SSSwvw ttwps&r &g$$mp &&' '-mms F 11 . CSV u JK. s G b e D n 1 1 p HeDrasftan hilii iirtniii'f.rr &e Daily Uebrashan 3 . ' ' A consolidation of The BoKporian, Vol. Bl, The NebrMkan, f ol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. fhrfjHubod daily, except Sunday and Monday, at tbo UnlrcrtitT' of Nebraaka, Lincoln, Nob. by the Hesperian Pnbllflhlng Co., Board Or DmioTona K. !'. Mpor, 0. B. fUcbartU, II. P. LeaYllt John Wmtover K. IL Walton. usually largo -oxjxmso which will 0 Incurred In holding the two debates here. For Boveral yoars the Debating Board has been In dopt and this dobt will be greatly increased this year un less a larger attendance Is accorded this year than In previous years. Let every student feel a personal responsi bility in supporting thin affair. BdltoHnChlef Manager Aftalntant Uaaagor AttoalatA Editor Circulator AtWotlo Amlstant Athletic Now dtate Farm Fred A. Bweeley .' A. O. Schrdber Fred Nnughton A. M LTy Wnltor B. Standoren STAFF :. A- VanOradel H. L. 8wan B. O. Myora A. F. MagdanB fWltorlnl Rooroa and Btwtncfla Office U 21 IX PohI Office SUtflon A. Lincoln, Ncbr. Telephone, Nlghl Telephone Automatic 1536 Automatic 2365. Bnbftcrlptton Prlco. 12 por year, In advance Bntorod at tha poatorfloe at Lincoln, Nob., an mwond-oliuw moll matter under the act of oonffrcaa of March (1, 1870. IndMAunl notices will bo charged for at the rnto of 10 oontH for weh lnnertlon. Faculty, departmental and unironilty bulletins will gladly bo published free, iw horctoforo. Notlcos and subscriptions may bo loft at the Daily Nebraskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks IOWA TOMORROW Tomorrow night occurs the big de bate with Iowa, which will provo to be perhaps tbo greatest contest ever en teied Into by our debaters. Iowa comes here prepared for a huid strjggle and realizing that she must meet a uni versity with a prestige such as Nebras ka has attained by the long line of successive victories she will put forth every possiblo effort to stay our on- CUT IN ELECTIVES (Continued from page 1.) 4 History: American, European, six hours credit. 5 Philosophy: Economics, Philoso phy, ten hours credit. 0 Exact science Astronomy, mathe matics, ten hours credit 7 Physical science: Chemistry, physics, six hours credit. 3 Biology: Botany, Zoology, bIx hours credit. Total hours required electlves, cither fifty or fifty-four. Free electlves 'and major subject: Sixty-seven hours, to be taken chiefly in the third and fouith years. Each student Is required to take a minimum of twenty-four hours, but cannot ex ceed a maximum of forty hours, in one department. At the beginning of the second year (preferably) oi at the be ginning of the third yenr (at the lat est), the student shall indicate the dc paitment In which he Intends to dis charge this requirement. The work in the major subject thus indicated shall be undei the control of the bead of the department, who is to certify the courses In his bubject to the student's ach Ider Total houis free electlves, either sixty-thiee or sixty-seen To tal number of hours necessary to grad uate, 125. A (ommitlee of student adiseis consisting of nine members of the Faculty, shall be elected annually upon tne recommendation of the nominating committee Its duties shall be (1) to devise broad general plans for carry ing the above course into effect, and to report these plans to the Faculty for adoption, and (2) to advise each stu dent except as to the work In the ma joi Mil.jtct, ai.d to certify to his reg istration All students who entered the Col lege of Literature, Science and Arts P'evlous to September, 1905, may, at 8oooocoocoococococ SUBSCRIBE NOW! DAILY NEBRASKAN THE REST Of THE YEAR fOR OFKICK SKt'OXI) FLOOIt UNI. HAM. 50c SUBSCRIBE NOW! ococoooocoocxxxxxxxx ward nittrch to victory. A great responsibility rests upon our debaters bwt they are equal to the oc iQEion. Three months Of stringent training under the "Nebraska System" tas fully equipped them to enter Into the great contest and although we can not be absolutely continent that vic tory will be their lot we may rest as sured that our representatives will reflect credit and honor on .their unl a crafty. But even though wo can depend upon ourilebaters to do their part, the battle Is.. only half won the rest leroalns w-ith the students. Victory can hardly come unless they as representatives are backed from start to finish. Not only la the loyal support of the .students necessary jLq encourage the debaters to do their utmost, but vo-operatlon is lecessary In order to defray the un- thelr option, avail themselves of the as outlined above. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate I nil ww mm f Don't be misled by them 1 Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolateor cocoa-than Walter Baker d? Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's LouniiTk-Mii Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchestery Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America and Nampa, ONE-WAY RATES. Eery day from March 1st to May IRth, 1905, indushe, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Missouri River Tenltorles (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusive) as follows: ?20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchec, Washington. $22 50 to Huntington Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco,, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through Tourist cars run every day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75. For full Information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. All students are requested to leave their 'phone numbers at the Registrar's office. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The College Man Ii Particular About Hli SB,oea The Uni Book Store has Just re ceived some new Uni. statloneiy. Drop n and see it. Don't fail to see the new solid gold h iverslty seal pins and fobs at the Uni. Book Store. Dr. D. L. Thomas, pastor of Grace M. E. church, will speak to University men next Sunday at 3 p. m. In Art Hall Dr. Thomas has chosen a sub ject full of fire and enthusiasm, and hi? popularity among young peopls and especially among .college students should bring out a good-sized crowd. Members of the association aro urged to support these meetings by their presence. . The fact that Dr. Thomas' church. Is filled every Sunday Is a fitting tes timony to his ability to Interest the people with what he has to say. His Bubject will' be, "Be Something,' Get Something, Do Something." LOST Pi Beta Phi pin. office of Daily Nebraskan. Oreeno'a ) pnlace, 109 N. 11th Street. Barber ShopB Mogul. 1144 O Street. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1186 O street Both. phones. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1650. Wo "have a few copies of tho "Kop pa Cap" dodgers for sale, while they last. Uni. Book Store. Fresh home-made candles at Max well's. 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts, Chaoln BroB., Florists, 127 So. 13th. nmmt THE WALKOVER 8HOE Is the best shoe for men's feet. Cur L'ne Is strictly up-to-date. Call and let ua thaw them. Rogers & Perkins Succsion to Petkin Ac Shtidon Co. 1120 O 8trt KXKKnaoanaoa Doo't t dd on kp youmlf looking act. Patronise the Weber Suitoriuw t3tdng. Pr calng, Dvlnjt, Rcplr lng and raining oi rmo uo 11 78 tba. Automatic I70S E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A. A, WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Llnooln Brio B. "Woodward, M. D diseases of eye, ear and throat 207-8 Richards block. Phone 666. "Leave at Have you seen the new swell Oxfords I at Sanderson's? They are beauties. WJGCO. Whole to R.tM w DRUGGISTS AWsbiIPW 1707 JH O Stmt - LINCOLN, NKB. 4- K : . 4vv '. .V ) J ..' .-. (.,' i-il rl0filM X