, ,'jl' ,'-" rutiw-jy s. ft t ,.- j 1 r'r,, '", '' """WW'S ru '' . ... '.r'trmto? -M'lU'iWS r ?V .1 fmmfr1 1 J tlfoe H a 1 1 1? Tlcbrnefian f :. K I W Ce Dap Debraskan A oonnolldntlon of The Hypericin, Vol 31, Tho NebriiBknn. Vol. 10, Hcnrlet and Croiirn, Vol, 4. Publtnhrd dnlly. except Sunday and Monday, at tlio University of Ncbninkn, Lincoln, Nl., by tho )Iupcrlnn Publish ing Co. Board of Directors lj7 V. riper C. R. nicliardB H. P. Lcaltt John Wcstovcr K. II. Walton, that Is, an Interlinear translation, In preparing a lesson? If your accidentally saw j)n your negllibor's examination pqpef one point which would enable you to solve n whole problem, would you uhg It? Would you allow n person to have an ungrounded good opinion of you? Which Is less dishonorable, to cheat openlj or sercetly? Ex. Kdltor-ln-Chlef -Manager - - -AnMHtnnt Manager Associate Kditor Circulator - - - - - Fred A. Sweeley . - A. O. Rchrelbcr - - Fied Naujjhton - - - A. M. Levy Walter K. Standeven STAFF. Athletic H. A. Van OrBdcl ABBlstant Athletic - - - II. I.. Swan NewB H. G. Myers Kdltorlal HooniB and HusImobb office U 21 Vi Pout Ofllce Station A. Lincoln. Neb. S Tfjere are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone - - Automatic 2365 Subbcrlptlon 1 Ice, $2 per yeai In advance Kntered at tho poHtolMco at Lincoln. Neb , an seoond-cluHH mall matter under the act of connreHM of March .1, IST'J. Individual notlceH will be charged for at the rato of 10 centH for each InHertlon. Faculty departmental and university bull etins will Kbully bo published free, as heretofore. Q Notices and subscriptions may o Q be left at the Dally NebraBkan 8 V office, or at the Co-Op. Book Q Q Store. Q Notices and e be left at the Dally NebraBkan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. OCXXXXXXDOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Editorial Remarks Wtlh today's election of the Inno cents, new men will enter the places, which have been so faithfully filled lij the Innocents of 1904-05. The men who aro chosen each year as Inno cents have much to do with student affairs and are really in charge of all student enterprises. In the selec tion or men of 1905-06 some of the most prominent men In school were chosen. That these men will have the support of the student body Is, without a doubt, true. Spending Money. While everybody, nearly, was en gaged In approving Mr. Carnegie's gift of $10,000,000 to pension retired pro fessors, along came the brilliant his torian, John Bach McMaster, with observations such as these: "Jn the first place, I do not believe In pension systems In general, and I am especial ly opposed to them In the teaching profession. ...... I believe that in this and in all professions, as in busi ness, each man should stand on his own basis, and on that alone. We have Carnege libraries and Carne gie heroes; now we are to have Carne gie professors. 1 do not like it." There you have straightout American Indi vidualism In the extremes! form. Old age pensions as a general sys tem are In full force in Germany, the movement for them Is serious In Eng land, ami nnjny persons, including all those of socialistic tendency, approve of them in America. Without com mitting ourselves on the whole sub ject, but, like the Supreme Court, con fining our opinions to the case at is" sue, we take sides in Mr. Carnegie's favor. Teachers are not paid In ac cordance with their knowledge and abllit), the public is deeply affected b the quality of their work, and it is well to have a painless method of re lieving those whose use is ended. Moreover, when concentration is such a danger, Mr. Carnegie's theory about the dissipation of great fortunes Is to be encouraged. Collier's, May Li. "Honor Test" to Be Applied. An "honor test" Is being applied at the University of Chicago. Professor Tugts, Dean of the Senior College, re cently submitted a series of questions to ills class to assist him In forming Latin Club. The Latin Club meets this evening at S o'clock at the Women's Building, A very entertaining program has been arranged. Prof. Barber will give a talk on the recent classical conference at Chicago. Miss McEachron will read a paper on Roman games and Mr. Marsh will