HMBBMBMBMsasBLaBalMaWM WSLt ' ' i iyi Imihw MiaJtMcai :,"-,' ! 'lll!V.r'..'t,1 . -..,. . ,,'. ' tW'VT'.MMyyiptfig Pal - - vl ttbe H a i I Tlcbrnolifln Campus Gleanings .I( hn Hde has been elr tod taptahi ol the Senior baseball team. The Sophomore bnBoball team plays the Mllford nine today in Mllford. r- Kussel HurniH haH leen ( hosen cap tain of the Freshman baseball team. hQI m Kalf7'' r V 'tX. -v iirtifi. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe LUlo Gom Hot tVatUoSBntlFIno Moabi and Lunuhes I 17-12 I North 13 Street Charles B. Gregory (o.orn.'9i) TWfonti 83 .Zbe Coal Man , . and 339 NO. 104 O STRHBT BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desiqns rnovmnurn Ac Anyono Bonding a nketoh and doacrlption nior quloklr nacorlnln our opinion freo whether an invention is prounuiy P'"v:i,.?JSs.J " tlonnntrlctlrconOdoutlal. HANDBOOK on I'nK aontfroo. Oldest nnoncr for socurrnjt rmtont Communion- itviita lltfl. tptcial notice, without chnrgo. In tho I'ninnui uikoii uiruuun i"""" a vu rccoWe mat, nimiufc vtimHUi Scientific American. A handBomotr lilustratod weekly. I.nrtzoai cir- rotation of niiT aclontmo journal, loriun, j a any icloiitltlo Journal Bold by nl jonr: lour montus, i. duiu u; an iionmi V -. ., -T.. II ..,..-. tun MUNN & Co.361Broftd New York ur&ncn uiuuo, uo d su i wiiiumu, . ,, Includes In tho Now ZLdltlon 25.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of tho World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. II AIUIIB, I'lt.I) , LL.I)., U. B. Conuulsaionor of Educutltm. 2380 Quarto Pages. New rut. 5000 Illustration. Ukb lllnJItvrt. Abo Webster's Colleglsto Dictionary with lll(rcs. H00 llluitrmllon.. Hlio . "TilOiihln. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe l'rlntu fno uuna jUtc u rrgmUr edition. It hu Jimp corm and round corner. Hlto : Siltl. PREB, "A Teat In Pronunciation," instruct ' and entertaining. AUo iUiutrated pamphlet. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers. Springfield, Mass. ijTJJTjra i K ii vi" Mr. K. R. Blookman expects to visit and examine Ruby Indian mound to day Dr. H. Gilford of Omaha Will speak at the meeting of the medical society on May 12. The University alumni committee will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'doil: In V. 110. The librarian reports the arrival of twenty volumes of poetry and fiction foi the German department .Miss Emma Schreiber left for Oma ha this morning, being called theie b a serious accident to her sister The State Geological Survey has just made ,t collection of the sands and (lavs of York, Nebr., where large de posits of sand hae been found M H. Swenk. assistant in the de partment of entomology, made a trip to Fairfield Tuesday in the interest o' the work of the state entomology Prolessor Brunei, of the department )'' entomology, nddresscd the meeting o fthe Nebraska entomological society, held in the Entomology laboratory last evening The excavating woik on the ground fo i the Administration building is about completed and it is expected that the work of the construction of the building will be pushed from now on. Professor IJessey is prcpaiiug a re view of I)e V lies' book on the muta tion of species and vaiieties lor pub lication in one of the New York jour nals. It will appear within a few weeks. Several ot the fores-tiy bojs have al n adj secured positions for t,he sum i.ier in the lT. S. Fores-1 Service, and a number mow aie taking out papers for civil service examinations to be hi Id soon Piofesor Heald of the department oi bt tanj is investigating a disease of the line seedlings which were sent to the department from the U. S for est it serve at Halsey, Neb lie hoj.e.s to be able to suggest a remedy. Messrs G A Barrett a.itl K. E. Hiat kman recently visited a mound neai Ruby, Nebr, vvhiih was sup posed to have been a burial place of the eailj Indian tribe.-, ol the state. Alter a caii'fnl investigation they found it to be natural and very inter esting lrom a geological standpoint, but nothing was tound to Indicate that the Indians had ever had anything to do with the building of it. ChrisBath House, corner 11th and P streets. I. W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Oyster stow 25 conta at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119 South 12th. Fresh home-made candles at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts. Greene's palace, 109 N. 11th Street. Barber Shops Mogul. 11440 Street. , Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 0 street Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggae. Phone 176. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 ft stroet Both phones. s i j y. .Quutr t a Wfwiitu- - t&'::ry, . -v U ii4pIHn fhtt- timtf j PrCor ?l.ri 0rtt-v. )-.i - i .rfA'II W T W l-IVII . (AISVS pWBWry nation It lis the Statnaard TVpewriteip V JSkanaVK Remington Typewriter Company 327 Broadway New York Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK VOll TIIK 'Id S The New Century Printers 34i N STRIH-T : : : : ALTO 1616 The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nob. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital 200,000.00 Surplus 100.000.00 Undivided profits .. 40.000.00 S. H. Burnham, Prea. A. J. Sawyer. Vico-Prealdent. H. S. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. . Frank Parka, Asst. Cashier. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete suc cess without programs and menuos. Get them printed at aRIFFlN-QREER PRINTINO COMP'Y iij6 O Street GEO. A.WILSON Contractor and Builder Eatimatos furnished upon appli cation. Job work promptly attended to. 845 South 10th. LINCOLN, NKII. Columbia National Bank & OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 We Sell DOLLARS FOR NICKELS FRED A. POWELL Ollrer Tbitln Bt., 135 II 13th Stmt BICYCLES Columbia - Crescent Easy Payments, Trading, Prompt Repairing Lyman's, 231 so. m. crnwrll tutmi i a-iv,vrv v rlimpflnH - ooooooooooooooooooocoocooo Fine Candies JJJJeJJJJJ-4 aaj o t ALLEGRETTI LOWNEY'S HUYLER'S Always Fresh at I J 5v 55J555J 5m5 JJa- $ RECTOTS Sole Agents CXXXOOCXXXX)000000000000000 )c0ooI&Golepe a-TjA... BV--VV krv" PEOPLE Are the ouch who lend tho world of tomorrow. Why not go hand in hnijtl with the leaders of today The one that will go in your hand is WATERMAN'S IDEAL PEN, HARRY PORTER Sells none but the genuine with the incomparable : : : Epth 'a i! J rm:r. nu. 7 If h -A u 1P4 .-m K o i hi'' i. ha-. .2&sKS '- .-i