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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
o -Jrt. -. ...r "Wi ' V Sl Vol. IV, No. m UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL J3, 1905. Price 5 Cents '' ,.SW' IBbe Daflv Iftebrasftan CUT IN ELECTIVES More Required Work With Begin ning of Next Year. a a Aj b s ife fe fe fe fe b k k b to fe feat fe u jy utf.k .b J W ..k INTER-COLLEGIATE DEBATES V S .0 I?- ' I 0. r!r 1 &. Mr. Clark Appointed to rill Newly Cre ated Ofllce. Borne radical changes in tho lectlvc ByBtem which has been In vogue in the University for the last three years were made at the meeting of the Board of Regents held Tuesday. Hereafter either fifty or fifty-four hours electives will bo required to be chosen from eight different groups. Every student will be required to take a minimum of twenty-four in some one depart ment which will mean that ho will be required to specialize In that depart ment. A new office of purchasing agent was created and Mr. E. H. Clark, assistant registrar, was appointed to Qll It. He will have charge of the pur chasing of all supplies for the Univer sity and will investigate the proposi tion of supplying text books to stu dents at cost. A students advisory committee, composed of nine members of the faculty, was also established. The official report of the meeting is ,ai follows; The Board of Regents met at 2 p. in. yesterday with all members pres ent except Regent Rich, The minutes of the last preceding meetings nrerTTad wiC"iwS&T' The Chancellor reported a list of minor appointments made since the last meeting whioh was approved. Up- on recommendation oi me secretary it was ordered that preliminary steps be taken in the matter of location of the museum building and women's building and the development of floor plans for the same; also for advanc ing other permanent Improvements on the campus and on the farm and at the North Platte sub-station. The first wing of the museum building is located between Nebraska Hall and Memorial Hall In the northeast quarter of the campus. On motion the following recommen dations of the finance committee were approved : "We recommend that a purchasing Agency be established in connection with and as a bureau of the secretary's office. "W6 recommend that Mr. E. H, -Clark, now- assistant registrar, be ap pointed purchasing ageat; the appoint ment to take effect Immediately and the work of preliminary organization to begin at once. "We recommend that, until further -orders by the board, the" purchasing agent will have entire charge of the buying o ffuel, furniture, glass, hard--ware, lumber, oils, paints, pipe, plumb er's supplies, stationery and all print; ed supplies; tools, writing and dupli cating machines, cataloging materials, janitor's supplies, office supplies, etc. "The library beard; will continue, to ' determine, as now, what library books are to be bought and to apportion amoig.tfce departments the library fua(rvi4ed br the board; The heii idpajrtata iw411' continue to detWi8,as BowLiwhat departmental aujj?H;ae ecssary, respectively, ik--clMg scientific; apparatvw; chemical ttJ A'-U. - i (." Li sware, iooa-stusr, laDorarory maie- laboratory utensils, shop, ma- xim ria IOWA-NEBRASKA Friday Evening, April 14 WASHINGTON-NEBRASKA Tuesday Evening, Apr. 18 MEMORIAL HALL. BOTH chincry and stock, specimens, live stock but all of those are to bo -pro-' cured either by requisition upon the purchasing agent or through his offi cial orders. The purpose, at present, is (a) to put the purchasing of general supplies (such as first named above) into the hands of the purchasing of general supplies (such as first named above) Into the hands of the purchas ing agent unconditionally and (b) to concentrate in this office all of the clerical details of negotiating for and purchasing books and departmental supplies, relieving heads of depart ments to that extent. This appointment will not, at present, affect building contracts nor other workB of perma nent improvement in charge of the su perintendent of construction. "The Secretary and Purchasing AffjuxL,ar&,XfliuQstftd- .lfecatrath next June meeting operating details for the purchasing agent's of ice. "We recommend that, the board now fully consider the question of furnish ing text books to students at cost; we advise that this be referred to the purchasing agent to be investigated; and repotted to the Board at the ear liest practicable date." A large part of the regent's time was given to considering the details of the annual finance budgets as recommend ed by the finance committee. These, with some amendments, were approved. Advances in rank of some members of the teaching force was approved and ordered as recommended by the Chancellor. The Faculty of the College of Let ters reported an outline of new ar rangement of courses of study which was adopted with amendments.. Recommendations for the amend- rat of entrance, requirements- andJr11 the end of the third year the fol- re-arrangements of courses of study In the medical college were approved. A proposition from