonderful Biblical 'Knowledge. Professp'r Wyer Introduced his class Jnto the deights pf Blbjlographyes terday by glylng thpm a ulz at their first mooting, in order to learn bow much tjhey P Ve to, learn ibput books. One of the questions was 'Qfyo thjrty consecptjvp lines from the Diblo, and t sppned to noor a majprity of the studen.U, Full re,- .turns are not ypt q butjajtest repprs Jjvp it that four girls gave the Lprd's Prayer. To the request for, (he titles of flvp masterplecos, HucklebprVy Flnpt Thp Thrpp fusqueteers, and Richard CarVel were submitted, Pro fossgr Wypr's cpursq certainly la In the west window of Paine's Clothing, fttore may be seen, a display pf cadpt paraphernalia, straps, caps, choyron etc. Wp arp, putting; put J 112.50, 413.50 and a S15.00 cadet suit KSMa IWWIM Trjrn Inold..?h.N.wt4Mlf 25,000 NE.W WQJU8, tc. Naw OasMfr.f the WfrJ aaiWDT rr.x.UAnauB,! .u,,uafl Jflramlwloowot: T.. m .." i w . . r - irr . aaaa Oiuia 9mmM naa "-' --- FRKE, "A TMt taPronundattea," (Mtrat- ' G. pi MRAM CO. Uk-. Caaalaa? L! 11 '" f i; BiBKh 4 Lorab Opt Co. RoCMBvraa; M. Y, (f n;"-.. 'i. r. ,' i . .' I J- '?? :' .45 fc ', y . ' " ' , ' ,-v.-'''.'v: i h "f. -rr;.,v: A 4' ' . y8;.' A ?- .S- ' , : , - - . .2r; - I ... 4 v. V'!j sfSSS V'S."JM ''fi . T.A. W 5'jV . if . iysm if' ?. i W 4- . wi I ypu are inyjtpd to pal and Inspect be- K J. ' J J MjaP" S . jiLL1 ' -it w " i ''ri- Oliver CIArX3o.ltel97 Ifp, 15th,. ioro piHuius yuur . uruoi. - ;ffrrA V c -A' . i. f k.HT