The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 27, 1905, Image 2
mmmmr; 'sv ixv"r , WtiM-M '"-'VV "ZJ'tvir iiiii 1 1 ii. L I I'll, 1 1 I Jul A?r iwi2i.-iy - i 77 jO'"),Ji''j'VtM;ifj - -' I ' - -M 5 in v ' U, '- fy, ! , LIS It, ' , ' ' ! 1 V h tCbc all? neDra-ehan s. I. t ' i t ' Kf p. it i U f. It t' - i M : M ! f f J-lv r ft I'iT ' w M ,'i I - If w I V)l a A , 1 , 0 Ay - t ' the Daily Htbraskan A conHolIdntlon of The llpfiprrlnn, VoT31. The Ncbranknn, Vol. 10, Scnrlct and Crcnm, Vol. 4. rubllohnl dnlly, except Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlvcrnlty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Henperlan Publish ing Co. Board of Directors K. F. Plpor C. R. Richards H. P. Leavltt John Wcstovcr E. R. Walton, taken tho policy of tho principal or that that gentleman will, if the'eharges are true, finally come to see the matter In the right light and allow tho various branches of athletics to con tinue their rapid development uninterrupted. Klltor-ln-Chlcf - -Manager - - - -AsBintant Manager -Associato Editor - Circulator - - Fred A. Swcelcy A. a. Schrolber Fred Naughton - - A. M. Levy - - Walter E. Standevcn STAFF. Athletic ----- R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Athletic - - - H. I... Swan News H. O. Myers Editorial Rooms and Business Office U 21 & Post Office Station A, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone - - Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, $2 per year In advanco Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln. Neb., as Bccond-clnBS mall matter under tho act of congroSB of March 3, 1879. Individual notices will be charged for at tho rate of 10 cents for each Insertion. Fnculty departmental and university bull etins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. b Notices and subscriptions may O a be left at tho Dally Nebraskan X x office, or at tho Co-Op. Book U Editorial Remarks An encouraging feature of tho dress parade held on the campus after com petitive last evening was the number of students who roinovod their hats while tho band played our national hymn and in like manner saluted the Hag as iw passed. Tho Varsity track team left ester day for Sioux City to compete in a trl- 8chool of Superintendence. Tho manager of the summer session sent out circular letters yesterday atftg vertislng tho School of Superintend ence, which Is to be held in connection with the summer school. The sum mer session will begin on June 1G this year. Tho School of Superintendence Is rathor an Innovation in western summer schools. Tho first one ever offered by this University was held in connection with summer school last year and proved very successful. An excellent corps of instructors has been secured for this year and It promises! to be one of the best in the West. A well-balanced course in lectures, library reading, and round table con ferences under able superintendents has been planned. Dean Roscoe Pound will lecture on Nebraska school laws, dealing espe cially with those phases of the sub ject that concern tho problems to bo met and solved dally by the busy prin cipal and superintendent. The status of corporal punishment, tho authority of teacher over pupils on their way to and from school, tho power of Hoards of education In prescribing rules and courses of study, the decis ions of the State department of Super intendence, and many other questions of absorbing interest will bo discussed by Dean Pound. Superintendent W. M. Davidson of the Omaha schools will give a series of lectures on tho course of studj, including manual training. Superin tendent Fulnier of Beatrice will devote a week to the presentation of methods o. instruction. Dr. F. W. Sanders, principal of the Lincoln High School, will discuss promotions, gradation, classification, discipline, and other practical problems of vital Importance An effort is being made to secure educators from abroad to discuss quos tionH of supervision and admlnlstra lion. Additional lectures on kindred topics There are Many Imitations of I BaKers vocoa - and Baker's Chocolate Don't be misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's LookiuwTdoMik Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America fit mm i R S JfC'sH'1 For $25.00.... V """Y"p""pv 7JT "pp'"fp"pp We Wiyuild the Best Black Graduating Suit in the West LUDWIG'S 1 t K 1036 O STREETl X VvER'3r'YH Q X HiTi; H Q o Mmv X TOMMY, . THE CATERER. CXDCXX)OOCXXXXXXXXXXDOOQCXDC)0 H it H it it it it it it it it it n it it CO MItERBROS MGRflVIM COMPANY I BARlElzBlJa.i OMAFTZi f ))! ))Hi(iNH(H(( it--f to A A A A )k to A k tit it it H- it it it Jt Jt it H it a it it it it n t it it it it i fj r p jj trfl fififiyfyfi GO TO SIDLES meet with South Dakota-iJnlverslty and Mornlngsldo college While tho meet is held In foreign territory, wo may be npsured that tho Varsity will do their best to win it and It Ic probable that the score card will show a margin on tiie right side. Considerable excitement has been caused in Lincoln High School over a recent ruling of the principal of the Institution against athletics. Tho stu dents charge that the principal is at tempting to kill athletics out entirely and' thoy are ready to light it to a finish. Some of the prominent men in the high school are talking of calling n meeting of tho students to protest against tho action. Wo aincorely .hope thaUtho students will either And that they have mis- will be given by those who have the work In charge. Three things The White Duck Pants, tho regulation Panama Hat, the Blue Shirt. Think about them and of the excellent quality wo furnish. We look closely after military equipment, Palne's Clothing Store. i Mr. Worker You can make more money selling qur goods thali books, school supplies or anything elso. We haien't room here to show you why, but will tell you by mall If you send your address. Chase Brothors'. Com pany, Rochester, N. Y. $ Now open New Windsor Hotel cafe. Restaurant and luch counter for ladles' and gentlemen. Popular prices. The Up - to - Date Sporting Qoo-ds ? MarT,for Base Ball Supplies, and All " Athletic Goods : : : : : a II. E. SIDLES 1317 O Street, LINCOLN, NKll OOCXXXXXX)COCOOCOC)OCOCOCOO PHOTO Gallerv 8. E. Cor. 12th and P. IMiotogrniilia nt Cl'T IMtlt ES. If you are satisfied that's what you pay your money for. WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION for about half the price others ask for the same work. For instance 100.- little stamp pnoios an guaranteed perforat ed ready to tear apart, lick and stick, $25c. cocococxxxxococoococococoo PLAY BALL Wo are solo agents in Lincoln for the CELEBRATED D.&M. Baseball. Ath letic and Tennis Goods GIRAM CYCLE CO. 1304 0 Street Lincoln, Nel. v " -l-J I , i.i.ji.i, . ,. , ,., i,., im (i in ii i, g . i y, i ,.-' .'.cfcjb-iga .-ij4. .. ;,& '-i Lv ,-. J lWWW-WI I IIPIMIII,.,,