the Nebraska Art Association for the purchase of casts was received and agreed to condition ally. A number of communications were received and ordered filed, the board not having time to give them consid eration at this time. Company BBop FRIDAY, APRIL J 4 Hali: 1 n n t t a it n it n a it it H H H U U it n DEBATES 50c. it A leave of abBenee was granted to Librarian Wyor for four months and arrangements ordered for library as sistance during his absence. The committee on Industrial educa tion was directed to inspect the sub station farm at North Platto and re port to the board upon the location of buildings and other permanent im provements. Mrs. W. E. Barkley was appointed octing dean of women. -Dean Burnett was given authority to arrange for conducting certain co-oper ative experiments in agricultural lines, with the United States Department of Agriculture at Washington. The Chancellor was granted a tem porary leave of absence. A number of matters connected with improvements were referred to the Lhuilding. committee either with power to act or for report back to the Board. The Superintendent of Construction was directed to proceed with prelimin ary details for construction of a sewor system for farm buildings, installa tion of light and electric power ma chinery, new boilers and othor im provements. The Regents theft adjourned. The Board adopted the following course of Btudy for all departments in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, to go into effect next Sep tember: Required of all regular college stu dents. Drill for men and physical edu cation for women, one hour credit each semester of first and second years, four hours credit; rhetoric two hours at tendance and credit each semester of first year, four hours credit. Required electives: all regular stu dents are required to complete not later lowing minimum number of credit hours In at least seven of the follow ing eight preliminary lines of work: 1 -Mother tongue: English literature, rhetoric, six hours credit. Z Classics: Greek, Latin, ten hours credit. 3. Modern Language: French Ger man, ten hours credit. (Continued on page 2.) Tickets $1.00 COMES TO TERMS Iowa Submits a New List of Judges, Iowa Tenm Will Arrive ThU After noon. All danger of the Iowa debate be ing called off on account of the ln aibllty of the two universities to agree on satisfactory judges is over. Lato last evening Iowa, by a telephone mes sage, sent a new list of twelvo Judges to take the placo of previous list, which the Debating Board had refused to consider, declaring the nominees to tally unqualified to serve as judges of a debate on such a question as the re peal of the Forteonth Amendment. Yesterday afternoon with only ono Judge agreed upon, with only two days remaining before the debate, it looked a though the contest would be called off. A telegram sent by Secretary Wal dron, in which he statod that wo would debate, judges or no judges, brought the new list above mentioned. Tho second list embraces two col lege presidents and several able pro fessors in history and political science, in universities of the middle west. Several of thom have already been wired and answers are expected thi", morning. The Iowa team left Iowa City this morning and will arrive over tho Rock Island this afternoon. Arrangements are being made to have them appear in Chapel tomorrow morning. Nebraska Indians. The Nobraska Indians will leave wlgwamB long enough Friday and Sat urday afternoons to exhibit their 'red feathers and blankets on the University baseball diamond. Guy Green has been on the prairie for the past two months making a roundup of what he con siders the best aggregations of red skins at the baseball game that has ever been put in the one corral In the United States. He has even secured the services of men from the Oregon country. This man has condescended to leave his tepee along the Columbia and hit the trail with fast eastern com pany this summer. Far Into Indian summer he will again return and around the campflre tell of this re markable feats on Green's team. Enough men were out yesterday for the "Varsity to put In good practice. The 'Varsity played in its old form and from Indications the red skins will have to go somo if,they win their first" game of the season. Morse will in all probability twirl for the 'Varsity on Friday, and Bender wil be behind the bat. The lineup of the team as to tho bther positions will bo given later. Latin Club. The Latin Club held Its third regu lar meeting on Tuesday evening at tho home of Miss Cutter, 1430 R street. The program consisted Of three very Interesting papers on Latin subjects. Miss Hunter read one on ."Child Life In tho Roman Poets," dealing particu larly .with children as found in Horace. Miss Grimeson read the second paper ou "Attlcus, the Friend pf Cicero," and the last number of the program was a review of the magazine articles on ' subjects of classical interest by Miss McLucas. 'After the program delightful refresh- I ;meata were served, 4 t 4 i 1 W i Ai ... tf ' J 1s - r 1 t ' .. A' r- " & . i'C t. B.' uima