The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1905, Image 2
n 'n. " " !'; HF" ,', -4 "" . -.. 4f It- ' i xti V fc ?& , I t . r-' .A ' l Gbc VRlIt Hebmtaan Ji r I 1 i t T 1 lurrt 6 Ffo . $Qaltofltbraskan &- A cvBtolidfttlaa of The HwpeHiu, VoL II, Tho Nabrwkan, f ol, 10 Scwlei and OrwuH, Vol. 4. Pabllfthed dUy, except Snaaty wad Monday, at 'ibo UnlTfrtlty of Ifebrttka, Lincoln, Heb. by the Hwperiaa Pabltoblog Co., BoAftb Or ltttutCTOM K. V. Piper, O. B. RJcharda, B. P. Learlt John Weelorer a B. Wlan. RditoiMa-OHtef Manager AMlatanl M&aager AmocUt Bdttor Circulator Athletic Aaslfltant Athletic Nerwd 8UtFarm Prod A. Bweeler A. O. Sohreiber Fred Nnughton A. M Lory Walter B- 8tanderon STAFP B. A. VanOradel H. L. 8wan H. Q. If yon A. P. Magdans team hasn't yet been chosen. There is plenty of time yet for any one capa-1 blc to make good, 'but to jnake good some effort must ,bo put forth. MltorUl Booma and Boalnon Office U 91 1H Port OfTloe Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. 34 Telephone Nthl Telephone Automatic 1538 Automatic 2365. BnlMorlptloa Price, P per year, In adrance Boterod at the poatoffleo at Unooln, Neb., aa aooond-olafla mall matter under the act of ooajrrwa of March 8, 1879. J Individual notlcea will be ohargod for at the te of 10 cent for oaeh Insertion. Faculty, department! and nnirenUty bullotina will gladly be publUhed free, aa heretofore Notices and subscriptions may bo left at the Dally Nobraskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks The number of Senior Annuals disposed- of yesterday proves that the University still has the spirit to sup port any enterprise which merits sup port There is no better judge of the real value of a thing than the student body. There is no place where real merit is moro appreciated than in the student body, nor is there any place where aham is more readily detected. The present transaction is a case of A Tribute The longed for spring time comes at last. Behold the change In nature. Harsh winter, with its northern blast 'Took .onVour-legislature. ' Mistake me not to be in jest. 'Tie my aincero conviction. Our legislature was the best In U. S. Jurisdiction. Let thoso who with sardonic grin, Ungraciously berate her, Remember 'tis a flargant sin Against our legislature. IIh noble work can never fall. Immortal be its fame; Take it for all and all wo shall Not look upon its like again. To me the honor of It be ' For this, a parting-thought; Why should not to its memory A monument be .bought? (Signed, Pat Crowe, by request.) Mire Edith Abbott, '03, now posting in Political Economy at the University of Chicago, wrote a very Interesting article for Harper's Weekly which ap peared in tho April 8th Issue. It was entitled "Are Women Business Fail ures?" and very ably assails Mrs. Thompson's sweeping assertion that women in industry are a "frightful fuilure" because "there average earn ings are less than one dollar a day." She proved, by quoting the wage tables of the Massachusetts Bureau of statis tics, that more than 70 per cent of tho 80.&51 women employed in manufactur ing indUBtiies in Massachusetts receiv ed a greater wage than Mrs. Thomp son's average, n closing her article Miss Abbott says: "I am not, as Mrs. Thompson would have it, 'advocating the "equal rights" of women to en gage in men's work,' but the equal rights of men and women to engage in the world's work, and to do the part of it which each, as an individual, and not as a man or woman is physically o: mentally best fitted to do. Tho question of women in Industry is on for scientific Investigation rather than for emotional generalization from a limited field of observation." ItnillinillllirillTITTTTTTllMMTTTTT.MiTTTTTTrTr KOPPA CAP ANNOUNCEMENT FRESHMEN! If they won't let you wear Capa, buy a $2.50 Hat one of the doggy kind SOPHMORES: -After the bloody bottle is fin- M ished -and the swelling gone down see ui far n your new lid- you'll need one. " BUDD, $2.50 Hatter, 114 J 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTIIITTTtttii,,tttt,,tttttt" the Senior Class delivering the goods and the University gladly paying the price. With the baseball season just begun and all of our inter-collegiate games still to play It is absolutely impera tive that more men report on the dia mond for practice. Yesterday after noon there were twelve men out for practice. The lot of the second team in baseball is quite different from that of the scrubs in football, yet from tho absence of the men yesterday there is no comparison between their loyalty and that of the scrub football man. To dpvelop a winning team, in any branch of spoil there must beejqmethlng to test tho advancing degree of develop ment upon, and it is the duty of the baseball men in tne University to re port in greater numbers. The 'Varsity r ere are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Raker's Chocolate f Don't be misled by them 1 Our trade-mark is on every package "of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker 82P Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's LMkfT.M Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent fixe. