The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1905, Image 2
2ttBe !3?T if (Tbe Puilp neDraeban Ut lit ml WV 1 t '' - 9' IE! '. . hfr I H t! in X 4 M fc u - tbt Daily flebtaskan X eonnolldfttton of The Hwrperlan, Vol. 8t, Th Nbrakn, Vol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Ml , Pobtlahed dally, asoept Bandar and Monday, at the Uvtverraltj of Nebraska, Lincoln, lleb. 1)7 the Harper Pnbllahlng Co., Boaiib Or Diubototu B F. Plpr, C. B. RicbartU, H. r. Ia-rlU John Weatorer B. k. Walton. AJtorlnCblef Uanacr AMdntaat Maftaf er Amort Mltor flmilator AtfaUtfo tartan t Athletic flute Tarni Frbd A. Bwcetar A. O. Sehrolbcv Prrd If aughton A II bar Walter B. Standtnrea 8TAFF R A. VanOmatJ H. L. Bimn b. avyon A. F. Mafldaria Mltorlal Krtons and Bnaintm Office U 21aK I'oet Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night TIeplwo Automatic (536 Automatic 2365. Bnbecrlptlon Price, 2 per jrenr, in advanoc Rntered at the pofltofnoe nt Lincoln, Nob., a (Hwond-clowi mail mnttor nndor the act of coinrrcw of March 8, 187B. JFndlVKnal noticed will bo charped for at the to of 10 cent for each Insertion, Facnltr. departmantnl and iinlvorltjr bullotlnji will gladly bo.publlBhwl frws, an heretofore. O Notices and subscriptions majr J R bo loft at the Dally Nebraakan Q ofrico, or nt the Co-Op. Bodk 3 O Store. 3 Editorial Remarks Tho next lfisue of the Dally Nebras ka will be on Thursday, ApTil 27th, the day after the spring recess ends. The action of the Y. M. C. A board lit choosing; Atthur Jorgenaon to buc ceed Dean Ringer as general secretary -of the University Y. M. C A meets with the universal approval of those acquainted with the nowly elected man. It xsill be no small task for any man to till Secretary Ringer's place Dr. Bolton Speaks. Professor Bolton of the University of Iowa gave an interesting and helpful lturc before the University Peda gogical dub and its friends In Univer sity hall during the hour before tho Intercollegiate dobate. His subject was "Imitation" and his presentation was an able one. Imitation, he shewed, Is much more prevalent than Is com monly thought. Imitation 1b dilc to a fundamental law of psycho-physlca, vl'; ideo-motor action. It is non oluntary as well as voluntary. To be imitative, however, 1b not a mark of scivility or immaturity. It mingles with one's native fotces and co-operates in the creation of near unities. Imitation plays a grent role in develop ing and maintaining social customs, fashions, forms and modes of thought, practical opinion and action, art, otc. Observation of the action of groups a study of the psychology of groups shows the power of imitation, and that ImitativenesB may lead to undesirable rr-sults under the Influence of leaders who lack balance and poise, or under the Influence of public opinion, as seen in "boys' towns," which is a powerful director of action The latter part of the lettuip took up pedagogical applications. Imita tion Is one of the most important edu cational agencies. The gieat desidera tum is to provide desirable copy for the youth to imitate, and furthermore it is desirable to furnish a variety of good copy, or good ideals for broa 1 imitation. In other words, as Imitation i.i Biieh an all-pervasive foice, working whetlur we will or not. we must make an effort to proide a healthful en lronment by a selecthe and educa tional process Engineering Notes. The following men have been ap pointed on the committee In charge of the engineering society banquet. Chairman, T. H Cleer R. H. White A. G. Sthreiber This will be the third annual engin eering banquet. They have proven so successful In the past that no stu dent registered in the engineering work i an afford to miss it. 0 MftGEE & DEEMER Easter Suits For Young Men If you contemplate buying a 6iit In lime for Easter we invite yon to see the new