review the new maga zine articles of lntcuast to Latin stu dents. As this is the lest meeting of the j ear, a full attendance Is desired. Baker's Chocolate Don't be misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Unler the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker f Co.'s is en- (if m MM1 il If I. lliMW gtHLflffl titled to be sold as "Baker's Look f tbbTudcMuk Cocoa' or "Baker's Chocolate 0 Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established J 780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America "QUALITY, HE C This is a Quality Drug Store with the emphasis on 'quality' RIGGS, Drug Cutter 1321 O Street. an idead of the moral standards of the student body of the University. The answers will bo used by the faculty in determining whether tho "Honor System" shall bo adopted at the Mid way Institution. The question submitted by Profes sor Tufts aro us follows: Is U wrong to tell n credulous girl harmless but untrue stories? Why? Would you purposely avoid, in class or in examination, n girl who you thought would cheat in order not to have. Jo report her? If tho conductor neglected to take your fare would you keep the money? Would you tell your teacher before hand that your lesson was not pre pared or run the risk of being called on? If only partly prepared would you "bluff" if called on? Would you take another's plot In developing n supposedly original story? Would. you, exaggerate to add inter est to conversaton or tell 'white lies" to save people's feelings? Js it honorable to , use a "pony," The donation of $1,000 a year for five years recently made by ex-Regent Morrill to be used for geological work In the state has made it possible for the Department of Geology to begin to collect specimens from over the state to store awux and keep in the Museum. For. severol years the state has been drained of some of the finest specimens -"by collectors from other states of the Union and the- State Geologist has boon compelled to allow the Nebraska addition to remain with out many additions because of a lack fuuds with which to collect the speci mens and a lack of adequate store room for preserving -the specimens when colected. No Bargains. Those students who are intending to wait, to buy The Sombrero with tho expectation of getting It for 15 or 20 cents will be seriously disappointed this year. The managers have an nounced that the annual will be on sale Thursday and Friday of this week In the halls of the principle buildings of the University and will in all prob ability be taken off sale next week. The book stores are under contract to sell the book at the regular price, $1 50, and no Sombrero will be sold for less than that amount this year. XSX SS? & Soph. Convocation. The Sophomoro class will have charge of the Convocation program tomorrow. Just what the nature of their program Ja to be cannot be learn ed. Whatever may bo tho program it is concealed under the somewhat va.gue title of "A Light in tho Dark." Those who are next, however, promise that those who attend Convocation to morrow will not waste their time. if- it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it l it )t BAKER BROS memnm COMPANY GREEN'S BARBER SHOPS Mogul, 1144 O Street. Palace, 109 No. 11th Street Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gago service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone. 550. Auto phone 1550. Found A bunch of keys. Four keys on the ring. Owner may have same by calling at Nebraskan office. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. GET ACQUAINTED With the quality atyle and prices of the work doae toy the ..REVIEW PRESS, PRINTERS. 141 North lHth Street C111 & Songs of AH the Colleges thirab'.u olotti Mtmllru chrmli)i tlesltf i 300 nonffB wordajuid iuliMc-UOO iiao All bookttnrtj, alt mutic rtorti. or ti.sa potfjxiki Jrom 4. tlu DulAltheri vs. . i. oc lAAc '. - fc -"At. , ..rt. v' i- -- w. 'BarkerBlqcKd OMAHA 2 f 'it Mf w PLAY BALL s We aro solo agents in Lincoln for the$5&l CELEBRATED D.&A1. Baseball, Ath-i letic and Tennis Goods OIRARD CYCLE CO. 4 4 I 1304 0 Street, - Lincoln, Nek ,.K -rK i --f - - f v; -' tk. . -. " , . w. ,wqrift -Cr ;.&iiusQft'..-, -v -. &u-.jvaalWja .'