The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1905, Image 4
? , ifr"',?2cc: WMMMMMMMHl y'i' wmri'i wniiii' TO'imniM ,, ttbe 5) a i I Tiebraeftan "T's VW v fiffcJ crvJ v(v) CjDlJ &CL kftJ ALDORF ARROW QUARTKK SIZE COLLARS Ar made of fabrics Hlirunk lirlort: bcintt cut liy llio ( lupcio process. Tliis in sures iM'rtn.inrnt ntid exnet hic Over 100 styles. 1.5 c each; 2 for 25c CI l'I'-TT l'hAnODV&CO. Lnrk'est mnkcrs of C ollars & blilris iu the world wwwwww Sam Westerfield Proprtotor of Sam's Cafe LttIo Qom Hot (VrtflloH nndFlnu .,, MoivIh and LunoheB I 17-12 I North 13 Strtet CbarhsB. Gregory ( v. ot n. f9i ) ?flyfion4 848 !?. the Coal Wan , ,rU 329 NO. 1044 O STREET 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcsiqihs oopyriqhts ac. Anyone. Bonding a skotoh and description ninj luloklr naooclnlu our opinion rroo wtiothor ou nvantlon Is probnblr pntntnl)lo. ComiuanlcA- tkros strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Pntonts sout froo. O dest airenor for soonrlnn Dnlontn I'otouts takqn throURli Munu 4 Oo. rocelvc tpeciol notice, without otinrgo, ra tho Scientific American. A bnnclsomoly Illustrated wookljr. I.nrxoflt clr culiitlon of uny solentlUo Journal. Terms, $3 a 9ar; loiirtnoniiis, i. hoiq uynii newsiioniors. INN &Co.301Brod. New York Branch Oflloo, 625 V BU. Wanhlnaton. I). C. Includes In the New ,dltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. HARUI8, Ph.D , LLD., U. 6. Commissioner of lilucutlon. 3380 Quarto Page. 5000 Illustrations. Wr rUtx. Mch ninding. AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with ltUp&fM. 100 Illiuuatioui. Hk . 7il0xlHu. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luae IViutaa from mat plate at regular edWon. It tut limp eoYer,aud round corners. BIm i (8il FREE, "A Teat lo Pronunciation," UMtmai 'ekixl vntertalnlof. jUao UhutraUd pampbleta. G. O C. ME.kaiAM CO. Publlahers, Sprlngflld, Mass. Ijjrnjra Hoar Re-elected. "Millie" Ilniir wan ro-rlcctod captain of the ljMfkcthall team for the mining season at the meeting of the Athletic Mo.inl Monday nlht. Hour's pro fluency ji capacity during the hi anon just past made IiIh second can Udacy easily successful Omaha High School Alumni. The Alumni Association of the Oma hi hlnh M'lioc I will hold its annual banquet Monday, June 19, ut the Mil lard hotel, Omahu. All graduates of the HlKh school who are ut present In the Unhurslt are urged to he present and procure their tickets early. The price will ho $1 25 per plate, and tickets tnuy he secured of A G. Schreiher Milan Rudersdorf, u student in the German Department, who has con tributed a considerable number of drawings to the Sombrero, has design ed u very tasty inclosure for the Sehilli r Linde recently planted on the campus The Inclosure is to be made of wrought Iron with a large brass de dlcutory plate on which an inscription will be engraved. Professor Fossler will deliver Com mencement addresses at Dunbar on May 29, York on June 3 and Wilbur on June 9. He will also speak at the Teachers' convention of Seward coun ty at Seward on June 13. The Co-op wants your second-hand books. Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P streets. Lincoln Transfer Co., baggage. Phono 176. L. W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. Lincoln Local ExproBS, 103D N street. Both phones. Second hand books bought for cash or sold on commission at the Co-op. Do you have some old books you do not want? Take them to the Co-op. Tote your old books to the Co-op. They will buy them or sell them for you. Drop into Sanderson's and take a look at those swell new shoes. They are beauties. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reaaonablo, 1136 O atreet. Both phones. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat.. 207-8 Rich ards Block. Phono 666. Porbos' Stables, livery, cab and bag gago Borvlco, 1125-31 P street. Bell phono, 550. Auto phono 1550. Now open New Windsor hotel cafo. Restaurant" and luch counter for ladles' and gentlemen. Popular prices. GREEN'S BARBER SHOPS Mogul, 1144 O Stroot. Palace, 109 No. 11th Street. TOURIST CAR8 POPULAR. The Idea that an Inferior claae of people patronize the tourist Bloopers 1b an error. On many trips only tho best class of travolors are found. They are merely men and women of good sense who would rathor travel to Cali fornia in this manner and save a enug sum of money to bo used elsowhero. It is beginning to ho understood that it is by no means necessary for the traveler to spend a largo sum of money in orcjor to enjoy a trip to the Pacific Coast. If you cross tho continent In ono of tho tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific you will enjoy your trip and save considerable money. Inquire of E. B. Slosson, Gen'l Agent. j r MAIN THOROUGHFARE 7 TO THE Lewis & Clark f U Exposition. Portland. Oregon, B H JINK 1 to (KTOIIKU in, H)0.r, H I UNION PACIFIC I U This historical route, traversing the L K heart of the great Northwest with Its m boundless resources, gives you 200 m miles aloni: the matchless Columbia " M Hiver and a trip to I Portland and the Northwest 1 m and a chance to visit H I YELLOWSTONE PARK 1 Jl'IVIC 1 (o HKI'TKMIIICH ll M My side trip from Pocatello or Ogden m L through Monida. J E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent y $18-85 WMW&SZ- $18-85 The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 21st to many points In Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good (or 21 days. This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Pert Arthur, and Is much less than one way faro. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaohe and the best of everything. Li CITY TICKET OFFICE S. W. Corner J2th And F. D. CORNELL, P. Protected by Tho flrat railway in America to adopt tho absolute Block SyHtoui in tho operation f all trains was tho Chicago, Milwaukee Railway It to-day has more mllea of road operated under block signal rule than any othor" railway company. The St. Paul Road was the first railway to light its trains by oleotricity, and it now has more than 400 electric-lighted passenger cars in daily sorvioo. Throe trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago, ovory duy. For time table, special rate writo F. A. NASH, Qenaral West era A gout, 14 Vmm Street, omaiia, iran. GET ACQUAINTED With the quality, tyle ttud prices of the -vrork done by tue .REVIEW PRESS, PRINTERS.. 141 North lSttli Street Fresh home-made candles at Max well's, 142G O St. and 13th and N Sts. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. 0 Streets 8 T. A. Block Signals & St. Paul n FIRST NATIONAL BANK UNITED 8TATE8 DEPOSITORY, of Lincoln, Neb. Capital $300,000.1)0 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided Profits.. 40,000.00 S. II. Burnham, Pres. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President H. S. Froeman, Cashier. II. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. , Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. P. R. Bastorday, Auditor. IV, it . BBOTWtriyi mimt -" A4