mmmmmimmmmim tiKiwi. .., mi iiaimui iiiuu iauyiiiilrttM?)iMiiiiiBaaBr-Trrr ri . -itfss a t?-,' -."" illiljlil Cbc ID a 1 1 fteDrat Itan Y. W. C. A. Notes. UJi s&i i'V 'w in R v. 1. 1 Itri it! U ANCOFKK YOU cnn always get your style, your height mid your exnet ir.c in ARROW QUARTER SIZE COLLARS 'I Ihm oILiir Iwiwcmntleof filiriM nlmink iK'toro cut tltiffb) Mir-('luioropriKvw. u ill nut HlirinU. I'lii" iiixurc permanent') uf hIic 1 5 c e a ch; 2 fo r 2 5 v ( i. ri. n. rrcAUonv & ro. LargcM maker of Collars ft Shirts In the world Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Qoin Hot iVnOlosondFIno MoixIh end Lunches 117-12 1 North 13 Street CfarfosB. Gregor? (tr. oin.'v) 7SS," the Coal Wan mmmmsam NO ,044 0 strbBT 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE l?;AnliM Trade Marks OC8IQN6 COPYRIQHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar iilcklT ascertain our opinion free whether an Intention Is probably patentable. Communion.- iai. tuuiUBBUA on raionia eu (Ion atrtctly conOdenti Uli Ken tnroniri special notice, without charge. In the ent free, patents laaon deat ajrencr for aoourlnn natouts. thronah Mnnn St Co. recelre Scientific American. A handsomely Ulnatrated weekly. Largest clr eolation of any letorttlOn journal. Terms. 93 a tsar: four months, 8L. Bold by all newsdealors. MUNyCotBr,.dw.,.HeWYnrk Dranen Office. (OS F 8U Washlnaton. D. C. Includes In the Now Cdltlon 25.000 NEW WORDS. Etc. .New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Bdltod by W.T. IIAHUIS. Ph.D., LL.D., U. S. Commlsslonor of Education. 2380 Quarto Paces. Mw rut 5000 Illustrations. men uiruiinira. AUu Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Illflpw. 1100 llliutntlon. fll . 7ilOi5)4bi- A 8pcclatThin Paper Edition De Luxe PriopdfruiBHiuapUtt ur-aUre4itloB. Ishas limp cover and round corner. BUe : Silx!. FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," instruct lo and entcrUlnUf . VUso Illustrated pamphlet. G. O C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers. Springfield, Mass. Last Saturday nfternoo.i tlio Y. W. 0 A. cabinets of Wesloyan, Cotnor, Doano, York and tho UnlvorBity of Nebraakn met in conference in tho First Presbyterian cruch of Lincoln. Tho quiet hout which commenced at 10:30 a. m. was lead by Dr. Swearin gen, of the First Presbyterian church, who talked on the "BeautftudOB." MIbs Withers followed with a talk on "Why Wo Need a Spiritual Awakening in Our Universities and Colleges." Luncheon was served at 1 p m. at the city Y. W. C A Tho first topic discussed in the af U'tnoon servico was "The Committee's Field." Girls from the several col leges represented dlscusfccd the work oi' the various committees and gave suggestion on tho means or making the worlc more effective. Mrs. Easter day closed the discussion on this topic with a talk on the woik of a presi dent of an. association. Miss Coppoch, of the State University, and Miss Van er, of Doano College, each gave a short discussion of Y. W C. A. work. An ae'dress on "The White Field" by Mis., Ccrwin closed the conference, which all of the institutions repiesented felt was of great benefit Sunday the University Y. W C. A. united with the city association and the women ot Lincoln in holding a mass meeting in the First Congiega t.onal (hurch. Mrs Dyers, of Omaha, spoko on "The Parable of the Ten Virgins " She showed how imperative it is that every person be ptepared t meet God when death overtakes him Mrs Pit dell, of Omaha, sang several holos and a large choius oi girls under the direction of Mrs Raymond lead the rest of the singing The leadeis oi the noon meetings this week are- Monday Miss Drake Tuesday Miss Kauffman. Wednesday Miss Stewart Robert Tudor Hill, '03. has recently b(en honored at Columbia University where he has taken one year's post graduate work in sociology and econo mics Besides carrying heavy work at the I'ni. he has been actively en gaged at tho 23d street blanch of the Y M C A in New York city as as sistant junior secretary He was re cently elected to a $;iK) fellowship for next year and was especially mentioned in the dass 100m by Professor Gld dingn as having solved an economl problem lately, that has been a souice oi tumble for many jears MAGEE & DEEMER California Blue Flannel Shirts... $2.00 THROUGH a special purchase we are offering: a limited quantity of genu ine California Flannel Shirts, fast color blue, good weight and fine CC quality, at 4Z,UU We count these excellent values and urge all who desire Shirts for drill, camp, or for general wear to see them while sixes are complete. OCKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) HATS? WELL YES! m A" 1 Sophomore baseball team was de feated by Doano College last Saturday by a score of 12 to 11. although the store was 8 to 11 in favor of th Scphs until the last half of the eighth when Bowman's fingers froze stiff. He was unable to control the ball which the country bojs found in spite o.' tho snow storm. In June tho second-yeaj- men in tend to beat them. Milford and Ger mantown are next on the schedule, May 5 and G, respectively. (INLAND'S 1042 O Street DOCOOOOOOCOCOCXXXXXXXXXXXX) The College Man Is Particular About Hii Shoes Dot lllcrnrnna fcllrrAlAmes I iUmIm fti... vara, Cbimlttl' Apparatus, 'cbtralcilt, Photo limai inH IhtttUr tie lit fl ! LVal..ll.. Appintui, rbots-Mlcro Caoiras ars uud br Iks laaJl.a I L . . iiinaRiuir erstoriss sna uofirnt Dp-tsnaBoaadtbsorld LOST Near the rock, a solid gold. 1L size, 16 Jeweled watch. A. R. B engraved on outside. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, oar and throat 207-8 Richards block. Phono G66. THE WALKOVER SHOE la the best shoe for men's feet. Our Hoe u strictly up-to-date. Call tod let us bow them. Rogers & Perkins Succsuoh to Psrkkis 8c SLateon Ca. 1120 O Strsiot PLAY BALL .!- 'r' ,w r m. BiaUlJn SSSBl ' SM ' 'S m CatalorsBv Pro Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co. UOCUEbTKR. K. Y. NewYorlc Chicago Uotton Frtnkfurt. G'y j Summer School In Mechanic Arts STATE COLLEGE OK KLNTUCK.V Elective counei are provided In all ubjecti taught In mechanical and electrical rngineenng achooli. Special attention it given to ahop courtei, mechanical drawing and design, mathematics mechanic ol engineering, thcorcticalelectncal iut)ecti, laboratory courari in iteam and clectr leal engineering. Ten weeki, beginning June 8th. r. Paul Anderson, Dean. For detailed Informa tion relative to any special line of work, address JOHN T. FAIG, Iteolstrar. Lexington, Kj Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. PHcob reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and basj gage service, 1125-31 P streot. Bell phone, 560. Auto phone 1550. ...MELICK'S STABLES... PHONE 435. Closed Carriages. Baggage. ...The Finest IVivehy in the City... 1230 N STREET, LINCOLN, NBB. 'MirlJfJirW-" We aro sole agents In Lincoln for the celebrated Da & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full lino of baseball shoes. Special prices on uniforms to clubs. Girartl Cycle G'mpy J304 O Street r 4 -n M -i . -Vfr . f ! 'Ji ,mZ. S? to -.. -. ... v "Mtff l-&l: 'MxMLiJ&&liMti K