WMMMIMMiMMlMMMMI .,HHi t.w. miii if Mil l !,, , lllH.lli - OS i;.jS,) jJ. Xtta;AJ.ttZ Zbt all? Webrnthaii CJc Dap tlebraskan niiist be upheld Uyour debaters this evening. J TRY A TON OF i! t A consolidation of -, Th HeiorIftn, Vol. 01, The Ntbrakn, Vol, 10 Scnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published daily, excopt Bundny mul Monday, at tli UnlTcralty of Nebranka, Ilncoln, Neb. I)j the HmpurUn Publishing Co., BoAnn Or Diheotoiw V.. K Plprr, C. R. Richard, II. V. Loarltt .lolin WentoTer B R. Walton. KditorlnOhluf Manager AtdlfltaiU MaMagcr Amoclato Kdttor I'lrcnlator Athletic AraisUnt Athletic News Htate Farm Fred A. 8weler A. a.SchroibeY Fnd NK)iton A. M Lery Wnltcr B. Standeven STAFF R A VnnOraAol H. L Hwan R. . Myort A. F. Mnirdana Wdttortnl Roomn and Buslmwa Office U 21 H Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nubr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1536 Automatic 2366. BitbHc.rlptlon Prlco, 'i pr roar, In advance Knlcrcd at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nob., an Hocondcln9 mull mat tor under the net of congress of March .'1, 187". Individual notlctw will be charRwl for at the rrite of 10 ocntH for onoh limortlon. Faculty, departmental and univorwlty bulletins will gladly bo published free, a heretofore. Q Notlros and subscriptions may Q Q be left at the Dally Nebraakan X Q office, or at the Co-Op. Book y O Store. O Editorial Remarks Thrro seems to be a widespread ten (hncy among colleges to ilalin, or de ny claims to, championships by using comparative scores as argument. Any body who knows the game at all must admit that a claim, based on compara tive scores in basketball cannot be, l'ulr, nor satisfactory, and yet Just such claims are being made. Minne sota lays claim to the western cham pionship in basketball for her girls' team, basing her claims on compara tive scores. Their claims were made before any score had been made which could be used as a comparison. The Mninesota maidens on their own door defeated the Omaha Y. V. C. A. some two weeks ago by a score of 21 to 22. I,ast Friday Nebraska's girls' team de feated the Omaha Y. W. C. A. on their tloor by a score of 27 to 11. This is the only score which can possibly be used as a comparison of the relative strength of the two university teams. With a team composed of only two men to represent her Nebraska's ad ent into inter-collegiate gymnastic contests is more than satisfying, to Nebraska. Against unhersities repre sented by six and eight men Nebraska won second place in final results, and fust place in individual merit. It was a case of Nebraska quality against other quality. Since there is a remote possibility oi the Sophs and Freshles coming to gether again in the distant future it might be well for them to remember tl'at no personal feeling should enter therein. If class spirit must be upheld I'l this manner don't get mad about it To.ilght Nebraska will enter her ninth debate which will prove to be either her lilnth victory or her first defeat. The team which repiesents Nebraska this evening has even a greater responsibility than the team which met Iowa Friday evening. The defeat of a University which has a ictord such as Iowa boasts of, added greatly to tho prestige of Nebraska and bi ought her into greater promi nence in the debating world. The rep utation which we have thus gained The debate of Friday night lacked the customary support of the student body. Students were conspicuously ab sent from the audience. This Is no doubt - explained by the. Inclement weather and by the several other al ti actions that evening. It is hoped, however, that the debate this evening will be more enthusiastically backed bv the students and that the latter will do their part toward winning a ninth victory. Mass Meeting. A mass meeting in the interest of the debate to be held this evening with Washington university in Memorial hnll will be held this morning at ( hapel time in the chapel Several of the men prominent in debating work in the university will speak and the Washington debaters will also address the meeting. The object of the meet ing is to arouse Interest in the debate and no attempt will be made to sell tickets at this time. The attendance at the Iowa debate last Friday even ing was very small in comparison to the size of the expense bill and a much more substantial demonstration of Interest in the debate this evening will be necessary to keep the Debating Hoard from going badly in debt on the debates held here this year It is with this idea in view that the mass meet ing will be held and it Is the duty of loval university men to attend this meeting and help to push the good work along. The action of the Regents in their leccnt meeting in promoting Dr. lleaid, of the department of botany, to the i.cxsition of botanist of the experi ment station, and associate professor of botany in the school of agriculture asuvt-s first class woik in the investi gations of the diseases of plants, a sub ject lo which the tatlon has given lit tle attention heretofore. Dr. Heald will have rooms in the now building at the farm, into which he will move dur ing the summer vacation. He is now making out a list of the apparatus and other supplies for his department. WASHINGTON UNI. NEXT (Continued from page 1 ) Washington, '03. He has debated on two previous teams, one with Will lam Jewell college and with- the team defeated by Nebraska last May. The Washington debaters arrived early this morning over the Burlington, and will bo entertained by the victor ious team which debated Iowa, while in the city. They are announced to speak at the debate mass meet ing which will be held In Memor ial hall at the chapel hour this morn ing. Only two of the judges for the de 1 lie had been chosen at the time the paper went to press, but the third will be selected this morning. The following judges were decided uj on: Professor Jesse Macy, I..L.D., profes soi of Political Science in lowa col lege and an author of a number of hooks on political science. Judge Howard Kennedy, Jr., of Omaha, a graduate of Cornell univer sity. The Univeisity cadet band will fur nish the music for tho debate. The prgoram will commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Cardiff Coal $7.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. For tho Heating Stove Whitebreast Co. no 6 o STREET AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 S? THonouoH counara in business, shorthand, Typiwriting. Telegraphy and Preparatory Kxpci icuced tcrchera. I'hic Kquip ment. Oymnahimu woik Assistance in 'cciirluij positions. 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Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. wRWflffiBJjjHsJsssssrsss! EYERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWfl COAL w"c have been very successful In catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINE fa wanted. Why can't we furnish you with your Groceries for all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY ia i South 1 3 tli Strcot Whether Speech Sermon or Essay If ton c n moral to point. If wuwpu.l e:i!or unr arKuiniMil ir ciilivrn )oiir Myle oy prwep r cn'crmu (rot and keep at our elbow Vriiii:n t inracer." tcr 4ipK'" brlatllnir with '-po'nU ' for every eorl of written or oral rJT-rt " A.pha Ii'siIimI imikx to every oitfi of hundred! of :r-iy t ilf'l i-lmrrti tcr trulls, lent, topic?, pre-t-pM. jl i;rjm. 20 discount Ik teachers Vrniini' Imravtcr A Mural Trxilioolc How to Attract and Hold an Audience Kennn'i science and Art of Klorntlon . 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