The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1905, Image 3

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" I
J .'V
. v.
rr.i t
Young Man
If you want a particularly
smart and perfect fitting
Uniform if you want a
Uniform that is moderate in
. ,
price, yet costly in appear
ance ....
Leave Your Meas-
ure With Us.
The making and designing
of Cadet Uniforms is one of
the principal features of this
establishment. '
Come in and lets talk
it over.
Lowest Prices and the Truth.
" f-T
Swel lest on Earth
forthe Price
Bight styles Button, Lace
and Blucher.
I1 $4.00
8 JJ7 WW
8 $&
X r
' Patent Colt or Kid, Lace,
Button or Blucher; all the
new toes,
The First Day's Registration Largest
In History of Institution.
tThe registration for tho flrat two
dnyB shows n largo Incroaso over that
of provlous years. Tho statement was
given out that tho registration of tho
first day waB the largest In tho his
tory of the Institution. If tho pres
ent "conditions continue tho total num
ber of students registered In Nebras
ka this ear will far exceod that of
any former yoar.
All trains entering tho city, whether
from south or north, oast or west,
bring many students. There aro moro
students coming from "othor stateB
this year than before and this Is-In
itself a source of gratification to tho
University officials. Tho Unlvorsity
guides are kept busy directing tho
many Freshmen to tho Unlvorsity and
Registrar's ofllco. The ofllco force b
larger than before in order that tho
Influx of Btudonts may bo properly
cared for and that as quickly as pos
sible. Tho number of University students
proper will be greatly Increased by tho
beginning of tho term at tho State
Farm. From present indications there
will bo a good Incroaso in tho num
ber of students taking agricultural
studies this yoar. This 1b to bo ex
pected, though because of tho great
benefit tho Farm Is being to tho farm
ers throughout tho state.
tho candidates. Today tho blcachors
will bo put up aril fixed In roadlnesa
for tho rootors, and tomorrow tho
fence will bo placed arolind tho on
tiro field. Tho semaphore Is to bo
erected In Its usual place, tho south
ond of tho flold.
Tho flold Is not In tho best of con
dition as yot. There aro many rut?-'
and It Is vory unovon. Tho sowlng"of
tho flold last spring did not bring tlie
desired results, for aftor cutting tho
grass It was found that a stiff stub
blo and hard ground romalnod. -
Tho lino up of tho mon Saturday 1
a conundrum to all savo Coach Booth
But It Is felt suro that all tho candi
dates will bo given a chanco. Tonight
tho teams will lino up for tho first
time, and bo glvon practlco In ond run
ning. Tho admission for Saturday's game
bus been mado 25 cents to any part,
of tho groundB.
Sensational Rumor False.
One of the evening papers published
a story Tuesday night to tho effect
that an emissary of Stagg's had tried
to 1)uy Taylor, tho colored guard In
order to take him to Chicago. Re
cent developments show that thoro was
no foundation for this story. Tho sup
posed agent is a John Young, a cousin
of tho guard on the Illinois toam who
fought so admirably and silently last
Thanksgiving, and he Intends to en
ter tho University. Last night ho put
on football togs and chased tho pig
skin with tho rest of tho scrubs, and
showed up very welL From tho bear
stories which have ben floating out
from Lincoln for tho past month, It
is. very doubtful If oven Creto would
send a man aorosB tho street to offer
a nut sundae to any of Booth's Bablos.
Freshmen to Bo Guests at Function!
8aturday Night.
Tho annual Y. M. C. A. stag recop
tlon to tho Freshmen will occur noxt
Saturday ovonlng at olght o'clock In.
Memorial Hall. This funcUon Is al
ways tho inlUal Introduction of our
now students to real Unlvorsity llfo,
and every such Btudont, now or old,
will receive a hearty wolcomoand bo
mado at homo Immediately. Tho Y.
M. C. A. has among its mombore
nearly ovory man In tho Unlvorsity
at loast every ono worth knowing
and they will all bo thoro to gtvo tho-glad-hand
to tho guests of tho ovon
lng, A good program has boon ar
ranged, Including tho singing of col
lego songs and a war danco by Dr.
Bolton, and, above all, thoro will bo.
refreshments, good and lots of them.
Preparations are In progress for tho
first game of the season to bo played
Saturday. Tho team from Grand'TsI
and Collego will initiate tho season
by lining up against the varsity on
tho day mentioned. Whllo this will
bo a practlco game, tho supporters of
tho scarlet and cream will bo given
amplo opportunity to get a lino on
8easbn Football Tickets.
Tho sulo of season footbal) tlckots.
begins tomorrow morning, tho only
placo of Halo on the campus being tho
Nobraskan ofllcA on Uio second floor
of tho main building. Tickets for tho
eight home games, If bought separ
ately, would cost over flvo dollars, but
bought together, cost only three dol
lars,, so -that ovory student Bhoufd buy
himself a season book and buvo
monoy. Tho sale will only contlnuo
ono week, and thoro will bo no solici
tors selling tho tlckots as horetoforo.
Word has been received that B. R.
Bucknor, '04, was high, man In tho
final examinations of Harvard Law
School. This entitles Mr. Buckner to,
a year's tuition. .
If you want to be properly fitted
out for Class and Labratory Work go to
Our own experience In classes and laboratories, togothor with our
knowledge of the business, enables us to fit tho Btudont out with all
supples and books moro saUsfactorlly than any of our competitors.
Standard Instruments for the Student.
Dletzgen Drawing Instruments.
Spencer Dissecting Instruments.
Tho Swan Fountain Pen, the Waterman Ideal.
c All these are found at
THE CO-OP, 318 North Mill Street
Owned and Managed by Sfudents.
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