- . l i, i'.i ' ZIbe Bailv IRebraefcan Vol.IV,r. H2 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY J7, 1905. Price 5 Centf MOT TO SNEAK? OVER 100 8PENT THE DAY AT MILFORD. IN BLACK MASQUE THIRTEEN MEMBER8 ELECTED FROM THE JUNIOR CLA88. BAND INFORMAL i i Enjoyable Time 8pent in Outdoor 8ports Impromptu Program Fill Up the Afternoon. Fearing that tho rain, which has been threatening for tho past two wooka might not In before Friday and spoil their annual May outing, tho Seniors doclded, on very short no tice, to call tho date off. Yesterday morning they betook themselves quiot ly to the woods at Milford and enjoy ed themaelvod in the good old fashion ed way. When the special of throe cars lefl. the Burlington station at 7:60 yester day morning 101 members of the Senior class wore abroad dressed for fun and loaded with baseball bate, gloves, and. everything else conducive to a rollicking good time. Checker boards, ping pong and tlddlo-dp-wlnke wore rologated to tho far distant rear. The morning was spent In working up an appetite by means of woodland strolls, baseball, races, etc., until everyone was ready to do fuU Justice to tho bountiful lunch provided by the committee on arrangements- Occas ional flurries of rain prevented tho Seniors froni leaving BhqUer after lunch and an impromptu program was resorted to, tho band, Mr. and Mrs. Clark and varlouB. prominent Seniors taking part. Thoso in charge of the Old Soldiers' Homo at Milford, and tho veterans themselves treated tho students in a most hospitable manner. Tho special returned to Lincoln at 5:30 yester day evening" and headed by tholr band, the .Seniors marchel to tho campus, mooting at the entrance Chancellor Andrews who smilingly expressed his satisfaction at the "new addition to tho ranks of tho Salvation Army. After a few University and clasB fyells, and cheors for the favorite pro- ' fessors of tho class, among whom was Dr. Luckey, tho merrymakers dispers ed, after what everybody expressed as a most delightful "sneak." Tfie commJtteei composed of Messrs. Hoar .and Stephens, and Misses, Jansa, Wilson and Jones, aro to be congratu lated unon the perfection of detail with wlilch tho affair was conducted. Hard at Work. Tho track men are fast rounding in to shapo for the moot with Colorado Saturday. Every evening Dr. Clapp and his followers may be seen on tho athlotic field doing faithful work. Manning and Fonlon have been out practicing for the sprints and both are doing" well. Fenlon Jias4 loosened up his baseball muscles and seems to bo able to covfjr the. ground at a rapid rate. Tho class meet, which was to be held Saturday will not be held until May 25 or 26. Colorado will como down with tho Intentions of carrying victory back to the mountain tops, but from tho present Indications they will lnyvoTo go sonie. Drop Into Sanderson's and take a look at those swell new shoes. They are beauties. Saturday Evening, May 20 Armory Hall Tickets 50 Cents. "Profs" Prospects. Prof. Caldwell's "colts" are continu ing to keep up tile good work, and are last adding proficiency to their mode of handling tho wagon-tonguo and sphere. If tho Commercial Club getB a look In on tho twenty-fifth they will have to wear their' batting clothes, and bring along the big gloves. The faculty have decided that they will uso the bat as a "Iofter" In the game and lo.t every ball over the fence for a home run. Condra was out warming up yesterday and giving Dr. ClementB a chance to show what he could do with tho padded mlt. All are work ing hard for this game. Candidates Withdraw. To tho Editor of The Nebraskan : Please announce that I am not a candidate for Btudent membership on the proposed Board of Publication. .1 do not feel thatho, jnove is authorized or that It Is in tho Interest of the stu dent body. JOHN WESTOVER. On account of a' imrstmder8tandln& regarding the condition of affairs existing between the Board of Reg ents, The Dally Nebraskan, and tho Btudent body, I hereby withdraw my name as a candidate for a member of tho Student Publication Hoard. (Signed.) C. A. SUNDERLIN.' Pedagogical Club. Tho last meeting of the University Pedagogical Club for tho school year will bo held In Room IOC University Hall, Thursday evening, May 18, at 8 o'clock. Tho program will consist of short addresses by the president of the Club and members of the Univers ity facultyr A cordial invitation is ex tended to all persons Interested. Tho University Y. M. C. A. member ship committee consisting of M. A. Benedict, F. M. Hunter, D. A. Kerr, Fred Haggart, Stanley KroJIcek, B. E. Yoder, W. Klewlt, Fred Burr, R. H. Flndloy, B. K. Eaton, J. E. Bednar, J. H. Miller