The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 27, 1905, Image 1
7 ZIbe IDatl IFlebraefcan ir-i , v J - Vol. IV, No. J 50 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1905. Price 5 Cents -, jt D COMPANY WINS OOOOCXXXXXXXXXXJOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ELECTTO SIGMA XI ANNUAL ELECTION HELD LA8T EVENING. A FAREWELL MEETING .) -3 w . f- A SECOND, C THIRD AND B IS FOURTH IN COMPETITIVE DRILL. Marks Were Very Close Inspectors Pleased With the Work of the Battalion. As a result or t he annunl competi tive drill yesterday. Company I) was awarded first place and will conse quently hold the Omaha" cup for the coming eai Company A won sec ond place, Compan C third and Com pany B fourth place. The competi tion was the closest ever held, the dif ference between the first and second places being only a fraction of a point and between the first and laBt place ten points. The following are the markings of each company, the per centage being computed on the basis of a possible '.500: D company, 2S2.G. A company, 281 .03. C company, 27T.S.". D company, 272. V,S. This victory makes the sixth time that D compnn has come off the field with first honors and gives her a start or two victories ahead of her nearest compeditor, H company The companj this year is commanded by Captain Hyde, with James McGeachin as first lieutenant and L. P. Stone second lieu tenant. As a result of the individual drill Sergeant Leslie M. Higgins of A com pany was awarded tne gold medal and Sergeant E. D. Skeen of 13 company won the silver medal. Private King of D compny won the admiration of the spectators by remaining in the drill to the last unci 'being taken out mere ly because of delay in properly adjust ing his cartridge box. Private Newell Barnes was awnrded a medal for the best artillery drill. The prizes were presented by Governor Mickey. A great deal of Interest and enthus iasm was manifest in the drill. The grandstand was completely filled with spectators, who were generous In their applause for each Company. A storm of applause greeted the de cision of the Judges, and. rush was njade for Captain Hyde, wlio was soundly tossed and triumphantly borne off the field on the shoulders of his rejoicing men. As soon as tho Arm ory was reached, uccordlng to the time honored -custom, the, whlto ducks of the victorious captain were torn Into shreds, each man of the company re ceiving n piece as n souvejiir of the memorial occasion, ' The judges, who wore Captain C. V. Castle, Thirtieth Infantry, U. S. A., and Second Lieutenant H. E. Lewis, Thirtieth Infantry, U. S. A., were sur prised and pleased at tho excellent: Thill put up by tho companies. The marks, they said, were extremely close, the surperlorlty of one company over another being 6nf in the matter of details. Captain Chase was espe cially proud-of the work of his cadets and" had no criticism whatever to . make of the drill. The' following are the winning com panies in former competitive drills slnceVl893: 1893 Co. B Capt. F. D. Enger 1894 Co. B Capt. J. D. Dixon Y. M. C. A. U. OF Y. V OOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXX)OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXX) ISO.') Co. n Capt. C. A Elliott 189(5 Co. I) Capt .1. C. Sedgwick 1897 Co. B Capt. 11. C. Saxton 1899 Co. B Capt. J. Stebbins 1900 Co. D Capt. F. H. Woodland 1901 Co. A Capt. A. K. Tukey 1902 Co. D Capt. A. K. Barnes 19o:: Co. D Capt. J. II. Fnrney 1904 Co. A Capt. K. D. Stanley Barbs Monday. The meeting of the Associated Barbs called for 1 p m esterdny had to be postponed on account of a lack of a quorum. Since their defeat at the bands of the frals in the Athletic Board flection the Interest in the or ganization seems to have fallen to low tide and now enthusiasm enough to gft a quorum out at the time of elec tion of officers can not be aroused. However, the offices do not seem to -lack--ftttplruntH nmPIt Is probable that the final attempt, which will be made Monday, will prove successful. Vacation Tuesday. A full diyy's vacation has been grant ed by the University authorities for Tuesday, May yo. The object of the vacation is to allow the students and professors to observe, Memorial Day. A Success The Y. W. C. A: girJs who served at Itiggs' yesterday realized a neat sum from it for the association The da's work netted about $20. The money w bo applied on the temple fund pledge made by the Y. W. C. A. A great many complaints have come from over the state to Professor Bes sey in regard-! o a yellow hop clover which is very common as a weed In alfalfa fields. Apparently the alfalfa seed sold in Nebraska has been adul terated with seeds of this little clover. Although harmless, it is practically worthless. