I,. -. r t , r- v (O 'Ri .' . is , ' v?' G b e ID n i I v Hcfcraeftan' V FM ' ' V I' ! fr gfffi aft f f K f x t$U r i' : ij Gf)i Baity Ucbraskan . fcWi m ' I A conaolldatlon of Tho Hesperian, Vol 31, Tho Nobrankan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. Board of Directors E. F. Piper O. R. Rlohards H. P. Loovltl John Westover B. R. Walton, Editor-ln-Chlof -Manager - - - -Assistant Manager Associate Editor - Circulator - - - Fred A. Swooley - A. O. Schrolbor - Fred Naughton - - A. M. Levy - Walter E. Standovon STAFF. Athletic R. A. Van Orsdol Assistant Athletic - - - II. L. Swan News II. O. Myers Editorial Rooms and Business Offloo TJ 2 14 Post Offlco Station A, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone ... Night Telephone Automatic 1928 Automatic 2383 Subscription Price, 2 per year in advance Entered nt tho postofllco at Lincoln, Neb., as second-class mall mattor under tho act of congress of March 3, 1879. ( Individual notices will be cTiargcd for nt tho rato of 10 contH for each insertion. Faculty departmental and university bull etins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. Dcbators Today. A special mooting of tho Students'. Debating Club has been called this morning nt 11 a. m. In Union Hall. Tho subject of University debating matters in their relation to club will be diBcUBsed. A set of resolutions will bo Introduced and discussed at tho meeting. This will probably bo tho last opportunity of tho year af forded tho members of tho club td discuss tho matter at a meeting of the club and a full attendance Is desired for this morning. Notice to 8enlors. Every Senior In tho Industrial Col lege Is hereby asked to find out from the Registrar whether thero aro any matters to bo straightened out in con nection with his work, required for graduation. See whether there is any unreported work from any of the de partments and tako stops to look up tho mattor at onco. In case of any difficulty or perplexity como to me during tho "Dean's Hour" (11:30 to 12:00) in Room 107, Univorslty Hall. CHARLES E. BESSEY, -r. Dean. O Notices and subscription may n Q- be left at tho Dally Nobraskan q Q offlco, or at tho Co-Op. Book Q 0 Store. O OOOOOOOCOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 Editorial Remarks The nowly elected Board of Direc tors for tho stockholders of tho Dally Nebrnsknii mot yostorday and organ ized and transnetod tho regular ordor of routlno business, but dofcrred tho election of oditora and managers until today in order that they might have an opportunity to consult with tho new Studont Publication Board boforo bo doing. Ah today's lssuo of tho Athletes to Go Abroad. Archlo Hahn, of tho University of Michigan, and Milwaukee Athletic club; Ralph Rose of tho Chicago Ath letic Association, and John Flanagan, of tho Greater Now York Athletic As sociation, will cross the Atlantic this summer to try conclusions with tho English weight and dash men on their own heath, according to Information received in Chicago. Hahn holds tho world's record for tho 60-yard dash, which Duffy sevornl times faited to put below C 2-5, and la today Bprlnt Ihg in bettor form than evor boforo. Ho should hold hla own with any English sprinter up to 220 yards. Meeting on Football Rules Postponed. Tho annual session of tho Football Rules Committee, which was scheduh ed to take idaco In Philadelphia Sat urday has boon postponed, owing to tho absence of Walter Camp of Yale. Tho mooting will bo held early In Juno. Coach Roid will roprosont Har vard TTnivcrsity. Tho other members of tho Commlttoo will bo P. J. Dashlel For $25.00 We Will Build the Best Black Graduating -Suit In the West LUDWIG'S 1036 O STREET I yy Dally Nxbraskan is tho last one for tho your It will, thoroforo, bo Impos sible toy us to announco our now stuff. Hardly to Her Taste. Nebraska, with nil her faults and short comings, was permitted to tako purt in tho Big Nine track meet soon to bo held In Chicago. It lookB very much as If tho rep resentatives from Nebraska would bo admitted into tho Big Nino conference boforo another yoar is past. Tho Kan-san. Hustings College won the State Inter-colleglate track and flold meet held ut Hastings yesterday. A lasting remembrance of your col lego days; a picture at Townsend's. of Annapolis, A. A. Stagg of Chicago Univorslty, Professor Dennis of Cor nell, J. C. Bell of tho University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Fine of Princeton. Hal Cornell, tho University's ham mer thrower, took second placo in tho hammer throw at tho Kansas City Athletic Club meet hold In Kansas City Tuesday It seemed to bo an off day for him and his best throw wus but 121. Ho made several better throws but stepped out of tho ring In making them. Seniors get your duplicate orders for photographs at once. Rnto tho samo until July 1. Towpsend's Studio. i - . . . Tho Co-op wants your second-hand books. Here's a Merry Summer and a Restful Vacation to All of the University People We can help you make late pur chases advantageously before leav ing Lincoln, at our sales in summer DRBSS GOODS CAMBRICS EMBROIDERIES HATS ETC. M iller Paine mtm Its f sf lf h d if i L hf h Htf 4i L sf k f - 1 L fcr t sf GO TO SIDLES The Ur - to - Date Sporting Goods Man, for Base Ball o Supplies, and All It 1 t T X W n 1yA )f J Athletic doods 1 r I II. E. SIDLES 1317 O Street, LINCOLN, NKII. ff j ii j j j p p yp" Jft v Fffi "7"" COCOC)COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOC)COO Favorite PHOTO Gallery 8. E. Cor. 12th and P. Photograph at CUT PIUCKS. If you are (satisfied that's what you pay your money for. WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION for about half the price others a6k for the same work. For Instance 100 little stamp photos all guaranteed perforat ed ready to tear apart, Hck and stick, $25c. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's jffifc CaM Auflm Little OonHfl'j (Vafllca andTft Mealfl and Lunches. 117-121 North IS Strt ! I . i 4 J hjiui m Bs ' . HE- i V . n . f "-iffi-i-i-i-i-i-i-Blffl R XL If pAKERBROSfff M I n i MGRWJAG M I ij I COMPANY I m in MMwwL Jli AmIvm. aiHIH IB .L " im ri . .lr nw m aaaaaaaaa ! WffiWFfv m JL.&-lfrAJJL i y Itt-TVwiM( X " ' J flaw "QUALITY. TUJc Jo . r".,-fj,. x iiu io a yxtaiiiy Drug Store with the U i emohasis on 'aaalitv' f RW0S, Drug Cutter J U 1321 O STftEET. (birtisB. Gtcgor? T (v.trn.'ft) ESS?, tht Coaimin HO. i044 O STREBT Wo aro solo rtg6nUn Lincoln forij aifiLKnnATRrt-. l D. &M Baseball. Atl-; letic atfd Tennis Goofe t'" ji I n 1 fiinr Iti ' UIKAKtf WWC iiV., mMi F BBM 1304 0 Street Lincoln, NV 1 i i ''JjMgj'Jl -.f t M.i!t!r-i.flffi Cp(tl, $100,000.00 J .77 .. . - . Rar' if "u