ttbc Dads Hebraehan v i .1., tev y BUSINESS DIRECTORY it 4t Kvery loyal Calveraltjr 81lnt la anted to patronise these HebrMkMi H j t it I! AdTtrtUcn, and to mention the j t paper while doing: to. ::::::: f BARBER SHOPS. The Arlsto, Green Palaco and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, Girard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Bro-tftf Drug Co., Harry Portor. BOOK' HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKB Columbia National, First Na tional BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Bnsi ncfis College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER 3eo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug Store. CIGARS Fred A. Powell. Lindsay. CLBANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Mageo &. Deemer, Unland. CQAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White breast CONFECTI ONER Y Maxwell . DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOI-Pitts. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stciner. Woempener, Brown, Mann. Rector. Harley, Rlggs. DTY. GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- ' shelter. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo &. Guonzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steole. GROCERIES KeyBtone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. HAiiERDASHHRY $2. BO Hat Storo. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Llndcll. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flom- fng. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Mellcks. LUMBER Dlorka. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. PLUMBERS Pommerene. ' POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pott- ell. PRINTING George Bros., Now Cen tury. Ivy PrcBS, Rovlow Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Weaterfleld, Cam eron. Good Health. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. SU1TORIUM Weber, TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Kadia & Marx. TYPEWRITER Romlngton. TWt U 4U -kMp ytKl tooktn . ( Patronlxt Zbe Wibtr Suitorlum CUning, Prutlng, Dying, Replttaf ni R.llltJnr ol Fin OoUi. Ball 78 Aotomtl I708 COOK WITH... QAS 1 friW" EHuTuLATES BONBONS For Sale Only at Harley's Drug Store, 11th and O. "Bulletin TODAY. Brief and forensic for Rhetoric 14 due. May 24. Dramatic Club presents "The Shako spoare Water Cure" In Memorial Hall. May 25. Faculty vb. Commercial Club on campus. MAY 2. Ninth annual Pan-Hellenic dance at tho Auditorium. Freshmen-Sophomoreo Baseball. The Freshmen and Sophomores meet on the diamond this afternoon at 1 o'clock to decide who shall meet tho Juniors for the class champion ship. An admlsson charge of 10 cents will be made. Following is the line up: Sophomores Freshmen First Base. Robertson Fowler Second Base. Little ir Schulter Third Base. Lott Qmule Short Stop. Jones Callahan Loft Field. McDonald Johnson Right Field. Smith Carol Center Field. Kendall Currle Pitcher. Bowman Burrus Catcher. D'-iibIow ' Collins After filling out a lot of "vouchers" for University students, who are to take tho United States Civil Service examination. Professor Bessey re marks upon the fart that in every case he Is asked as to whether the applicant uses tobacco. He ronrluder. that if a young fellow, who wishes to enter the Civil Servlco wants to smoke or chew tobacco it will bo better for him to defer doing so until after he gets into service. The Inquiry Is al ways coupled with one in regard to intoxicating HquorB. Evidently Uncle Sam prefers to have his employees free from the habit of drinking and smoking. "Put that in your pipe and smoke It." Friends and members of the Ep worth League in Denver, who former ly lived In Kansas or Nebraska, have formed a Kansas-Nebraska Club. Visi tors from these slates to tho Interna tional Epworth League convention, July 5-9, will be cordially welcomed at the club's headquarters. Grace M E. church, So. 14th street and West 13th avenue. Dr. G. E. Condru, of the Department of Geology, Is making an extended tour studying tho geological structure of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and In dian Territory. He has been gone about ten days and expects to return the latter part of this week. Tho geological ( report on Cass coun ty, gotten out by E. G. Woodruff, was placed in the hands of the State Printing Board Monday for publication In tho report of the State geological survey. . Drop into our now Btore and get a pair of our new low tan button shoes. They aro beauties. Sandersons. HIGH GRADE jKoceu The Bookcase for the Home The.Macey Sectional Bookcase is mechanically correct and artistically perfect. The very best and latest structural features arc combined with that high standard of quality, artistic nicety of finish, design and scrupulous attention to details, for which all Macey goods are justly famed. Catalog for the asking. Full line on exhibition at THE A. M. DAUIS COMPANY. Crescent Bowling Alleys 11W N AGENT8 WANTED for THE MORTON HISTORY. This publication, which has been in course of preparation for seven years Is about to be Issued. The first vol ume is now on the press, and the sec ond volume Is In type, while the edi tors are engaged In preparing copy for a third volume. Agents aro wanted for this History In every county In Nebraska to gather data, make de liveries and collect. This will afford pleasant and profitable employment for tho summer months. For particu lars uddreBB Box 1210, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Ready for Business. The cafe and lunch counter recent ly opened by the New Windsor Hotel is one of the finest In tho city. The entire hotel haB been refitted and re modelled and the cafe has not been forgotten. Entire now furnishings have boon Installed and no palnB have been spared to have everything tho very best. Tho decorations aro In red and black and are very pretty. The servlco Is prompt and the quality and price of food Bcrved leaves nothing to be desired. The location of the New Windsor Cafe makes it especially attractive to University students and many may bo found there nearly any time of day. Tho now pool rooms which were fitted with now Brims-wlcko-Collondar tables and opera chairs is also attracting not a little at tention. TOURIST CAR8 POPULAR. Tho idea that an inferior class of peqple patronlzo tho tourfst sleepers 1b an error. On many trips only tho best class of travelers are found. Thoy are merely men and women of good sonso who would rather travel tor Cali fornia in this manner and Bave a" snug sum of money to bo used elsewhere. It is beginning to be understood that it is by no means necessary for tho traveler to spend a largo sum of money in order to enjoy a trip to the Pacific Coast If you cross tho continent in ono of the tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific you will enjoy your trip and save considerable money. Inquire of E. B. SIobsqb, Gen'l Agent. sSechoiml Bookcotse STREET Pr cvpssspr sF ejssr p ' rr r GO TO SIDLES The Up - to - Date " Sporting Goods Man, for Base Ball " Supplies, and All Athletic Qoods : : : : : j II. E. SIDLES 1317 -d Htreet, LINCOLN, NI2II. t a a a yt w w COCXXXX)COOOOCOCXX30000COOO Favorite PHOTO Gallery 8. E. Cor. 12th and P. Photographs at CUT PltlCKM. If you are satisfied that's what you pay your money for. WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION for about half the price others ask for the same work. For Instance 100 little stamp photos all guaranteed perforat ed ready to tear apart, 1lck and stick, $25c. YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS . are not a complete suc cess without programs and; menues. Get them printed. at 0 , Grlffin-Greer Printing Company; 1136 O Street. E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A.A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Llnooln 1 1 i Columbia National R ! OF LINCOLN, OailK i NEBRASKA apiui, $ joo,ooo.oo A - ? f "si V . 2&m-&i-. a