The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1905, Image 4
s!Sf -r"j$ , , -t (Efce Dalit ftebr n kin Campus Gleanings For Fun. see Steele. 143 S. 12th St Now Unl. stationery at the Univer sity Book Store. I,. W. Pomcrene, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. ALDORF ARROW QUARTER SIZE COLLARS Arc made of f.ibri. slirunV. Iji'forc brini cut l llc I liipcco process. Thit In Mirct prrrn.nicnt unit rsmt Mt Over 100 style. 1 5c each; 2 for 25c ci.ri'.TT rKAnom & co Largest makers o( Collars &bhirts la the world flMWi Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Lilt lo Clom Hot Wafllos and Fine Miialrf and Lunohes I 17-121 North 13 Street Columbia National D.t OF LINCOLN, DaHlC JP NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 OO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DCSIQNB COPYRIQHTS AC. Anyona sonillrm a sketch and description may uloklr ascertain otr oliilou froe y Invention Is probably Pteiltbl. .C other an 'omraunlen- lions strictly confidential. HAH0MM on Patents ant f roo. Oldest agency fMlfifa iftllAn thnMlD amnnr for securinir t)i ncy tor bocuhiib tents. special nodes, without charge, In the I'nteuts tken through Munn 4 Co. recctre Scientific American. A handsomely lilnstrate1 weekly. Ktrnest clr- calmtlnn of nnr sclontlfln loimial. Terms. S3 a year: rour niouttis, l. moiq uy an newsnooiors. IIUNN&Co.30'0- Hew York Branch Offloo. 096 V BL. Washington. B. C. .. . ... .. . . Mrrl!Wl Includes la tho Now .dttlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. IIAUKI8, Ph.D., LL.I)., JJ. S. Commissioner of Itducution. 238C Quarto Pates. 5000 lllustrstlons. New Plates. ItU-h llln.llng. AUu Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with 1.10pec. U00 IHutratioai. Slw ; 7il0iSiln. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe Printed from suae plates as regular edition, lthae limp covers and round corners. 81m t 6It4S- FREE, '-A Test in Pronunciation," iMtracv - and entertaining. Also lUiutrsted pamphlets. G. O C. ME.RRIAM CO. lubllshra, prlagflsjld, Mass. fL i!inlliKi Tho Engineering Society meets Wed nesday evening at 7:30 In M 211. Frosh homo-mado candles at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N St. The Engineering Society will meet Wednesday nlhgt at 8 p. m. In M 211. W D Grant will address the meeting. The Pershing Rifles will meet this eonlng at 7:ir Instead of Thursday eonlng The superintendent of construction Is making tentative plans for tho sub station at North Platte. Tho latin C'.ubjwUjr.eet tonight wltn Miss Frances Cut tor at 14o0 11 street at 8 p. m Greene's 1 Palace, 109 N. 11th Street. Barber Shops l Mogul. 1144 O Street. Miss Elsie Piper and Mrs. Poake were In Lincoln last wee-k to attend tho Alpha Omlcron Pi party Friday night. The baseball team at the State Farm succeeded In snatching victory from the Medics last Saturday by a score of 8 to 1 The Pershing Rifles are tailed to meet this evening at 7:30. The meet ing Is important and all of the men are uiged to be present. The University Debating Association will meet Thutsday, AprlM3, at 11 a. m., In Ullft. All members of the As sociation are expected to be present nt this meeting. I)r Ienhoff lectin ed befoic the ad vanced class In Military Science yes terday on "First Aid to the Injured." l)i T.cnhoff wll give a series of lectures on this subject. Minnesota's women's basketball team defeated Omaha Y. W. C. A last Fri day night by a score of 22 to 21. game was played In Minneapolis. University girls meet the Omaha next Friday In Omaha. The The girls R A DcCou, '0j, a promising man on the track team, has been confined foi the past week In St. Elizabeth's hospital with a severe attack of blood l,oisonliig resulting trom a slight cut in his heel I Will L. Howling. ex-'05, visited over Sunday in Lincoln Dowllng lias jtiol been elected to the position of piln cipal of schools at Clay Center, Neb He Is at present in the postofflce at Mndibon l)r French, of the Department of Philosophy, left Sunday for Jackson ville, Fla., where he was called by the seero Illness of a brother. His classes will not reconvono until after the spring recess. Hon. C S. Elguttoi, of Omalia, will speak at Comocatlon Wodnesdayon. "Clllzenship In the United States." Mr. Elgutter is a prominent attorney In Omaha and It Is expected that he will give an Interesting and able discussion oi the subject. A. J. Van Antwept, a fonnei student in engineering in the University, was recently elected city engineer of Brok en Bow. Mr. Van Antwept has been assistant county surveyor of Custer county since ho left the University last wiuter. University students who wl&h to get In on the special rates for board at the Good Health Cafe should see to It at once, as the ijffer will not last long. If you want t6 get good clean, wholesome- food at regular weekly board rutes which are very reasonable, you should call at the Cafe at once. Only University students can have this rate. CALIFORNIA 7 1 UNION PACIFIC I m Every Day m From March 1 to May 15, 1905 I $25.00 1 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays M Be sure your ticket reads over B L this line. Inquire E E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent W Electric Shoe Repair Factory 1220 O STREET Price list of our Electric Shoe Ro pairs. ! MEN'S. Sewed Soles 75c 'Nailed Soles 50c-75c Straighten Heels 25c Rubber Heels, 1st quality 40c Patches 10c Pieces on Soles 15( Goring 50c-75c Insoles i0r Eyeleta lOc TongueB 10c Heel Lining 25c Rips 10c-25r Heelplates 5c-15c Re-Dyeing 25c Cuban Heels 35c INDIES' Welt Sewed Half Soles. . .' 50c Hand Turned Soles 85c Heels 15c-25c Nailed ShoeH 40c-50c Rubber Heels 35c Pieces on Soles 15c Patches 10c-15c Tips 25c MISSES' Half Soles 40c Heels 15c-20c CHILD'S Half Soles 35c Our wagon calls for and delivers goodB. Also spring stylos of 1 adios' and Gents' Shoes in tan and black Wolfanger, Warthon & Auto Phone 3902 STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring; at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J209. J- . Union Colleye Tailors South Fotsnce College Building lsasWl.lTlWWW,sfl STEINEB-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholessls snJ RstsH DRUGGISTS 999 Automatic Phone 707 114(0 Street LINCOLN, NEB. Den't be a dttA one keep yourself leoklne; aat. Patronize Zbe Weber Suitorium Cleaning, Pressing, Dying. Repairing and Refitting ol Pins Clothes. Ball 78 Automatic 170 YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete suc cess without programs and menufls. Get them printed at ORIFFIN-aREER PRINTINO COMP'Y 1136 O Street E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A. A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And ako Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Lincoln New York Boston and The East Fast dally train Chicago & North the double-track Missouri River to Ing at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from tho Chicago, connect- wlth all lines for The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. the Best of Everything TLxets and full Information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, Agont, 1024 O Street. Chicago & North-Western Railway I NW4C0 9 ' 4 t n -' -jA X "tt- . tP.'Srtljl 1 .in V ' ""J "! 1 rar "Y '.' 7-1 T, t QSM ""J- -. -r ' J "; v il 1 . tn i 1 m yn 1 jMyi -e.