The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1905, Image 2

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Cib? DaP HcbmSkan Engineering Notes.
A consolidation of
The Hwpftrlnn, Vol. 111. Tim Nnbrnnkivn, Vol, 10
f Sourlot nnd Crown, Vol. 4.
PuMIbIikI dnlly, oxoopt Bunilny and Monday,
at the University of Nfbnwka, Lincoln, Neb.
by the HoHporinn Pnbllnhlng Co .,
Boaiid Or DrnKOTOiw
K. P. Piper, C. It. Richard,
H. P. Levitt
John WoBtovor E. R. Walton.
Edltorln Chief
ABiHtnnt Mnnawr
Aiwoclato Editor
Frod A. 8wcloy
A. O. Sohrelber
Frod Nnughton
, f A.. M Lory
Wnltor E. Standovon
AmlstAnt Athletic
(Hate Farm
R. A. VanOrudol
H. L. Bwnn
H. Q. Myor
A. F MaRtlam
Kdltorlal RoomH and Bnrinnv Office U 2UH
Pont Offlco Station A. Lincoln, Nobr.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1526
Automatic 2365.
Bnbnarlptioti Prloo, 12 pw yw, In advano
Entorod at tho postolueo at Lincoln, Nob.,
an Hooond-oloHA mall matter under tho act of
congrotw of March 8, 1879.
Individual notleuH will be charged for at the
rate of 10 centa for oooh Intwrtlon. Faculty,
departmental and unlvorelty bullotlnH will
gladly Ixs publlHhod free, n heretofore.
The third annual engineering society
banquet will be given Saturday even
ing, May G. Engineering students
should remember this and keep this
date open. Tickets can be purchased
of the banquet committee.
The E. B. department has purchased
a complete potentiometer. The instru
ments are used for calibrating poltme
ter or to find unknown electro-motive
force. The apparatus is exceedingly
delicate, registering to one ten thous
andth of a volt,
Q Notices and subscriptions may n
X bo left at tho Dally Nebraskan X
V office, or at the Co-Op. Book Q
O Store. Q
Editorial Remarks
This afternoon we meet the Univer
sity of Colorado In athletics again.
The last timo athletic teams of the
two universities met Nebraska got the
small end of the deal, the only re
deeming feature of the meet being the
opportunity given us to show our foot
ball team that It doesn't always take
a victory to bring out evidences of
college spirit and loyalty. The name
"Colorado" ought to leave a sort of
Mr. Rohr, electrical superintendent
of the General Electric Co., Schnectady
N. Y., addressed the engineering stu
dents In the afternoon, April 19. Mr.
Rohr came on an unfortunate date as
many of the students were leaving for
the Easter vacation, however, many
stayed over to hear him. He gave an
Illustrated lecture, descriptive of the
shops and the surroundings of Schnec
tady. Afterwards he gave a more In
formal talk in regard' to the appren
ticeship course and the work of tech
nical graduates. In his remarks Mr.
Rohrer compared the eastern and west
ern college men. His report of the
western men was very favorable as
they were the equal of the eastern men
theoretically and most of them knew
what ten hours of hard work was. He
also stated that the old time ill feel
ing between practical and theoretical
men in disappearing very fast in all
branches of industry.
Reviewing the opening of spring
sports among the colleges Collier's for
April 22 comments on the new lake to
be given to Princeton university by
Andrew Carnegie. Collier's says:
"In college sport von this side of the
water, Princeton's new artificial lake
is the most interesting possibility. The
lake means, of course, that Princeton
will have a crew next year, and the
addition of an entirely new quantity
to the races at Poughkeepsie or New
London stirs up no end of enlivening
fancies. The lake Is the gift of An
drew Carnegie, who, finding libraries
but a slow means of carrying ofi his
Income, is hoping to accelerate the
The Coat Shirt With the Wide Lap
Is tho kind I carry. Every improvement in Mer- .
clmndiso wo adopt at once. $1.!0 and $2.00.
Also Coat Shirts with Cuffs on for $1.00.
BUDD, $2.50 HATTER, 1141 O
Protected by Block Signals
The first railway in America to adopt tho absolute
Block System in tho operation f all trains waa tho
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
It to-day has moro miles of rood operated under
block signal rale than any othor railway company.
The St. Paul Road waa the ftfst railway to light
its trains by electricity, and it now has moro than
400 electric-lighted passenger cars in daily service-.
Three trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union
Station, Chicago, every day.
For timo table, special rate write
Oentrftl Western Agent, 1B4 Farnrnm Street,
'BSiESS?- $18
The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets on February 7th,
21st and March 7th and 21st to many points In Louisiana,
Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good for 21 days.
