The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 31, 1905, Image 4
. ' i . f "r" im Cbe all? Hebraofian (: f ( 3COOOOOOOOOO Fine Candies s tiiiiiji iit ALLEGRETTI LOWNEY'S HUYLER'S Always Fresh at In OtI?er Colleges Thero aro 194 girls In tho graduat-" Ing class at Vassar, and It la said more than a score of them are on gaged to be married. RECTOR'S Sole Agents oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ifi VS i fivS ALDORF ARROW QUARTER SIZE COLLARS Arc made of luhrics shrunk before bcinu cut liy the Cluteco process. This In urr permanent and exact sire. Over 100 styles. 15c each; 2 for 25c CLUKTT. I'EADODY & CO. Laructt tnalem of Collars fiibhiru In tho world Student occupants of the Wlnthrop dormitory at Harvard reported this woek to tho pollco that securities and jowels to tho value of $1,000 have been stolen from their rooms. Sam Weeterfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe (.trio Oum Hot iVanio.s and Pino MorIh and Lanohes. 17-121 North It StKCt .H. x V tbarhsB. Gregory , io. or n. 9t ) ZZsr.OK Coal Wan NO. 1044 O STRBBT ?ROSandCONS C3MPLEU DEBATES Our foreign poller. the arrencT, tho Unit, lm Mlgratlon, high liccnte, woman suffrage, penny pocUge, transportation, trust, denirtjntnt stores. Mtaldpai ownership oi franchise, government control cC telegraph. JMAiiJt o the borc aad ma ft ciktr futt mucoid pi ettly debated. Direction for organising u4 tooaucUng a debit la society, with by.lawi tad parliaracntary rules. Price, ftiijo Poatpald. OoUi-- Paget. tEHDS & NOBLE J1-33-J8 WMt ISth Street, N. Y. CUy Last Thursday tho Cornell Btudonts held their third annual Spring Day Celebration. It was a sort of an Imi tation fair or circus. The object of theso celebrations Is to raise money to support athletics and at this one about two thousand dollars was realized. Tho Men's Club of Northwestern University, a recently organized asso ciation of all "en of the university, has rented quarters In Evanston and the formal opening of tho club houso was held Saturday evening. The ob ject of the club Is to promote fellow ship among tho students and to aug ment Northwestern spirit. It bids fair to become a success. For the first time In thirty yoarB the annual Intor-colleglate track and field meet hold on Franklin field at Phila delphia went to one of the eastern un iversities outside the "Big Four," Cor nell winning over Yale with a margin of 2 1-2 points less than Yale. The final score was as follows: Cornell, .10 1-2; Yale, 28; Harvard, 20 1-2; Penn sylvania, 18; Princeton, 15; Colgate, S; Amherst, 8; Syracuse, 6; Stevens, '.I; Swarthmoro, 3; Columbia, 1; Hav erford, 1. A new plan Is to be adopted next year In regard, to work In tho Prince ton University gymnasium. All Fresh men will be notified to report at as signed hours to undergo a rigid phy sical examination and upon thlB-exam-inatlon will be based a prescribed course of exercise planned to develop each -man in the direction In which he Ik most lacking. A second pxamina tion will be given, If desired later in the year to show any develojurient that may have been gained. These exam inations will be optional with men in the three upper classes. ?,?ifsfi 0M8 mMm & wW'm A J Kl The plan of the three lower classes of tho Academic Department at Yale announced klay 1 to raise by under graduate subscription enough to cover the College deficit of $5,000, has boon more than realized. The. movement was started by the Junior Class, and In a llttlo over three weeks a total of $5,250 has been pledged. Of this, $2, 125 wus subscribed by elghty-flvo members of tho Junior Class In shares of $25. A week later tho Sopohomores took ur) ttte mattery and contributed seventy-two shares of $25, a total of $1,800. Last weok tho Freshman Class was aBked to support the move ment, and responded liberally with forty-nine contributions of $25 each, amounting to $1,225. Tho rest was raised by smaller subscriptions from all three classes. All the new shades in swell snappy Oxfords at Sanderson's. Ut Tote your old books to tho Co-op. They will buy them or sell them for you. Elliott's Suitorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable, 1136 O street. Both phones. Do You Find it Difficult to De- . r c cide What to Get for a Gradua tion Present? -If so Come and See Us & & & & & & & Nothing can be more appropriate than these: SOUVENIR SPOONS UNIVERSITY FOBS, PINS SOUVENIR MEDALLIONS UNIVERSITY PENNANTS FRAT PENNANTS 'VARSITY PILLOW TOPS COLLEGE SONGS FOUNTAIN PENS. c Watch our window The CoOp. jKaceu NSectioneCl BooKcasse nn LJ IE BjBir 0?r- fc7" 7-., b 7 The Bookcase for the Home The Macey Sectional Bookcase is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very best and latest structural features are combined with, that high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design .and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking. Full line on exhibition at THE A. M. DAVIS COMPANY. coalJ A ....rvL r , DU PbMt 98 QUALITY. DIERKS LUMBKl sSAl V"J5y?. i2Ez?l k i m m n t -? a This &' Quality Drag StcvryKth the emphasis 'qoality RIGGS, Drug Cutter 1321 6 STREET. iiiiHHVHI Rail mm T. J. TK0RPE CO, Qener'l Maohlnlsts AUKiivfsoiRapalts i 'Uciksinlths.'M Pttiert ' PfwnafM '101 So. t Ith LINCOLN The Cash Grocery J. W. SMlTHfJPrtp. 245 8outh llth "Street. " & vr?' Vv., , c r Mj ;'(s k - "t 'V . v 41 . 5'j - it r.- .V. - . v. , f.j. ir (- i . i?o - W4 mm