v Wp-1 rr-&' - .". ,VY, ' c r "'' f-Trjw - -v.- r y , ; 'jw n7WwSj tm"- " i rvu r.,1 a - -7 ' K' P$ Wbe atl flebraeftan ,i Vol. V, No. 3 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, J 905. Price 5 Cents r -'n-- -" y ""iW'"" J v B' W' i I is. R jl , . LARGE SQUAD OUT MANY NEW CANDIDATE8 REPORT FOR PRACTICE LAST EVENING. Some Fast Work Done by the Team on the Newly Harrowed and Soft Field, Tho football squad was greatly en larged last evening by the appearance of several )g.ew candidates. Tho new men went Into the game with an earn estness that will prove fatal to somo of the old men unless they continue work and training with equal enthusi asm. Somo fifty-three men wore on the field and Assistant Coach Wesi over and Captain Borg put them through the stlffest work of the sea son thus far. The absence of Booth does not seem to causo any fall In Nebraska's stock In the market, for everything Is mov ing along as steadily as If the big coach was on the field. Instructions come from him every day and these Instructions are followed out as Im plicitly by tho men as If ho were him- self giving them direct. Tho men will show much Improvement In tho com ing game with the High School over that of last Saturday. The squad was divided Into throe sections yesterday, and given somo practice In catching and running down punts. Cotton, Beekly ind Morse did the punting. Nelson, Who played guard on last Saturday, Is being trlod at cen ter 'some this week, and shows him self to bo very accurate In passing. Cotton was given a trial at kicking goals from placemont and succeoded In putting three out of four between tho goal posts. Denslow received tho ball, but was a llttlo slow In placing it, but with more practice this should bo quite effective In a closo game. Eager was trlod out at quartor. Somo concern Is shown among tho football enthusiasts at tho crltlcul con dition of Benedict's knee. According to previous reports, Benny reported for practice but In punting ho throw his leg out at tho knee. Tho old wound of tho Iowa game my again prove sufficiently bad to keep Bene dict out 'of tho gamo this season, al though ho may bo able to got Into at least tho big games. Tho field was In bettor condition last night than It has been at any time J yet. Tho ground had been thoroughly disced yesterday with a harrow and this made it much moro soft, while it did not hinder fast playing. Tho tackling was much better, as tho men wore jnoro "anxious to leavo their feot nnd tacklo with moro exactness than any time heretoforo. The first men's mass mooting or the year will occur tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock in tho chapel. A number of prominent professors and alumni will address the meeting and raise tho en thusiasm to a" high pitch. Everybody should be sure to attend this mooting n some very Important matters will be discussed. Start tho school year right by get ting a nice engraved or printed card. George" Bro3., .printers, Fraternity Bldg., 13th and N Sts. PROF. W. G. FUTURE of AMERICAN DEMOCRACY CHAPLAIN, CHANCELLOR ANDREWS convocation WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 COCKXXXXXXXXXDOCOOOCOOOOOOOC TRAINING TABLE 8TART8. Captain Borg and Six Men Begin Things. Today tho training table starts and Captain Borgr with his men, will con form their appetites to a diet that will exclude all sweetmeats and pastry. The number of men taken to tho tnblo will be less than has heretoforo startod It, but It Is started ono weok earlier this year than usual. "Eddie," who has cooked for tho men for soveral yearB, has again been employod and will perform his duties in tho same capable manner. The men who will go to tho table today are: Captain Borg. Eager. Cotton, Wilson. Woller. Johnson. Assistant Conch Westovor. Manager Morrison. Booth's Condition No Better. Coach Booth's condition was not changed today. Fovor still continues to hold him in its grasp, and whllo not of a serious naturo, Dr. Mayhow, who has him in charge at St. Ellznboth's hospital, thinks It will be at least one week boforo ho is nblo to again be on tho field. Tho ptomaine poisoning from canned salmon seems to have been of n moro serious nature than It first appeared. Booth is ablo to see Assistant Coach Westover and give him Instructions each day to bo car ried out. C. E. Social. Studonts are especially Invited to attend, tho Christian Endeavor social to bo given Thursday evening, Septem ber 28, In tho parlors of tho First Con gregational -church, Thirteenth and L streets, beginning at 8 o'clock. Come early, got acquainted and have a good tlmo. May Edholm, '04, tho popular assist ant In Gym Work, has accepted a posi tion with tho Lincoln High School ns director of Physical Education. F- CXXX)COCXXX)CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)CXXXXXXXX)CXXDCXXXX0 V. W. C. A'S ANNUAL UNIVERSITY OIRLS GOVERNOR'S MANSION, -1422 H STREET. