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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1905)
S t'1 pPr'3!fiWWljp j &- Gbe Datl? fUbrasftan eh: -,. .. w&K& A(i f -1 -V. Campus Gleanings Professor Fogg has moved from 1G34 II street to 1510 O street. F D. Matlock, Law '04, is editor or a local paper In St. Paul, Minn. "jr. ... J. ' MfeL TO r. A' F" ? . v" i.' tW t H K It ' r w Vt. ! V K& rr ANCOFEU YOU can always get your style, your height mid your exact size in ARROW QUARTER SIZK COLLARS 'I lictMM'nIliir Ix-inir nmdoof fnhrit'H Hlirunk lirforr rut 1 ins ly thoCliipooo prorcii. will not xlirink. Thl iiiNuruA ixTtiiuitenc)' of size 15c each; 2 for 25c (i.lKTT, PKABODY ft CO. I-irccst inukrr of Collars At Shirts in tho world Cbe fraternity BuilJMng Ooraer lStb sad K ltra i ' sTfetxlkasx M Sharp, rrops. tsicM Rates for PraUmlty Dance. Ttttfkmut Automatic ft 74, Ball 74 ReeMenee. Auteextatic 1817. Ball i7 P5w T. J. THORPE CO. Qoner'l Machinists AU Kinds oi Repalre Locksmiths and Platers Phone 6U 309 So. JJth LINCOLN Columbia National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjjTjn Trade Marks Debiqns COPVRIQHTO &C. Anyone) sending a sketch nnd description may Ascertain our opinion irm nuuiuur uu on la nrobablT pruentablo, Communlca- tlonBRtrlotirconfldoutfal. HAHDB00K on Patents cut free, Oldest ancncT for Bocurlnir pa I'nlonts takon through Mutm.A Co. Invention sAiirv fnr itnmirlliir natftlltft. iirtincrh Mumi.A-. It), rohnlvff tptetal notice, without charjto. In tbo Scientific American. Tar?cst clr- Torms. J.1 a ft ttanrlanmal I illiaf F t Ail Wrtflklr. ..I.iIa .. alsnllrin linrnl vuiauuu in uuy vvioiiuu j""h V i IOIir niOIUnn, fl. OUIU uyaii nunnuoniun. nn3Q1Droidway.NfiVlYnrK -Branch Offlco, 623 F SU Washington. I. C. : t Includes In tho Now E.dltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. HAKUI8, Ph.D . I.L.D., U. b. Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages. 5000 Illustration. N.w I'Utf. UU-h llln.l In. Mm Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lll6pcr. 1100 Illiutratlon. Hlu . 7il0xhi- A 8pclal Thin Paper Edition De Luxe I'rintta from iu IUU u regular edition. It ha. liuipoorrrsaad round corner. Blie . SiSilVi. FREE, "A Teat in Pronunciation," infract l and ontertalnlof . Alio Illustrated pamphlets. G. O CME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Dr. Ward left today to attend the meeting of the Association of Ameri can Medical Colleges which meets in Chicago. The Historical Society is now at work preparing tho specifications for the printing of Nebraska constitutional records for which money was appro priated by the legislature. John R I.ntenscr of Omaha, archi tect for the Administration Building, made a short visit to Lincoln this week to decide some- preliminary work connected with tho new building. De-an Bessey Issuod a leave of ab sence yesterday to five of the boys in the forestry courso in order to al low them to go to the United States Forest Reserve at Halsey, Nebraska, where they will have practical work for a month or so. Many Smith and M. H. Swenk, both of the Department of Entomology made a trip to Aurora, Neb., yester day and put in a breeding cage at that place for a-study of the habits of tho Hessian fly and the parasites that work upen it. The men are working under the supervision of the State Entomolo gist and will make a thorough study of the brst means of fighting several ot the insects that hae been injuring Nebraska crops. Prof. Caldwell's class in Current Events will discuss the Interesting question of Canada, "New Foundland and the Northwest" at the next meet ing Thursday. The discussion will em brace the political geography, the ex ternal problems, the industrial situa tion and the future outlook of Canada. Visitors who are interested in the scientific discussion of up-to-date top ics nro cordially inited to attend the meetings of this clas ' INQUIRY "Will you kindly gle us the names ot two or three of your students who have canvassed and would be suitable general agents for us? We want all students who canvass this summer to advertise our paper at the same time in a way that will not only not inter fere with, but will actually help, their other work. "An early reply in the enclosed stamped envelope will greatly oblige, "Yours respectfully, "P. V. COLLINS PUB. CO. "Minneapolis, Minn." BsssSrPI Without a statute to aid him, with no 'constitutional authority," it is said, and with scarcely a word from the silent man who sits in the execu tive chair at the Missouri capital, the lobby is anquished The reason of It In the man Folk. Not a railroad has been seen in "Joe" Folk came is sought by the all is pass since ncne' CALIFORNIA VIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day Prom March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent See Yourself as Others See You nrHE Printed Stationery you reflects your business Judg ment. No job is too common te be neatly done. What you waot when you want it. KIING 8c JESSUP The Iw Prtjj Printcn 125-127 N 12th St ----'t-' STUDENTS Jefferson City to Town and members and clerks of the legislature. Not a whis per of bribeiy or corruption has been Folk has made boodling a danger ous profession in Misosurl. The pol iticians fear him, and they fear him ixi'ause the people love him because public opinion is back of him In all that he says nnd does, and in banish ing the corrupt lobby from Missouri, Governor Folk has vindicated the omnipotent power of a righteous pub lic opinion. Collier's, April 8. For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Pbones; Automatic 3255, Bell 209. jt J- Jt- Union Col lege Tailors South Fnt College Building STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS Automatic Phone 1707 1146 O Streat LINCOLN. NEB. Dan't be a 4tad one keep youraelf leoking acat. Patronize Zh Weber Suitorium Cleaning, Praising, Dying, Repairing and Refitting of Fine Clothes. Ball 78 Automatic I708 YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS aro not a complete suc cess without programs and menues. Oet them printed at QRIFFIN-OREER PRlNTINd COMP'y' 1136 O Street COAL DIERK8 LUMBER COAL CO. BellPhna35 Automatic SO 1 1 This is what we know about out young men's suits for 1905. In design tit, pattern and workmanship, they outrun competition, grade, for giade. Palne's Clothing Store Auto 1292 Boll 147 8OUKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1320 N 8treet LINCOLN. NH1 If you want to see the swellest $3.50 and $4.00 Tan low shoes you ever saw, stop In at Sanderson's. They are beauties. All students are requested to loavo their 'phone numbers at the Registrar's office. Twenty-one meals for ?3. Dormitory Cafe. Lincoln Transfer Phone 176. Co.; b&ggase. Our Mlcroicopii, Mlcrotomis, laboratory Olnt- vara, Chemical Apparatus, Chemicals, Pholo tenses and Shutters, Field Olassss, Projection apparatus, rnoto-micro cimsras art ustd b " '""" i'- oratorlaa and OoTsr'nl Dsp'UBKl Bound tbt World Pre Catalog Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co. RocnaaTKR, N. Y. New York Chicago Dotton Frankfurt, C'yJ New York Bostonand The East Fast dall? train ChicagOi-tVNorth- the double-track Missouri River to lng at Chicago ail points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from tho Chicago,, connect- witli all lines for The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best oi Everything TLets and full Information on application to R. W. McQINNIS, Agent, 1024 0 Street. Chicago & North-Western Railway INW100 1 J 1 r "rc ' it- ,inULi liiiriTTliM x -TllTfiTTi ,1 r 1 - .. V j