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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
,w 'V' ''. A. "J -: - - 7? ' tr " 3 ttbe Dail? U t r a 0 ft a n i i I K! & M- i u n w H. u tf ;f ii iy P L k'- t it ( RV i B-, Ce f7p lltbraskan A conHolldatlon of Tho HcBporlan, Vol 31, Tho Nobmflkan, Vol. 10, Scnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. s Board of Directors E. F. Plpor C. R. Richards H. P. Lcavltt John Wostovor . IS. R. Walton, Edltor-lnChlof - - - Fred A. Swecloy ManaRof A. Q. Bchrolbor Assistant Manager - - Fred Naughton Asaodato Editor - - - - A. f. Letvy ClrcubAtor - - - Waltor E. Btandoven STAFF. Athletic - - - - i R. A. Van Orsdol Assistant Athlotlc - - - H. L.. Swap News H. O. Myers Editorial Rooms and Business Omco U 21 Post Omco Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Nobraskn's lnvitod guests. The high bcIiooIb In tho Btate, tho best of whose representatveB will be hero tomorrow, are tho great source of supply whence tho University draws Its attendance, and a cordial, hearty recoptlon accord od them will Influence groat numbers of the visitors to Bhapo their future educational course Llncolnward. A half-hearted welcome will, prove very detrimental. In many ways High School Fete Day Is of tho groatest significance In tho University calendar, in that It Is the one day when tho University Js brought Into direct contact with the other educational Interests of tho state. Whether or not this direct contact results to our advantage rests, solely with ua. Let the high school people bo given a Cornhuaker welcome. Telephone -Night Telephono Automatlo 1528 Automatic 2366 Subscription Prlco, $2 per yoar In advance Entorod at tho postofneo at Lincoln, Nob., ob second-class mall matter under tho act of congress of March 3, 1879. Individual notices will be clmrged for at tho rato of 10 cents for each Insortlon. Faculty departmental and university bull UnB will gladly bo published "free, as horotoforo. Natlces and subscriptions may be left at tho Dally Nebraskan office, or at tho Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks Why Not Combine? Now that both tho Senior and Junior annualB havo appoarod and satisfied or disappointed, us tho case may havo boon, it 1b moro apparent than over that tho two ahould bo combined Into ono annual publication. If tho tlmo, monoy and brains oxpcndod on tho two books had boon combined Into ono effort would havo boon a book equal 8ophs at Convocation. Yesterday was Sophomore day at Convocation. The Class of '07 gave a very unique program before a house, In which there was no standing room to spare. Tho program opened with a reading by Miss Nellie Smoyer. The program proper consisted of a Beries of lantern slido pictures, showing por traits of tho prominent members of the Sophomore class, and of the victorious '07 football .find basketball teams and Illustrations representing tho famous and Infamous events In the career of tho Sophs. Conspicuous among tho latter were caracatures, relating to the recent attompt of the Freshmen to wear tho forbidden caps. Mr. Clarence Johnson, as speaker, explained the slides. A constantly recurring incident which caused much mirth among the audience was the appearance of the slides upside down and wrong side out. These occur rences, together with tho appearance of pictures not particularly compli mentary, to tho other classes, was tho cause of much applause, hissing and frequent Interruptions on tho part of the listeners. The program was something now in tho lino of Convocation exercises and aside from tho few annoying de tails mentioned, was very successful. Tho last meeting of tho Graduate Club was held on Friday, May 12, at The Aluminum Grey Hats Are selling to the "right" kind of fellows They are very new and nobby All $2.50. , BUDD, $2.50 HATTER, 1141 to or surpassing any similar college publication. One-, that would bo a Btrong advertisement for tho Univers ity wherever it might bo read. Tho namo of tho combined product ought to bo "Tho CornhuBkor." This name Bands for Nebraska and. Nebraska's achievements In tho college world, while tho namo "Sombrero" savors a trifle too much of tho wild and wooly stage long since passed by Nebraska. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate VH JPcsiBD Jv N(nl Ml ' k Jl .m i i r i. a 'hiuum r7mZ ts7 ! Don't be misled by them J Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. ynderlJie decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is cn- pitied to be sold as "Baker's LookkciUiTtadMtik Cocoa or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free.' Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America E. E. MANN Carries a foil line of A.A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eloventh Lincoln STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. XThoIcuU tU RrtM "..-., DRUGGISTS AMtaautte Phon. 1707 1144 O 8ttMt UNCOm, NEB. The meetings of the club this year have been vory well attended, about 100 being present at the last meeting. Nebraska, Host. Tomorrow representatives from high Bchools all ovor tho state will be here as our Invited guests. Nebraska on her every-day -behavior Is quite good enough" for anyone and anything, but In our every day behavior wo are apt to "become self-centered. " Tomorrow le't ub put on our "party" manners, for got ourselves and treat the sometime university students In a mannor fitting tho residence of Mr. A. J. Sawyer, 1718 F street. Soveral papers were read. Mr. F. D. Parker road a paper on "The Now Zoology," W. H. Hilton contributed a paper on "The Psych ology of Religion," and Miss Hunter road a paper on "Child Study In tho Roman Poets." Soveral musical selec tions also furnished entertainment for those present. Refreshments were served. Tho annual election of officers held at the regular buslnoss meeting on that evening resulted In the election of the following for the coming year: Presi dent, E. H. WilllBford; secretary, Miss Sophia D. Kiessolbach; and treasurer, L. E. Aylsworth. For tho first time for several years the report of the treasurer showed a good balance on hand. This Is largely due to tho efficient work of Mr. C. C. Engborg, tho retiring treasurer. Hawkeye Club. The Hawkeye picnic will bo held Saturday at 3 p. m. at the residence of Professor Bruner, 2314 South Seven teenth street. Tho Hawkeye Club Is composed of students in the University from the state of -Iowa, and it Is ex pected that a largo delegation of tho Btudents from the Hawkeye Btate will attend the picnic to be held Saturday afternoon. r I JJa J Jj f j f wfvl ''PP'p'nPp? K it it it it Called Off. The"" tennis match which was sched uled with Minnesota in Minneapolis Saturday morning, has been called off by Minnesota. Tho team to represent Nebraska was to have been chosen this morning. Scribner and Cassady were the most likely men. Efforts will bo made to arrange another match later. it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it n it it it it it it &$&'&? BAKER BROS MGRAVMG COMPANY it it it it it it u H 7SAPlERBLeii OMAWA 4- p " m r -m ill . S it it it it it it it ifr it it it it it it e it it it- it it it it it it ifr it it it it it it it t PT''TTf v p f j "" "Prrjr PJUY BALL Have your class picture framed at the Lincoln Book Store. The price is right The moulding Is right, and the workmanship is right. P Vs y Quality. This is a Quality Drtg Store with the emphasis on 'quality RIGGS, Drug Cutter I3l O Street We aro sole agents in Lincoln for the CELEBRATED ., D.&M. Baseball, Ath letic and Tennis Goods OIRARD CYCLE CO. 1304 0 StFeet ' 'iJiHcofQNeb. J - - b. r v ' '1 'X ' T w.C r " .:-"- -- V- A-. '1 r"fr . r r 1- '' -A