The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 31, 1905, Image 3
-J -r f r"'' 'JJW'u1l a .v'-S- - - ' ., rfw Hqmp&wxHm! rr ' M r I MMWUUttaMa.Mh ooooooooooooogoooooooooooo YOU RUN NO RISK! Whatever in buying a Watch hem Wo gnararitoo perfect sat isfaction' with whafovor watch' you buy of ub. and wei'vn Wn 4 bnsin088 loinr annntrh ifr nrnvn that we keep our promises. Wo know all about the watches wo sell, and sell thorn for just what they are. . Do vou need one for crnrlnn. ti'on? HALLETT Jeweler-Optician. 1143 0 Street. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOXXDOOOOOOO )OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC The Bride And the Piano You would bo surprised to know the June brides who are going to receive pianos. We frnow be cause we sold tho pianos but promised to keep the secret. We don't mind ollling tho names of the pianos: HEKRT F. MILLER, HAINES IROS.. COXOTER. CABLE.' KROEQER, MARSHALL & WENDELL Can you tliink of anything that would bo so acceptable to tho brido YOU have in mind? Confidential arrangements can bo made concerning payments. . i G.A.CRANGERCO.L1.3: Ve have alwayi been known as (ba STUDENTS' LAUNDRY., TUi cjuon w rv turahir wit Wtwr Mk tht Ttr. W want four iifnttti Ylltf BROS.' HAHD LAUKDRY We Sell DOLLARS FOR NrCKELS FRED A. POWELL fUnMlutn llf., 135 N 13tl Strut" ito 1202 Boll 147 SOUKUP & WOOD Ixpert Cleaners and Dyers 120 H Street LINCOLN. Nil Io't fca m itA one kwp roumlf looking Mt. Patronize lift Weber Suitorium Ountn if, Pmtlng, Dying t Rj IngfRtptltlng ni Kllttlnrol.Fin UotlKt Ultt. Aatoraatlc I70B Ml7 toOK WITH... , jf luDmLflTBDnNBDNS For Sale Only at Harley's tt&e Dnt Ip MaMUri MkUtaMliai! 'Bulletin .Cadets return from camp. Juna 5. Examinations begin. Juno 10. Annual commencement concert of the University School of Music. June 11. Baccalaureate sermon. Juntf 13. Class day. June 14. Alumni day. June 15. Thirty-third annual commencement. Juno 16. 'Annual summer sossion begins. Professor Brunor and M. H. Swenk leave today for the Black Hill for an entomological tour. M. H. Swink and H. S. Smith made a trip to Hickman yesterday on en tomological work. Professor Hodgman would like to get tho names of tho young people over the stato who are delinquent In their high school training. Mrs. 1. M Hodgmnn and Mrs. H B. Ward gave a musical Monday af ternoon at Fraternity Hall. Mrs. W O. Jones and Mr. Carl Stechelberg fur nlshed tho music. About 400 Unlver slty and city ladles- wero present. Campaign Hats at Armstrongs. r . , For Furs see Steele'. 143 g 12th St. 1 9 m The Co-op wants your second-hand books. .y Chris' Bath House, cornor Hth and P streotB. Lincoln Transfer Co. Phone 178. baggage. Campaign Hats Armstrongs. good grade 90c it tJnion Shining Parfors. Shlno, 6c. Chairs for ladies. 1018 O atreot. ' L. W. Pomerono, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. Do you havo some .old books you do not want? Take thorn to tho Co-op. Lincoln Local Express, -1030 N street. Both phones. Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's now restaurant, lly South 12th. Fresh home-made candies at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sta. Order commencement invltationa at the Co-op before Friday night. Secorfd hand books bought for cash or sold on commission at the Co-op. Erlo B. Woodward, M.. D., diseases of eye, oar and throat. 207-8 Rich ards Block. Phono 660. GREEN'S BARBER SHOPS Mogul, 1144 O Street. Palace, 109 No. 11th Stroet Now onen New Windsor nntnl osttn Restaurant and llinh onnnfnr far InitfAo and gentlemen'. Pbpulaf prlbeB. WOH mtit Drug Sfor, tfth and O. flebraeftan Fr at House Fur nitttr e Is Our Specialty S A ! We have just received a new line of Weathered Furniture. Also a full line of Carpets, Curtains and Draperies. See us. Hardy Furniture Co,, 11:24 O YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete suc cess without programs and monues. Get them printed at Griffln-Greer Printing Company, 1138 O Street. Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done i'i i NULL & MeGOY 1829 O Street See Yourself as Others See You TVHE Printed Stationery 70 w reflect your tatlacafl wdf mnt No Job Is too commoo tm be neatly done. Vlut fou WUt vrbca you want iU KING Sc JESSUP Th Iyv PrM Printer I2S-I27 N 12th St Pitts Dancing Academy 1189 H STRKET Oloaa Nighta Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Private Lessons by Appointment. Ebe fraternity uilMno Corner 13tb nd N Btreeta Faulkner St 8Iiarp, Prop. Sptclal RstM for Fratcrnitr PaCM. Tdphons: Automatic J 974, Bcil 974 RctUdTct, AtitoutAtic JS87, BU37 Colombia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capita $100,000.00 Welting and Addrtii Cant Program, luvltatfocM mi Corresporjdtc StMtiory GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS FrmtcnUty BuHdkf We also manufacturre Advtrtistog Buttons ad Hfartorf. refepbosMi A34ft U U'! l-'-!l-iJiJ-ii-JJI-J L Street. WATERMAN'S IDEAL PgR HARRY PORTER Sollfl nono but the gonuine, with tho incompai ablo : ; : Wedding InvltatiOHs ' ' ' ," i ii't and Announcements look ron mi stow 8h The ew Centiry Printers rt4HffTRBBT t i i t AUTO idia m k?. H- QILLESPIK W" Mo mo St people! H Are tho oiioh who load tho I world of tomorrow. Why H H not go hand in hand with H H tho loadors of today. Tho H H ono that will go in your H hand is h!!lcai WSlrwJ. GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and HuHdr Estimates fixrnislieA ne wwpltv catlon. Job rerk prwbptlyiitiwMWt to. 24 ftpmtb ieb. itiicoLli, mkb. ft :: 1 ' 1 n A -)J 1 V ki l 'i SiV''' -"" ''- eS A V tlV