'' ': , - - ; '- rrr t THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN, XCC)CkxXVX)O0O0C)00C)000XO0C I ANNOUNCEMENTS I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Geology IB, 1G and 17 will meet Fri day morning nt 11 o'clock In room N. 201. ? &&'&& 1 i, j K VhV 'vSBBBBBBBBBBBM sbbbbWsbTTlm, 'sbbbbbbbbb1 asssBiFatw14 J-sbbbbb1 BBBBBBBBI?ff'4r'W&WS&' Juniors meet In Chemistry Lecture Room nt 11:00 n. m. today. Election )( officers. TOMMY, THE CATERER. WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPEB CO. 1134 O STREET. BBBBBBBSShmI - iSy iBa Bfa2BBaHfi HSSw. wPi SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP. Containing the newly revised OFFI CIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures of leading teaniB, embracing over, 2,500 players. PRICE, 10 CENT8 For sale by nil Newsdealers, Athletic Goo Is Dealers and Depart ment Stores. Spil ling's catalogue of all athletic sports mailed free to any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Boston. Buffalo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Pittsburg. San Francisco New Origins, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Montreal, Can., I on ion, Engl ind. New York Bostonand The East Fast dally train Chicago & North the double-track Missouri River to Ine at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, connect - with all lines for The trains of the There will be a recpetlon to stu lenta nt the First Christian church, corner of Fourteenth nnd M streets, Thursdny evening, 8 to 10 o'clock. All .students nnd friends Invited. Rhetoric 27 (Newspaper Writing). The regulnr meeting hour will be 1 o'clock, Mondny nnd Friday. First meeting, Frldny, September 29. S. B. GASS. Notice. All news IteniB for the Nebrnskan should bo left n the editorial otlice, U. 204 Vfc. Only business communica tlons should be left nt the business office. U. 211Mj. Notice. The list of fraternity pledges nnd or "raternity telephones will bo publlshod Saturday, September 30. Lists-should be handed In before 5 p. m., Friday, September 29. President Whelan nnnounceB a meetlnjB of the Students' Debating Club next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock In Union Hall. These meetings are open to all University students, whether members of the club or not. University Union. The University Union will give their opening reception in U. 10G, Friday evening, September 29, commencing it 8:15. An enjoyable time Is assured "riid all are Invited to attend. Now ktudehts aro especially welcome to partake of Union hospitality. C. E. Social. Students are especlnlly Invited to attend the Christian Endeavor social to be given Thursday evening, Septem ber 28, in the parlors of the First Con gregational church, Thirteenth and L streets, beginning at 8 o'clock. Come tarly, get acquainted nnd have a good tune. North-Western Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TVets and full Information on application to R. W. McGINNlB, Agent. 1024 O Street Chicago & Nartk-Westeni Railway MUaftn Chemistry Courses. Students registered in courses 29, 19 and 35 meet Professor Avery In the Chemistry Lecture Room at 2 p. in.. Thursday, September 28; in course 23, at 2:30 p. m. Students registered In courses 25, 27, 31 and 43 meet Dr, Dales at 3 p. m., Friday. September 29, In the Chemis try Lecturo Room. Those whoso registration slips for uny courses in chemistry remain un signed must present them for signa Iuro Saturday, September 30, betwoon 0 n. m. nnd 12 m. NEBRASKAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS This chango will not bo considered a registration. Students who voluntarily make this change will please notify nt once, In writing If necessary, tho Instructor in charge of the division they leave and the Instructor In charge of tho di vision they enter. Department of Rhotorlc. September 27. T. J. THORP & CO. Rubber Stamps. Stencils, Soals, Trndc Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, Qonoral Machlno Works, Model Makers, Elc 308 So. Ilth, LINCOLN A. I. Myers, '01, Is taking law at Harvard. During tho suinmor Mr Myers was selling insurance for the Equitable. Robcoo J. Anderson, law, '03, is com pleting his academic courso at Iceland Stanford University. Tho new commandant, Worklzor, was out on tho Held yestorday after noon In company, with Captain Chase for his first review of tho cadets. Cassell Posters, swell pictures In colors with colored mats; six subjects. Just the thing for room decorations, each 25c. The Lincoln Book Store. A WELCOME GIFT IN ANY HOM1 SONGS OF ALL THE COLLEGES Everyone likct a college ion(, and thli book U an Meal gift to place on the pUno for one's friendt to enjoy, cren though one tlnp not at all hlmaclf curru, IX ikmrm. dkuoh rem cuurnui oa mbthmv AUUxKBWMaifr 60 pottptU- iUUOUHM AT ALL HOOK. STORKS and MUSIC DKALKJU rr unl m sfrrest Jjr Ikt PubUik$rt HINDS A NOOLE 31 33 98 W. WUi SI. H. Y. CM Mr. Maurice C. Hall, honor man of the class of 1905 at Colorado Collogo, will be tho toachlng scholar In Zoology RHETORIC 1. V Re-arrangement of Divisions. Dlv. VI (9:00, M., Th.) and Dlv. VIII (11:30, T., Th.) are much too large, the membership being 84 and 171. respectively. Tho membership of each of the eight divisions should be ubout 60. To expedite the department's neces sary re-arrangement of tho member ship of tho divisions, students In Diva. VI and VII I who can do so are re quested to change to -Dlv, I (8;00, M W.), or III (8:00, M., W.), or IV (8:00, T., Th.), or V (9:00, M., W.). Lincoln Local Express, 1231 O St. Both phones. Remarkable Reduction in Rates to the South. On October 3 and 17, -Novonibor 7 and 21, Decombjjr 5 and 19, tho Mis souri Pacific will sell round trip tick ets to nyiny points In Southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Torrltory, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at 76 per cent of the one way rate. For example, round trip rato to Ft. Worth, Tex., will bo $13.65, to GalvoB ton, $20.35, to Oklahoma City, $10.00, etc. Two dally trains, with Pullman sleeper evory night to Kansas City. Full Information at City Ticket Of flco, S. W. Cor. 12th & O streota. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. SJ3sJJPl SANTOV ANEW QUARTER SIZE ARROW 10 CENTS CACH '. 2 Full 20 CENTS - OLUE1T. PEAOODY & CO., BO YEARS EXPERIENCE DON'S CAFE 114 Ij. 11 J. Wiljat. Np Ladles' Dining Room In Connection OPICN 6 A, W. TO 1 A. At. Trade Marks Desions Copyrights Ac. AnyonaMndIng a aketch and description may Quickly aaoecUtn our oplulon fr whether an tnrenUon la probably patentmhle, Communlc. tlouaaUlctly oonfldentfiilUjftlilQKon PateoU wit free. Oldest agency for aecuruiK paten U. Patent taken throoxb Munn A Co. receive apodal notice without barge, la the Scientific American. A bandaomely llluatreied weekly, fjinieat cir culation 4f any aclentlQo Journal. Tertua, W m rvirifourmontha.il. gold by all newsdealera. MUNN & Co.a6,B"T. Hew York Uranch Offloo, 636 V BL, Waablugton. KG. i o V