gray and blue suits vre have Just recolved. Every garment has all this season's new features and that snappy, styliah appcaranco so characteristic of our "Konsington" make. New gray mixtures and fine quality blue serges at $18, $20, $22.50, $25 SHIRT SPECIAL California all Wool blue Flannel Shirts $2. OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOGO Fine Candies j.jjj...j..w.., ijrbfj HOLJDTi Q Against all comers lmt after it is all out 0 Q let nie help um pick out a new lid. Q 8 Rlinn 050 HATTFP O w.w W1 r .w ..... - . (, ALLEGRETTI LOWNEY'S HUYLER'S Always Fresh at RECTOR'S Sole Agents BUDD, $2.50 HATTER )OOOOC)OOOOCOCXDCX)00000000000 See Yourself as "-" -' aawaw m i iaMMMM Others See You rTVHE Printed Stationery T Ma 1 reflects you business Judg ment. No fob k too comma I be neatly done. Vhat yo waal when you want it. KING & JESSUP Tht Iw Pttn Printer 125127 N 12th St as head of an institution whose oppor tunity for good to university meli Is almost unlimited. The faor that Mr. Jorgonson was chosen pioves that the board was fully aware of the excellent lecord of Mr. Ringer and the need of a capable man to keep up the good work. A communication from the piesi dent of the Freshman class, which ex presses the Bentiment of the great majority of tnat class, sets forth very tlearly the attitude of '08 toward the "Epltah" which appeared yesterday morning. The work was done by some fit st year man whose Idea of i lass spirit, while zealous enough to bo commended, is somewhat perverted There are always those who do not know when to stop, but these mis guided mortals are hapily in the. min ority. The prompt disavowal on the part of the Freshman class of any of ficial connection with pr approval of hese posters ahpuld, and will be, received by (ho Sophomores as prompt ly, ahd In the spirit In which 'it is made. The mass meeting today in M. A. 211, will be of general interest to all engineering men. The'Tjuslness of the meeting is "The Nebiaska Blue Print." It is a well known fact that outside of the upper classmen In the engineeriiiH courses very few students know1 what the "Blue Print" teally is. By th meeting it is hoped to make the stu dent body a little more familiar with the publication. Messrs. R. H. White, J. B. Giffs and E C. McDowell will go to Omaha through the Easter vacation to make a test of the efficiency of the separata motor driver of the machine tools in the U. P R. R. shops They have taken this subject up as their thesis work. Their object being to compare the In dependent motor diive system with the line shaft and belt method. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Wcddino Invitations and Announcements look ron TUB 8ION 1 The New Century Printers 1341 N STREET : AUTO 1616 Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL & McCOY IBSIO O -mtrmmt JAMES TEDE8CO Lincoln Shoe Repairing Co. Half Soles Done While You Walt. From -oc up. RUDDER HEELS 40. 1236 N Street, Lincoln, Neb Ve have always been known as the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY- 1 1 1 ThU it aion wc r turning out better wwfc man ever. w want your buunua YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 (6 14 O Street aWHrtt The Cash Grocery J. W. SMITH, Prop. 246 South llth Street. "QUALITY." IU ru OUR SODA.. Tastes Like More RIGGS, Drug Cutter 1321 O Street. be fraternity ttuiliMng Corner latb and V ltrrta YMUmer A Sharp, afrepa. llrtil Rate for Fraternity DaaCM. XtUfkmm Automatic !74.'Bfj 974 ftetUenee, AatoeoaUc ll7,lrfl I7 Visiting and Address Cards Programs, Invitations arid CdrrcspondMcsStatfoacry GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS . . i . . , v, Fraternity Building Wc also manfcf actuire Advertising Buttons' an4 Mirrprs. ' Telephones: A340, 34M - t Y & - iJV 4iK ( II LMJI , tftn jl I ll M ' . . . f... L -s j;w& . wj. ;5$ji .' 'i