l!, . 14 in.:- I rCANTABA I I I N T H K N P. W I ARROW I QUARTER SIfcE I COLLARS I You cnn crt over n hundred I ' ntylci. They're made In I neveml helirhU mid four mIzch I to the Inch. The mater lulu I Ix'inir Miriiiik lcfirc tuttlnc I ' the Clupoco iirofetH.nmkc I the rollurn practic-nlly non- "hrlnkablu. I 15c each; 2 for 25c I CMJKTT, PRADODY ft CO. Ijrjfcflt maker of Collura 6c Shirts in the world Sam Westerfield Proprlotor of Sam's Cafe Littlo Qom Hot tVaflloH and Fine Moahi and Lunohas. 1 17-121 North IS Strut Columbia National Rt. 0F LINCOLN, DatUC ' NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DtSIQNS COPYRIQHTS AC. Anyone Bonding a sketch nnd description may qulcklr aacortnln onr opinion freo whether an Invention la probably patonlable. Communlca- uona amour oonnaoniuu. ruMlUDUUA on menu out freo. Oldest aaenor for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive rounh Munn A rpteial notlo. without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomotr Illustrated weekly, largest cir culation of aiiv aclentlUn Journal. Terms. 13 a yaar: lour roonuie, si. laoia uyan newsaeaiern. MUNN & Co.36'0 Hew York Branch Offloo. 03 V BU Washlnuton. B. C. roar: four months, $L Sold byall newsdealers. Include In the Now Cdltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gexetteer of tho World New Biographical Dictionary EdltoilbyW.T.HAHUI8,Ph.D..LID t U.S. Coramlaalonor of Education. 2380 Quarto Paxes. SOOO Illustration!. H.w riatr a. UUli Wodlnir. AUo Webstcr'a'ColtogUte Dictionary with , lilt pacta. 1100 Illustration. Blia : TilOriftUi. ' A Bpedal Thin Paper Edition De Luxe I'rlatedfromaamaplaUa a rcfular rJllltm. It has II mp cover and round cornora. Bla : 5fiS,4il. FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," Instrnct I and eoterUlaloff. Also lUtutntsd pamphleta. G. G C. ME.IUUAM QO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass, V jjmrra Campus Gleanings i i i - i i i -1 1 - Zora Fitzgerald Is visiting' with her fllstor, Pearl Fitzgerald, at tho dormitory. Dr. Clapp will meet, tho track men thin afternoon on the campus. All candidates arc urged to report for work from four to five. Otto H. Eggo, '99, at present super intendent of the sugar factory at Love land, Colo., was a visitor at the Chem Iflry Department recently. Henry 13. Ward, dean of the College o.' Medicine, was elected a member of the judicial council of the Association ot American Medical Colleges In the annual session of that association held hi Chicago recently. The annual high school fete day, given each spring under the auspices of tho University, will probably be held this year on Friday, May 19th. In connection with the fete day features it is planned to hold tho annual state iiiterscholarastic field meet arid the School Master's Club meeting on the same day and evening. The regular meeting of the Medical Society will not be held this week. The meeting was postponed because It conflicts with Iowa-Nebraska debate which will be held Friday evening In Memorial Hall. The membeis of the society desire to add their mite to their effort to defeat Iowa by encour aging our representatives by their presence at the debate. The name of Professor Fling ap pears on tho board of directors an nounced by Chancellor Henry M. Mc Cracken, of tho University of New York, to vote during the coming sum mer upon additional names of famous Americans for places In the hall of Fnme. The board of electors Is di vlded up into groups and the name ot Professor Fling appears on the list of professors of History and Science. Two more packets of specimens were received for the University Herberlum by Professor Clements, of the Depart ment of Botany, Monday from the bo tanical gardens of Tlflls In Transcan casla. This completes the exchange which was arranged by Professor Bes soy when he visited Tlflls two years ago. These plants constitute a very Important addition to the Herberlum, slnco few of them are to be found In American collections. Academy Notes. InBpecroY Hodgman left yesterday lor St. Paul and Genoa to Inspect the schools at those places. The Academy baseball team played the Cotner University nine lastr Fri day at University Place and were de feated by tho score of 23 to 4. The preps were appaiantly not in the same class with Cotneiites and suffered a severe drubbjng at their hands. The Academy boys were ' also defeated by the nine from the Lincoln Business College by a large score a short time ago. They are, however, not ready to give up and will try their metal again Friday afternoon when they cross bats with the team from the University Law College. LOST lady's gold watch, with ltather fob. Return to Nebraskan of fice anUtto'b'eJ.ve'reward. Fresh home-made candles at Max well's, 142G O St. and 13th and N Sta. TO CALIFORNIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Lino. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this Hue. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent PLAY BALL We are sole agents In Lincoln for the celebrated D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full line of baseball shoes. Special prices on uniforms to clubs. Girard Cycle G'mpy 1304 O Stmt Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done . NULL cfe McCOY 1829 O Street MRS. J.-W. PETRY lS2r?r$r BAKERY 33-4- So. 11th Street . Bell Phono 504 Auto Phone 2C()4 The Cash Grocery J. W. SMITH, Prop. 245 South llth Street. "QUALITY." OUR SODA.. Tastes Like More MGGS, Drug Cutter 1321 O Street. (UC n VIA Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK roR TtIK SIQM The New Century Printers 1341 N STREET AUTO 1616 Summer School in Mechanic Arts ITATK COLLEGE OT KENTUCKY Elective courfei ire provided In all subjects tautht In mechanical and electrical englneerinc tchoola. Special attention it eiven to shop courtei, mechanical drtwine and design, mathematica. mechanics ( englneerinc, theoreticalelecttlcal sub)ccti, laboratory courses in steam and electrical encincering. Ten weeks, becinni& June 8th. F. Paul Andkbson, Dean. For detailed Informa tion relative to any special line of work, address JOHN T. FAIQ, Registrar. Lcxlnoton. Km New York Bostonand The East Fast dally train service via the Chicago & North- Western Railway, tne aouuie-track railway from ttie Missouri Riven-to Chicago, connect ing at Chicago with all lines fot all points East. The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the saiety and comfort ot patrons. The. Best of Everything TLxets and full Information on application to R. W. McQINNIS, Agont, 1624 O Street. Chicago & North-western Railway NW4G0 W utu ' I y' ti v . 1 1 11 " ' .' t, i -r-1 'n w i n TT ,, .,l)MI,,f,l,.l ,, .,, 1. - if - ir. t'-v-'frv v?y y'V" 'n .'",'. v. ' . f