This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Prt
Arthur, and is much less than one way faro. The Missouri
Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and
St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches
and the best of everything.
S. W. Corner 12th and 0 Streets
F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A.
When completed, the lake will have
set Mr. Carnegie back about one hun
dred and seventy-five thousand dol
We have a most profitable proposi
tion for summer work for college-men.
It can be worked alone, or as a side
line in connection with subscription
books, etc. If you are going out with
any proposition this summer, write
us for our plan. It is wholly original,
has never been used by any other pub
lisher, and contains features which
make the work easy, enjoyable and
most profitable. The Crowell Publish
ing Company, Springfield, Ohio.
unpleasant taste in every loyal Ne
braskan's mouth. "This afternoon- is
an excellent opportunity to see tho
'Varsity do It to the men from the
mountains, and Incidentally yell that
unpleasant taste away.
The team leaves next week on Its
extended eastern trip and the game
this afternoon will bo the last oppor
tunity we will have of seeing the men
In action until they return, some three
weeks hence. Some mighty hard prop
ositions are included on the eastern
trip schedule, games to win which will
require about all wo have In the way
of baseball goods. A good send-off
this afternoon will do much toward
starting the- team out right, and a
good start Is half.
The double Inducement that this af
ternoon's game Is the last on Nebras
ka field for sometime, and that our
opponent Is Colorado ought to bring
out a good crowd.
speed of its departure by turning it
Into the more fluid form of water. The
Princeton under-graduates are not
bothered with the qualms felt by the
Boston mlnlstersIn contemplating the
gifts of Mr. Rockefeller, nor do they,
apparently, share the anguish which
has tortured some sensitive souls that
tho thrifty steel king's methods of pre
paring his penniless entry into heaven
should be extended even to the hal
lowed ground of an ancient university.
A lake is a lake, apparently, its gen
esis will soon be forgotten, and in our
mind's eye we see future generations of
sonB of old Nassau sitting In the moon
light, dissolved In sentment, and slng
lug to a banjo accompaniment some
such words as
. "Hall to thee, O fair Carnegia!
Hail, thou sunlit inland sea!
Alma Mater's ancient waters;
Hall Carnegia! Hail to theo!"
Dear Sir: The Review of Reviews
company will give employment during
the coming summer months to a num
ber of college men. If you can recom
mend several members of wour col
lege to us, the favor will be greatly
appreciated, and at the same time, you
will be assisting some deserving stu
dent to aid himself during vacation.
Thanking you in advance for ynur
kindness, we beg to remain,
Yours very truly,
13 Astor Place, New York City.
Our foreign policy, the
currency, the tariff, im
migration, high license,
woman suffrage, penny
postage, transportation ,
trusts .department stores,
municipal ownership of
franchises, government
control c( telegraph.
Both side i o the above
and many other gues
Vorrr completely debated.
Directions for organizing
and conducting a debat
ing society, with by-laws
and parliamentary rules.
Price, $x.y Postpaid.
Cloth 469 Pages.
31-33-30 West 15th Street, N. Y. City
Sckeeltfookt of all fubliiktrt at oh4 ttort.
Summer School In Mechanic Arts
Electlre couries re provided In iTfsublects tsurbt-lir
mechinlcil and electrical engineering icbooli. Special
attention is given to shop coutlei, mechanical drawing
and design, mathematics, mechanic! ol engineering,
theoreticalelectricat subjects, laboratory courses in steam
and electrical engineering. Ten weeks, beginning June
8th. F. Paul Anderson, Dean. For detailed Informa
tion relative to any special line of work, address
JOHN T. FAIO. Reolfitrar. Lexlnrjton, Km
Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag
gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell
phone, 550. Auto phone 1650.
Drop Into Sanderson's new shoo
store and get a pair of those new tan
Oxfords. They are beauties.
WANTED A waiter. Apply at Y.
M. C. A.
We kave always been known as th
This acaaen w an turning out battar wMh
than aver. W want your business.
Auto 2784 iSUOStrtit BsflTM
The First National Bank
of Lincoln, Neb.
Capital 200,000.00
Burplus 100,000.00
Undivided profits . . 40,000.00
S. H. Burnham, Pres.
A. J. Sawyer, Vlco-Presldent.
H. S. Freeman, Caialer.
H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier.
Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier.
P. R. Easterday, Auditor.
Columbia -Crescent
Easy Payments, Trading, Prompt RepalrlRg
Lyman's, 231 so. mi.
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