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gago service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phono, 650.- Auto phone 1550. i . Second hand books bought for cash or sold on commission at tho Co-op. OCXDOOOCXX00000000X00 ENCAMPMENT HOP YORK, NEBRASKA. BOYERS' HALL, WED,, MAY 3 J 9 O'CLOCK SHARP O O I CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)0(XXXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOCXDOCXXXXXXX)000 N. W. C. A. SUNDAYS P. M. Medics Graduate. The annual commencement exer cises of the College of Medicine were held In Omaha Thursday evening. I'wenty seven voting men and one young woman received the doctor's degree. Chancellor Andrews presid ed over tho exercises and conferred the degiees. Dean Ward administer ed the Hlppocratlc oath. The graduation address was deliver ed by Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, clean of the College of Medicine of the I'nl erslty of Michigan. The subject of his address was "Some Medical I'rob- Wfius " A silver mounted medical case was presented by Dr Ward to Clinton .1 Miller, who won the crass honors The (fiffoid prize of ophthalmology was awarded to Franz Swoboda, Jr., Clin ton J. Miller, and Burton A. Adams, It being Impossible to distinguish be tween the work of the three. Honor able mention for scholarship was giv en to William H. Heine, Grundy E. Mc Donald, B.urton A. Adams and Charles R. Kennedy. Tho following received degrees: Burton A. Adams, William IL Anderson, Hoyo J. Arbo'gast, Milan D. Baker, Ernest S. Empey. Harry S. Garland. William H. Heine. Adolph II. Holm. Bert rand F Jeffers. Charles It Kennedy, Arthur E. Iane, , Edward S. Lauzer, Grundy E. McDonald, Claude W. Mason, Clinton J. Miller, George H. Morris, " George A. Morrison, - Hans C.Pedersen, Nina Polovoy, George B. Potter, Arthur C Rumery, Eldon J. Smith, Frnnz Swoboda, v C. I. Walnwright. Harrison A. Wigton, Arthur E. Markie, Joseph A. Kohout, Oliver W. Everett. U' About 1-5 of the Students In the In dustrial College Chosen Election Based Upon Meritorious Work. The annual Sigma XI election held last evening resulted In the choice of the following. Facultj Melvln Price. GraduatLH W. E. Allen, Esther P. Hensel, Homer L. Shantz, L. It. Sturdevant, II. S. Young, Senior Class P. L. Brockway, G. L. Fawce!t, .1. C. Stevens, W. L. Hartzell. Nelln Schleslnger, Luclan Sheldon, .1. B Glbbs. L. W. Turner. aIIIco Venters, Alumni L S. Storis It Is eii.stoniar to elect about one 'filth of the students In the Industrial College The standards used for mak ing the elections var with dlfferen' groupB. Tho election of Seniors I based upon promise of ability as shown by work already done. Tho election of the others Is based upon the merit of the work they have done In the past. TRACK TEAM LEAVES. Little Can Bo Learned of the Relative Strength of the Teams. Tho Varsity track team left 'last evening for Sioux City to enter tho trl-meet held with tho University of South Dakota and Morntngslde Col lege. Little can be learned of the relative strength of tho teams. Tho following are the men who made tho trip: Burruss, " - Manning, Wallace, Hagenslck, Hnuser, Martin, Weller, Morse, Havens, States, Penrod,- Meyer, Knode. Morgan, Peck. Professor Bessoy spent Thursday at Weeping Water, whore ho wont to deliver tho graduating address In con nection with tho high, school com mencement exercises, n tho forev noon he took a long botanizing tramp over tho hills with R. J. Pool of the University. He brought back a num ber of interesting specimens. . . Miss Alma Hoslc, nnd Mr. W. E. Ali len were t recently elected by tho Ne braska State Board of Education to positions on the tanclJng staff of the Kearney State Normal. Armstrong sells the Hats for camp. - 4 A ' N f fi&& -a- J?- - -' tiimmrmt i