The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1905, Image 3
"'M VW' Jf- -. 'J . - ttbe fi. a i I p TUbraeftan Wfl .-' V li V tv ( y BUSINESS DIRECTORY WX Me. Kvorjr loyal Unlveraltr Btndont la urged to patronise theto Kebrnsknn Advertiser, nnd to mention the T paper while doing so. ::::::: S BARBlSR SHOPS. Tho Arlato, Green's Palace and Mogul. BICY0XES-ATHLET1C GOODS Si dlcs.'Glrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK; HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKB Columbia National, First Na tional BOOfaLING ALLEY Crescent BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Busl 't&ss College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy ? at'Rlggfl' Drug C Store. CIGARS Fred A. Powell. Lindsay. GLBANER8 AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Magoo & "Deemer, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, Whlte "heeast. COJETEDCTIONERY Marwell. DANtDTftG HALL Fraternity Hall. DANChfG SCHOOL Pitts. DISEASES OP-EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard: :Vir ' DRUGGISTS Stelner. Woempener, Brown, Mann. Rector. Harley, Rigga. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- sheljner. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzol, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRTER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. 'JAtfERDASHHRY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Gnenzel, F. Ev Lahr. HOTELS Lindoll. jfEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flom- fng. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Mollcks. LUMBER Dlerks. - NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay don. Kennedy. PLUMBERS Pommerene. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., Now Cen tury, Ivy Press, Roviow Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS WesterQeld, Cam eron. Good "Health. SHOES Sanderson. 8HOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. SHINING PARLOR -Union Shining Parlor. v J SUITORIUM Weber, TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. Dao't U UtA ob-kp rwimlf Uakfa mU Patronize the Weber Suitorlum OmoIiup. Pmilng . Djrlnr, RcptIng fac&otiu. KsUtttng ! VU feftll73 Automatic I70S COOK WITH... 1 vJ l S GH0E0LATE5 d For Sale Only at Harley's Bulletin TODAY. Sombrero day. School of Music recital, Memorial Hall, 8 p. m. May 19. Senior May day outing. Annual Pan-Hellenic dance, May 19. Auditftrium. ( May 20. Glee Club rehearsal, Chapel, 7:30. Colorado-Nebraska track meet on the State Fair grounds. May 21. Hon. George W. Berge, on "Citizen ship.' Special music, MIsb Maud Kendall. Art Hall, 3 p. m. May 23. Brief and forensic for Rhetoric 14 due. May 25. ' Commercial Faculty campus. vs. Club on MAY 26. Ninth annual Pan-Hellenic danco at the Auditorium. Gleo Club rehearsal Saturday even ing at 7. Full attendance Imperative. Tho University chorus and orchestra will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday Instead of 5 p. m. in tho Art Hall. Tho Junior and Senior baseball teams wll contest for honors on tho diamond this afternoon at 1 p. m. innocents. InnocentB initiate tonight sharp at LIndell hotel. at 8 8cnlors. Class meeting at 11 this morning in Chom. lecture room. Important. No Drill Today. There will bo no drill this afternoon. Dress parade will be givpn Friday af ternoon as a part of the High School Fete Day program. Notice. All applications for basoball, basket ball, and track managers must bo In tho hands of the Secretary of tho Ath letic Board, Dr. Clapp, within two weeks. LOST A ring with 10 Yalo lock keys about April 12. Finder return to Nebraskan office and receive re ward. ;WiiM.ti?'toA4i :VM. ClWSUcif iBnirifl. ChtMlclli Mala ;Uotis nd Shullin, Fltld Gliiui. PnUelloi :DDirHni. rboIo-Hlcra Cinant ara tud a MklMdlUb- eritorln iod sew ii uirniHH mu im world lillHsltmBM lin fjajiscli OTT Opt Co. ivuiiibstwi, ,n. 1. fcwYctk Chicago .Boatoa Frankfort. GV J -HnN Drug store, 11th and O. Magee & A GREAT DISPLAY OF TWO-Plttf D01IBE BREASTED SUITS FOR SLIMMER WEAR . . f Ae warm weather comes on the Double-breasted half-lined Coat with Trousers cut full will be the most stylish as well aa tho most comfortable garments fdr young men. We have made extensive prepara tion with a very comprehensive dis play of grays blues and mixtures, rep resenting the best fitting garments made because they're the well known Kensington $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $22.50. Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N Debating 8quad. All members of the Intercollegiate Debate Squad are requested to bring their blbllographles'Ho a short confer ence at 11 o'clock today (Thursday), at University Hall 311. M. M. FOGG. 8ombrero 8ale. All Juniors who havo pledged them Bclves to taku ono or more books will got books at Library table so that plocpos mav be chocked off. Thoro will be ono table in tho Lib rary and ono in U Hall from 11 a. m. till 5:30 p. m. today. Ono table wll bo In Mechanic Arts for Engineers from.J0:30 to 12:30 16 day. Library table will bo in service on Friday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. for tho benefit of tho high school visitors. Professor BoBsey surprised his class In General Botany yesterday by dis tributing a couple of boxes of straw berries to Berve as illustrations of his looturo on tho structure of tho straw berry fruit. The students learned that tho strawberry is not a "berry" at all, but tho thickened pulpy end of tho flower stem, while thp so-called 'seeds" are in realty small fruits com parable to minute cherries. TO CALIFORNIA. Through Echo, Weber and Ogden Canons, bristling with marvelous scenes of western grandeur, across Kreat Salt Lake, down the Humboldt Valley and over the wondrously beau tiful Sierra Novadas, via Union Pa cific every day on "The Overland Lim ited," electric lighted. The finest train across the American continent. In quire of B. B. SLOSSON, i - General Agent t Oyster stew 25 conjs at Cameron's new restaurant, llu South 12th. Union Shilling Parlors, Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladiea. 1018 O street. t i Deemer $20.00 STREET it it GO TO SIDLES it n it if it it it it n it it it it it it it it n it H Jt n u u it it it The Up - to - Date Sporting Q o o d s Man, for Base Ball Supplies, and All Athletic Goods : : : : : II. I. SIDLES t 1317 O Street, LINCOLN, ttKK. it f t fa ito5t fa fafat fLr rf Lt THE WALKOVER SHOE Ii the best ehos for dua's feet OwUuck strictly vp-to-bte. Qui tad Uk m how them. i flowers & Perkins J ft- . r.. tQoooooooooooooqoooMMooi T CoJmfeia Natipn41 Uank &. .NEBRASKA SI1 1 IsPuticuUr About Hit Shoes 2 apiuL $100,00000 3. t: ' 1 - ii ' '& ,M m i u?- r it- . jT f -v . v -, ' r r . - Jfr '. $($&& ". ! ''r v'M!.J titf ahtism viex