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. EsitbUsbed I7S0- Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America INNES' FESTIVAL NOTICE WEDNESDAY. FOR the famous Madison Square garden, In New York. The San Francisco festival will include tho work of an adult chor us of 2,000 voices and a children's chor us of 8,000 voices. It wjll be the most notewarthy musical event In the hiB tory of San Francisco and the Innes band was selected over all the other bands and orchestras in the United States to furnish tho instrumental part of the program. The programs selected by Director Innes for the Lincoln festival deserve sciious attention from music lovers. There will bo a French-Russian mati nee at the Auditorium this afternoon. The concert numbers will include the works of the famous composers of Rus sia and France. Tonight there will be a fest of Wagner's music, comprising the famouB scenes from Parsifal, in cluding "Varspiel," Kundry's arid and "The Knights of the Grail," the over ture from "Tannhauser" is the clos ing and should bo one of the most pop ular numbers on the program. The Innes organization will close next Fri day night. Mrs. Emma Partridge, the famous soprano; Fritz N. Huttman, the magnetic tenor, and Bahumlr Kryl, the music genius whoso concert solos have pleased Lincoln audiences on sev eral occasions, will be heard at eveiy performance. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggag. Phone 17J. Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P jrtretts. L W. Pomerene, Plumber, 888 S. 11th street. Lincoln Local Express, 1089 N street Both phones. Union Shining Parlora. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street Oyster stow 25 cents at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119 South 12th. All students are requested to leavo their 'phone numbers at the Registrar's office. The success which has greeted the Innes band on its trans-continental tour this season would seem to indi cate that Innes, the founder and leader of the organization, must be recog nized as one of the world's greatest musicians and conductors. The band which is being heard at the Auditorium this week was especially augmented for this season's tour, the longest and mbst Important tour ovsr attempted by thInnes band. Innes is now headed forf the Pacific coast, where he is booked for long engagements in Los Angeles, San FranciBco, Portland and other coast cities. In San Francisco tho Innes band will play la the Me chanics Pavilllon, which has a seating capacity of 22,000, 4,000 greater than The Uni Book Store has just re ceived some new Uni. stationery. Drop in and sec it Don't fall to Bee tho new solid giM University Beal pins -and fobs at the Uni. Book Store. Never tell a woman she reminds you of an old friend. She might embarra&s you by asking how old. The Good Health Cafe Is not selling meals for nothing, nor Is it offering cut rate meal tickets. It la, however, making special rates to Btudents who will board there rogularly and Join their eating club. If the proper num ber of boarders can bo procured a real low rate for weekly board will be made. Every student should got buBy and get in on this bargain. For par ticulars consult the manager of the Nebraskan, or call at the Good Health Cafe, Thirteenth and N streets. A few of tho "Koppa Cap" dodgers are Btill Intact, and can be bought at the Co-op and Uni. book stores. New Uni. stationery at the Univer sity Book Store. Greene's iTalace, 109 N. 11th Street Barber v Shops Mogul. 114-1 O Street. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 0 streot Both phones. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1550. We have a few copies of the "Kop pa Cap" dodgers for sale, while they last. Uni. Book Store. WANTED A position by a Univer sity girl during Easter vacation. Can give references. Address Secretary of Y. W. C. A. GET ACQUAINTED With the quality, atyle mwa price of the work done by the ..REVIEW PRESS, PRINTERS.. 141 North lth Street W ' L -- - . . .' 1 " t '' , . ; y, ;H t . .it, -r"r-v ., , , mrih. s, gj3ifcWMWa,iirf ftjSJ V'-" - "J i ".pw i i i mimim