The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1905, Image 2

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Ce Dap tlebrashan
A consolidation of
Tho Hoflporlan, Vol. 31, Tho Nebrns-
knn, Vol. 10, Scarlet nnd
Croain, Vol. 4.
Publlflhcd dally, oxcept Sunday and
Monday, at tho University of Nebras
ka, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian
Publishing Co.
Board of Directors.
O. S. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fosslor
H. P. Loavitt.
Dwght Cramer. A. O. 8chrolber.
Edltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark
Manager Fred Nnughton
Circulator Walter E. Standoven
Athlotlc R. A. Van Orsdol
Editorial Rooms nnd Duslncss OfTlco,
U 21 Vfc. Post Omco, Station A, Lin
coln, Nob.
Night Telephono Automatic 2365
Subscription Prlco, $2 por year in ad
vance Entered at tho postofTlcp at Lincoln,
Nob., as second-class mall matter un
dor tho act of congress of Mar. 3, 1879.
Individual notices will bo charged
for at tho rate of 10 cents for oach In
sertion. Faculty dopartmontal nnd
university bulletins will gladly bo pub
lished froo, aH horotoforo.
On behalf of tho Unlvorslty at largo
tho Dally NobniBknn oxtonds a hoarty
welcomo to the now student, and
truBts that ho may roallzo as nearly
as human may those dreams of col
lego life which have hovered over him
for the last throe months. Hut If this'
bo ImposBlbk', let him remember that
tho fault lies, not with tho University,
but with his dreams, and that ho Ib
here for work and not for play lie
time which the work will reulro.
Dosldos tho regulnr staff members,
thero will bo a number of reporters
who will ndl havo so much work to
do, nnd will be in lino for positions
on tho staff next year.
Tho only requlromonts of candi
dates for these positions are that thoy
bo up In their clnsB work.
Anybody desiring to try for any
plnco on tho Nobrasknn should see
the editor-in-chief as soon as possi
ble in tho Nebraskan ofTlco at tho
east end of tho second floor of tho
main building.
(Continued from pngo 1.)
week so os to enable tho club to glvo
concorts In several towns whllo re
turning from tho conBt. 'At presont
tho itinerary Is as follows:
Cheyenne, April 10.
Boulder, April 11.
Denver, April 12.
Puoblo, April 13.
Ogden (matinee), April 16.
Salt Lako City, April 1(5.
lIx)s Angolea nnd surrounding towns,
six concerts, April 18 to 23.
Loland Stanford, April 25.
UnivorBity of California, Aprlf 2G.
8an Frnncisco, April 27.
Sacramento, April 28.
Portlnnd, April .30.
Tncoma, May 1.
Everett, May 2.
Soattlo, May 3.
Mr. D(rk's reception was moBt cor
dial ovory placo ho visited, and ho
was much pleased with hifl trip. Tho
only difllculty ho had in arranging for
tho appoaranco of his chlb waa at
Seattle, whero tho annual farco of tho
Junior clafls of tho University of
Washington had boon set for tho only
evening on which tho club could ap
pear. As this farce Is tho great oyent
I need you in my business, and I
think you can use more of my
$2.50 HATS
Btfdd, $2.50 Hatte, JJ4 O
will doubtless find It a groat chango
from tho high school to tho Unlvorslty,-
and he will make many mistakes,
but in those mistakes ho will ILnd
thoso roady to help him and lie- will
finally como to roallzo that wo aro oil
ono big family and that tho Univer
sity is lndeod our Alma Mater.
Journalists, Attentlonl
Tho Dally Nobraskau Is now enter
ing upon a now year, and a number
of positions on tho staff aro to bo filled.
These places aro absolutoly open to
all, within cor tain restrictions placed
by tho board of regents, and any ono
having tho Journalistic Ilea in his oar
has a chance to attain tho dizzy -eminence
of a chief editorship if ho is
willing to work.
This year It will bo possible for
ovory member of tho staff to obtain
Unlvorslty credit for whatever work
ho may do on tho papor and this
should obviate all difllculty as to tho
of tho year at that University, it
Hoomod hopeless to try to effect a
chango, but Mr.' Dirks collected us
many Juniors as ho could And In tho
city nnd persuaded thorn to consont to
a substitution of attractions.
Tho twenty-llvo mon who will mako
tho trip will travel In an elegantly ap
pointed hotel car, with another car
for baggage.
The first stop In tho selection of tho
members of tho club will bo taken
noxt weok, whon a mass meeting of
all tho students will bo hold, and In
terest aroused. Then tho try-outB will
occur, and a committee composed of
Mr. Gillespie, the director, Mr. Wil
liams, tho presldont, and Mr. Dirks
will select the men. It Is Intended
that tho positions shall not go to men
who havo good voices alone, but rather
to thoso who aro thorough gentlemen.
No man admits that he gets more
than ho expected, unless It Is somo-
I thing he, did not want at all.
If you want od sound value for your monoy you will Go to tho
Co-op for your books and supplies. Wo do not offor you an artlclo
whoBo price you know at cost or below and then soak you on nnothor
artlclo whoso price you do not know. Wo make a reaBonablo profit
on oach artlclo and our prices aro jib low as Is consistent with
8tandard Goods.
- Many students savo a considerably part of tho cost of books by
buying second-hand texts. In most cobob these aro practically as good
as now, but choapor. Wo havo tho largest stock of Second-Hand Unl
Texts In tho city.
fountain Pens at Half Price
Beginning Monday, tho 25th, wo will close out ono lino of fountuln
pons at Just ono-half tho rogular price. Wo havo decldod to discon
tinue this lino of pons. Como In and look them ovor; If you do not
find what you want In this lino wo aro sure wo can please you with
a Swan Pen or a Waterman Ideal.
Every Pen Guaranteed.
Engineering students will do well to look over our Drawing Instru
ments before purchasing.
The Co-Operative Book Company,
318 North 11th Street.
i 7 j