The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1905, Image 2
t-V-fc.V 'r s THR DAILY V' Y f n - i N 9 . y u V Hi . 1 1 t ?f IS I .', .,- ft M: "' J 4. , v. I w K. ff i. i A i 14 ' V h & Irti . - H K.' . ii y w,i 1 4 , v H' r Cki Qaify Dibraskaa r; X A consolidation of The Hesperian, Vol. II,. Thb Nobroakan, yol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nobr, by tho Hesperian Publish ing co. f ioard of Olrafotors. t O. V, Pi Stout. , Lauronoo Foealor. H. P.'Lcavitt. Dwlght Cramer. 7 A. a. Schrolbor. Editor-in-Chief . ... 'JS?' Manakor .Fred Naughton Cl'Sulatof Walter E Standovon Athletic., R' A. Van Orsdol . - Editorial Rooms and Business Office, tl. 211. Post Ofllco, BtatlonJV, Lincoln, Nob. x , ' " 'Nlflh Tlqp.hone. , . . . . Automatlo' 2365. Subscription prlco, - per year In advance Entered at' the postolfico .at Lincoln, Nob?, M socond-claSs mall matter under the aOt 01 (jopgrosa o awicn , .. .. a. !-. .Ill in -.Vinrcfxl for at tho rato, of 10 conts. for each Insertion.. Faculty departmental and University bul letins will gladly bo published froo, a horotoforo. To the Rooters.v, This afternoon tho second gamo of tho' season is to bo- playod and each one of you haB hlB part to do towards winning it. Evory man should1 bring a big mogaphono with him "to the gamo, and a Btlll bigger voice, which ho" is able and willing to use. It is cuBtomary to look upon the High School gamo as morely a, little play for 'the .varsity, but this is far from true, for it is safe to say that there wljl .be a smaller score today than at any game from now until we play Michigan. Tho Lincoln boys are able toeot Into practice a couple of weeks earlier than our men, and at this part of $U) season a few days makes all the difference .In the world. In addl tlqij to' this" advantage, they have tho adqtlqnal one of having been coached by ox-Captain Benedict, whois cer tainly as wol posted as any on Booth's system of plays. But' aside from helping the Corn- huskora at. a rainy , para game, um rooters have a more important uuiy, and that Is to got themselves into J good shapp for succtjoding games. It seems absolutely Impossible to got,tho squad to work a,t the 'afternoon prac tices, and only one opportunity Js glveq each week to train tho men in Nebraska songs and yells Accordingly, the boat must be made or eacn or these weekly opportunities, and .every rooter Bhould bo In hlB seat this af ternoon ready to follow his leader. . Don't lot tho met that grandstand soats are free couseyou to forgqfyour duty, but -Bit la tho regular "rooters' section qf tho bloachors,'whother' it rains or is boiling hot Fraternity Pledges, r Tjib Nebraskan had 'iriteidedUto pub lish a list of fraternity pledges today, but for several reasons is unablo and sunwilllng to do so. ,NAs to' tho; fraternities, Uhoro soemod to! 60. a strange, state "of affairs, for. tho representatives of several frator nltlos weroNunablo to remomber whom they had pledged, thoro were so many of them, and referred our reporter to, somo brother, who was In the same fix. It wds thereford deemed wise 10 refrain from publishing jtho Hat until these unfortunate fraternities could find time and opportunity to catalogue their new men. Among tho sororities another and far different stato of affairs existed. Two or three fair co-eds bogged us to hold off Just a couplo of days,' and then they would have another pledge, maybo. Prom tho number of sororities which appealed to ub in this manner, It 1b to bo inferred that tho high school crop of 1905 was rather" unproductive In attractive maddens. Another obstacle was encountered In the supposedly forgotten rules ofj tho Girls' Pan-Hellenic, mado last year, and forbidding tho publication of moBt sorority news. Every sorority, however, seomod, willing to break th9 rule if tho. .others did, and accordingly we have, the, 1,1st of. .pledges from all tho organizations.. In compliance with urgent jroqueqts, those lists will, bo open, to additions, It was. also' qur purpose to publish a complete list of fraternity addresses and, olepone, mjmbers, It ia so early In the year", iqwqvqr, tfiat a number of fratornAtlqs