The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1905, Image 1
j HJi -rl ' at l9sSt ' ? t rc a. ir .', WMM . ,V ' .t"i fc t v "" J' i , -,TiKi JJZV' " 'Mrs; '.. jf -iC -iif HiV. "-"- t' hi'tr1 i - '. m --.r i ...... -' Ift&g ' $1 ? y i.r -a K "7 H.v . .-fc Aj w. 11 o- rvs ;J &OC w;- ' f- -yy I Hk hKL N Vol. IV, No. 122 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL J2, J905.- Pricc 5 Centi " J v" L "". - - .. .. j. . - , aBSSMWPT r. J' '-' iv v M&. rt -vt v, rasftin 1 - -. -- B - fcrf - N. . B .tvi' 1 ' , STILL UNDECIDED Judges For Iowa Debate Not Yet Chosen. Two UiUvcraltUa Uaahli to Agree On Chlcn. Arrangements are almost completed for the big debates, which will como off next Friday and Tuesday evenings. One Important matter, however, still remains suspended In mid-air the question of Judges. The Judges for the Washington debate have been selected but an unusual amount of trouble is l)elng experienced In the selection for the Iowa contest. Several letters con taining nominations for Judges have passed between the two Universities, but so far tho debating boards have been unable to agree upon Judges sat isfactory to both parties. According to thk compact each university submits to. the other the names of nine men qualified to serve as judgts. Out of these the visiting college Belects one Judge and the home school two. Iowa experienced no difficulty in seJecting an adequate Judge from the list sent by the Debating Board, but out of the list sent by Iowa several are, in the opinion of the Debating Board, totally disqualified to serve in the capacity of Judge and although two or three gen tlemen possessed tho necessary quali fications, these have informed us of their Inability to serve. Secretary Wal dron is busy corresponding with Iowa and It Is hoped that the matter will be settled before twenty-four hours have passed. -Only a very short time re mains before tho date set for the de bate and some apprehension exists that the final selection of judges may de hy or even cause the debate to be called off. However, a majority of those In a position to know the cir cumstances have little fear that tho tiouble will not settled In due time. "Arrangements for music for both debates have been concluded. One of the Glee Club quartets will 6ing at the Iowa debate, Friday evening, and the University Cadet Band will fur nish music for the Washington de bate Tuesday evening. The presiding officers haYo not yet been decided upon. William J. Bryan has been Invited to preside at one debate, -but will be unable to accept, having an engagement out of the city-on both evenings. Senator E. J. Burkett will possibly preside at one. debate. Tickets for the debates went on sale yesterday and) may be procured! from any member of the debating associa tion, or at the Co-op. and Harry Por ter's where they are on sale. Both debates, coming within such a short interval between, a new plan of sell ing one ticket to both contests has been followed. The price of tlckots which admit to both debates Is fifty cents. rTo those desiring to attend one debate, single tickets will bo sold at thirty-five centfi. The Nebraska Entomological Society will meet in the Entomology Labora tory this evening at 7:30. Papers will be radi on subjects of Interest to the entomologist and every one Interested in the subject Is invited to attend the meeting. Company B fiop... FRIDAY, -- ss -f Fatenity Hafl. Phi Psi Wins. Won. Lost. P.O. Sigma Alpha EpsUon...l 0 1000 8igma Chi 1 0 1000 Beta Theta PI 1 o 1000 Delta Tau Delta 1 0 1000 Alpha Tau Omega 1 l 500 Phi Kappa Psi 1 1 600 Kappa Sigma 0 2 0000 Delta Upsi Ion 0 2 0000 Another bottle of Fraternity spirit was opened on the athletic field yester day afternoon when the Phi Psl's and the Delta Us crossed bats. The Phi Psl's .split almost halfof It when "Cap tain Bill" RamBey limped over the first score of the game. The remain ing enthusiasm sizzled and bubbled, like a well shaken bottle of pop, and roachel the "boiling over" point sev eral times later In the game. "Pat" Day, left field for Deta U's caused a flurry several times by making sen sational catches, but with all their ef forts the Delta's weie not able to run In more than one run and left the field with a score or 5 to 1 In favor of the Phi Psl's. Plans are already well under way for an elaborate Commencement Week Conert. The oratorio of "Elijah" will be given by the University Chorus under the direction of Mrs. Raymond. The chorus will be assisted by excellent sololsts. The baritone sololBt Is a singer of much renown, of New York City, and the others are equally good. A fine string orchestra will be secured to render the orchestral parts of the production, greater attention Is being given to this feature of Commence ment Week than ever before. The class teams are evidently play ing baseball this year, If the records made by the Freshmen and Sopho more teams yesterday count for any thing. The Freshmen walked all Tver Wesleyan to the tune of 15 to 4, while the Sophomores held