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 8 TO 10. OCOCX)COCOCXXXXXX)COCOOOOOCOCOCOOOCCXXX5CXXXXXXXXX) 0OOOO00OOOO0OOOOOOO0O0OOO0 L. TAYLOR Y. M. C. A. Notes. Mr. Chas. D. Hurroy of Chicago, ono of tho International secretaries of tho Y. M. C. A., will speak to Univer sity men on Sunday at 3 o'clock in Art Hall. Mr. Hurroy Is a graduoto of Michigan nnd comes In touch with moro collego mqn In tho middle wost than any other man. The first of a sorleB of Wodnesday evening services will bogln tonight at 7 o'clock in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. Thoso meetings are planned In such a way as might provo helpful to busy college men. Thoro will bo good sing ing in which all can take part. Tim generalsccrotary will load tho moot ing. A plan has Just boon put on foot to raise tho membership of tho Associa tion to 500. In an Institution with as many men as tho Unlvorslty of Ne braska this should bo entirely possible. Tho plan Is .to hnvo threo contostlng sides, tho losing aides to banquet the winners. Tho throo sides will bo In chargo of A. E. Burr, B. E. Yoder and F. A. Hnggnrt. ' Professor Frnnk W. Smith, formerly of tho department of Education, Is now filling tho position of principal of tho Normal Training School for Teach ers at Paterson, N. J. Profossor Smith resigned a good-salaried- school posi tion In 1001 to tako a fellowship In Education In thiB Unlvorslty, because It opened an attractive field of peda gogical work. Tho fellowship Involved teaching from - tho outset. Ho wad soon appointed Instructor and thoi ad junct professor, passing by ono or two opportunities to more than doublo sal ary because they did not off or tho work moBt desired at tho tlmo. Last July Professor Smith had opportuni ties to consider what was said to bo thO most Important professorship In a progresslvoTvestern college, Involving philosophy and pedagogy, and tho prlnclpalshlp at Paterson, Eat at Don Camoron's now restau rant, lKf So. 12th St. RECEPTION TO ALL Of fICERS NAMED BATTALION GET8 DOWN TO W6RK Crltes Named as Major Crawford, Wilson, Anderson, 8crlbner and Skeen to Be Captains. Tho real work of drill began last ovonlng, when tho commandant namod tho officors for tho noxt year, nnd tho men wero put through, tho sotting up exercises for tho first tlmo. Tho now men wero divided Into squads of four nnd wero put through tho movomonts under tho direction of tho moro pro ficient old men. Following nro tho ordors: Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 20, 100B. Special Orders, No. 1. 1. Tho following appointments In tho battalion of endots for tho present school year aro horoby mado to tako effect this date: Flold and Staff. Edwin D. Crltes to bo cadet major. Herbert M. Crawford 'to bo cadot captain In chargo of tho Blgnnl dotnch mont. Robert H. Thompson to bo cadot first lleutonnnt and adjutant. John B. Jnckson to bo cadet first lieutenant In charge of tho artlllory dotnehment. Herbert W. Post to be endot second lloutennnt nnd quartermaster. Company D. Clyde D. Wilson to bo cadet captain. Mason Wheeler to bo cadet first llou tennnt. William E. Flako to bo cadot nccoirJ lieutenant. Company A. Frank A. Anderson to bo cadot cap tain. A. E. Palen to bo cadet first Uoutoil nnt. Company C. A. II. Scrlbnor to bo cadot captain. Lostor S. Syford to bo cadot flrttt nontenant. Roy V. Popporborg to bo cadot soc ond lieutenant. Company B. E. D. Skoon to bo endot captain. Gilbert W. Cheney to bo cadot first lieutenant. Chester K. Smith to bo endot second lieutenant. Tho above officers will rank In'order of nppolntmont; they vlllbo oboyod and respected accordingly. By order of Captain Chnso. R. H. THOMPSON. First Lleutonnnt Battalion of Cadets, Adjutant. Gonoral Ordors, No. 1. 1. Tho aompotitlvo examination for vacancies In tho grado of corporal will bo hold In tho chapel, Friday, Soptembor 20, 1005, at 5 p. m. Tho examination will cover the Infantry drill regulations, to lncludo tho school of the soldier, squad, company, bat talion, extended order, guard mount. battalion review, Inspection and pa rade and honors. Any cadot who has comploted one year of military work may compete. Applications for tha examination should bo handed the Commandant without delay. By order of Captain Chase. R. H. THOMPSON, First Lieutenant and Adjutant. 1 i . I j i 141 Mi y&r. hxV t "t . 'X. t "Y " j I J z