and P. F. O'Qara will meet In the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 7:30 this evening. CHAIRMAN. mmmmiitiimmc3tMmcm3KiJi8mtimKmcifcHi it it it n n n a it it a it a it it it it it it it Sombrero Out Thursday Per Copy y y y y y y y y y y y Dancing at 8:3o High School Day Friday. The work In preparation for High school day, which occurs this year on next Friday, Is about completed. Tho posters advertising tho athletic moot on the campus and tho interscholastlc debate, to bo held in tho ovonlng In tho Memorial Hall, aro out and tho programs for tho day wore placed in tho hands of the printer some time ago. University students wearing badges with tho legend "University of Nebraska" will meet all trains and escort all parties to tho University. The University guides will show tho visiting students about the campus, buildings and laboratories. The exer cises of" welcome will be held in Mem orial Hall at 1J. a. m. Tho athletic meet and dress parade by the Univers ity Battalion will take place In the afternoon and the Interscholastlc de bate will be held in Memorial Hall In the evening. Tickets for the debate may be obtained at the Registrar's df flce. Four high schools have, thus far, In dica.t94j.helr intention of sending rep resentativeald' participate In the field meet. It Is expected that several more will be added to this list. The schools which have Indicated their In tention of sending representatives aro Havelock, York, Beatrice and Hum boldt. Omaha and Lincoln are bared from participation In tho field meet. It la expected that about six schools will send representatives who will at tempt to carry off the honors In the interscholastlc debate. It Is probable that Lincoln, Omaha, Beatrice, Fair bury, York, and Crete will bo repre sented. The debate promises to bo this year, as usual, a close and excit ing contest. The annual reception of the Medical Society held In Art Hall May 12 mark ed, tho close of the meetings of that society for this year. The meetings of tho society have been quite well at tended by the students in the Medical School and all feel greatly benefited by them. For Fura aeo Steele, 143 S 12th St. icjnimtcKictcntti4cjiijttc(jc3t3ic)icjiicit $1.50 i y ytpipiHy y y y y itt)ty )iii)ci(iiiiiiiti)ii The Society Was Organized by Girts In Present Senior Class First Eleclon to the Society. Tho Society of the Black Masque has announced the newly elected mem bers from tho girls of tho Junior class as follows: Pearl Archibald, Lillian Bonnett, Jane Blanchard, Ena Brach, Jane Bunt, Martha Cllne, Norah Davis, GladyB Hargreaves, Kate Heacock, Loah Meyer, Grace Roper, Ruth Thompson, Graco Trigg. Tho Black Masque Was organized by tho girls In the present Senior class, being fourteen chartor members. This Is the first election to this so ciety. The Black Masque will hold Its Initiation and banquet at tho Lin dell on Tuesday, May 23. Freshmen Meet. The Freshmen hold a. footing In Memorial Hall yesterday at chapel time. Just what tho purpose of tho meeting was, or Just what business was transacted seems to bo somewhat of a mystery to those who wore not present. Even tho "Sophs" aro com pelled to "wait and wonder." Though there wore no caps In sight (somo claim that there wero a few out of sight) the "Freshlos" tried to croato a little Bensatlon and rushed out of tho hall swinging their hats and yell ing, but tho Sophomores were not on hand "to enjoy the fun." Unions at Wesleyan. A crowd of Unions boarded the 7:20 car for Wesloyan last Friday night, whero they wero the guests of tho Senior Theophanlans. After a short literary and musical program given by the visiting society, tho meeting was adjourned for a social time. Early In tho evening tho regular business meeting of tho -Thoopranlons 8ocloty waa announced and an Invita tion given to tho visitors to remain. This business meeting proved to bo one of the 'Senior May Outing" type, and whether tho Theopanians got tho Idea from our Seniors or vice versa s disputed. In this business mooting everybody took part and with few exceptions an equal part. Tho man ner In which both now and unfinished business was dispensed wlh though In a cold manner was surprising, and some comrootionB, but no lost motions. Every motion had liberal support and waa Immediately followed by a sec ond, third and fourth. After all tho Ice was gone and cakes were no more a motion to adjourn waa unanimously carried. The Theophanlans pay ttie Unions a return visit In Union Hall next Saturday night, May 20, Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's now restaurant, 11a South 12thu I 1 - ft 'i V u