Cotner University team downto a 1 to 0 score. Both these games were seven innings. Get one of the famous "Koppa Cap" dodgers at the Co-op. tt)Mftt . it INTER-COLLEGIATE DEBATES it it it it it it it it it it IOWA-NEBRASKA- Friday Evening, April 14 uftSUiiunTnu.NrDDAcv it it it it it it it it it " r :." .rr',w i uesaay MEMORIAL HALL. BOTH tttttttttt)tttti)IW APRIL 14 - -i Tickets $1.00 Large Sale. Of the three hundred and fifty soles of Senior Annuals which wore neces sary to get Into clear sailing three hundred and twenty were made yes terday, and the Omaha Medics as yet have not sent in their order. This is probably the largest sale of one single day that any University book has ever made. Today no books will be on sale on the campus but copies can be had at either of the book stores. Uus ally It is necessary to keep books on sale at different points on the campus -for-a-week succeeding the apeparance of the publication. The order from the Omaha Medics Is expected to more than make up the needed three hundred and fltty. Co. B. Hop. The annual Company B hop, the last but one of the informals on the social calendar will be held Friday evening at Fraternity Hall. This, usually one of the best patronized of University dances., and the affair this year prom ises to be as enjoyable as former ones. Eddie Walt's orchestra will furnish the music. A program of twenty num bers will be given, with no extras. Dancing will begin at 9:30. R. H. White is chairman and G.vV. Cheney master of ceremonies. Tickets are one dollar. The proceeds of the dance are ta be devoted to the annual banquet given each spring by Company B. Drill With Innes. The Pershing Rifles did Home of their "drill stunts" at the Innls Band Con cert last night. The company met at 7:15 and after going through their regular drill, marched over to the Auditorium, where they entertained the audience by a brisk and snappy drill. The exhibition was very creditable to' the military work of the University. The third dormitory party given by the girls of the University Women's Building has been announced for Sat urday, April 29. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. a.avr it it it it it it it it it it it it it tvening, Apr. 18 it it DEBATES 30c. it -it GYM TEAM CHOSEN Only Two Men to Represent Ne braska at Chicago. Orranastlo Maet to G'onaUt of Hron Kvsnta. O. S, Copoland, 07, and B. C. John son, Law '07, have been chosen to rep resent tho University of Nebraska at the Western Intercollegiate Gymnasi um meet which Is to bo held In tho Bartlott Gymnasium of the University of Chicago this coming Saturday, Apt I J 15th. Tho list of events to bo compoted In aro seven In number, comprising tho long horse, Bide horso, parallel bars, horizontal bars.-fiylng rings, tumbling and club swinging. The winner of first place in each evcnt receives five points which count for the team represented and also' for tho liidlvrdual gymnastic championship which Is to be awarded at the ond of the contest. Second place Is givon three points and the third one. Fivo men may bo entered from each college represented, but only three aro allowed to start in each event. Nebraska will be somewhat handicapped' by having only two men to represent her, as a chance for the one point in third place is lessoned. The contestants are to bo judged upon four points; the aprpoach, tho mount, tho stunt and tho dismount. Owing to only a fair attendance and the heavy advertising necessary tha proceeds of the gymnastic exhibition g:ven Friday were sufficient to Bend only two men to the Chicago meet, when It bad been planned to send three. Johnson and Copoland. leave Friday night, and from form displayed In the gym for sometime past are expected to give a good account of themselves and make Nebraska's advont into the gym nastic world as successful as was her advent Into cross country running. "Blue Print" OUt. The Engineering Annual, "The Ne braska Bluo Print," will be ready for distribution tomorrow. The demand for their publication has increased from year to year as the whole stu dent body, other colleges, and people outside, have learned what the nature of the publication is, and the class.of work It contains. The "Bluo Print" for this year equals in-every way if not surpassing the previous publications. Several now features have been introduced. Tho "Blue Print" board have spared neither time nor energy to get the most up-to-date articles and combine them iqto a book of- the best material. Most of these articles they -have illus trated by handsome engravings. The one feature of the "Blue! Print" tho Aumnl directory of our Engineer . ' and what they are doing is something that no Engineering student can Afford to be without as well as being pf great r interest to. others, - . - Senior baseball, men meet on the athletic field Thursday at Chapel time to elecfc a captain. 5 , MANAGER. Brio B. Woodward, If', .dlseaaea of ye, ear and throat. 2078-Hlchardg block. Phone-QC! .,? r '.. ' o l 'l IL. ..' ,j i. LiL4.tfiu L.rajcr iX ti