arq npt yet settled com a 32323233$$2S GREETING. . We announce the cored fnn"of ntir TNuKntv-fifm' Anniversary and Fall-Winter Opening as recurring on tnc date Oct the SecondrMCMy; "between the evening hours oi seven-thi$tyarid ten, por the pleasure and inspection of out friends and guests, we will dis play under magnificent electric al lamps a line of Foreign anc American Importation & An tiques, seldom, if $yq: fejore, collected together y bsale? store. Therfr-wiU te nothing sold throughout evening. We desire the pleasure of company at our sjore dx occasion, Walt's Orchestra will entertain with Musical Selections, ''- H. HerpojMter Cq K5e.s -n-i-- r --a -, - " '44m. '. - 9 '1 v W mmmmwmmW IK ' the V " r' j your jwr v this M l4i"i Convocation. ; " , . Students packed Mom9rla Hall yes , terday to. hoar the musical program . given by Mrs. Itaymond'and tho String Quartette. Before the rendition of the music ProfeBSor Bossey and three or four other gentlemen addressed 'the students 'in short appeals for the sing ling and' musical organizations' of tho "University. Students wore asked to manifest more1 Interest In the clubs and to support them in the future by their atlendahe'd at all entertainments ' given, by tho organizations. t Tho program follows:' Trio Adagio ,..,,.... .V . r ....' . Footo Bolo Song Without Words.. Davldoff ' . , Mlss-.Elche, ' - , , tTrlos " '. Serenade .... Schubert Allegretto .,....',,,..,.... Herbet Hw,V? ifVV "f" '" "i-v- -r . r-TTT' , pletely, && V Impossible tq 000Q0QO0Q(xx?pp0QO(XX?Q(X)0yDP0OC . glvq n comptq lst at this tlraq, it n J g also will be hold oyer untirTuesday- Tlq teioDbqnq Rectory, 08peQIay vf bq iSfifui, as. netnqr teiepnono compfinjr jf Jsjjuo o. dlrgptqry for somq tjlmoj- and; hft qd, 909B do. pot con,taln' thq recjst addons, PoweHou8e Improvements. Orders have . beenp'laced for new light and power-plant Improvements for tho University, which wiUxgroatly lmproye the equipment hordf A now 125' horse-powerboller has just come, qnd will tie Immediately installed Jn the boiler-rooms, which will Increase 11 . 1 J.,-1. 1 1 T. .k1. onmmici nKnflf 0 per contA now 160 horse-power automatlo, high-speed, compound, tan dem, jioncondensing type engine has been ordered and a 100 kilowatt direct connected direct current generator Jtor the power plant. There is also a new Improved switchboard. -The old .elec tric equipment 1b worn out and old- fashioned, and is also inadequate fq?" tho University as it Is today. With the now equipment the campus will be hnttnr llirhtofl nTIll Hcht fumlshfid tO 11 buildings direct. Eventually it- is planned to replace all tno .lnaopenaoni engines) over the campus with electric motors controlled from tho central power plant, securing considerable economy by this means," One Immedi ate change will be the replacing of tho ,15 horse-power engine In the machine bhop by an electric motor. These im provements will cost, altogether about $16,000 and will bo completed somp tlmp in November or Decembor. Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Eko&M, - Both Western Games "Today.-' Illinois 'VS. Knox at Urbana. "Mlchlgan-v'sVdhlo Wesleya at Ann Arbor. , , . - ,;- Iowa vs. Monmouth at Iowa Cltv.' "U. of N." Fountain Pons, -X00 eacn; "ut pr; w.M 'laoiew, jloc eacu, t'U. of N." Envelopes, per' pack, 15c. All other University supplies at' the Lincoln Boqlt Store. 8 New Friends . 8 ;;, , An w pkaaures are 8 ."..-' coming to Universiljy' - , 1 . . - !;'.'" ' '-I? Students ts fy ;W? : -. 3C ' . mi m .1 C ff ' CJ i. ' . . . lA -iL fVTill Y-A-4 4N44 s. o . jm Wpc uiey ww uuciw . 8 get that they can-find 9 V. u 8 . New Dry Goods , :. g ' . .. - o Q A WT W7" f '- ''- ' :: 4 - . a 8jsew welcome 8 ; - '-.. And the Old Priendsiat 8 r .Sv ':' filler St jPaWs i . . 8 vV-v -. : T, ;: ' -m4rM ; . m . m m am M 'ST - F 4 'M mt .mmLJmm4mmZm M X rT I mt- mrm M' mrJmwmrfr A HiOH GRADE CH0EntATE5 p BONBDNS For Sale Onty at Harley's Drug Stqret.Uth and O. . , , ' ' ' ( ' i ' i ' 'j - - mil i Subscribe for the Nebraskan i -m -Hi " 3 tSSf 1 7 . v.'i w -. 1 . if ; " 1 t' . ' u J-y r - ''," ';,-" ''.!, '. . r 5 v " :,' v ' . . A V V v ruffi-"!. , -J'.