Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1905)
'w,ya&JiE LT-r 4 . V . t -v ttbe Dail? Tlebrasltan SWWaMi '"iiiwtww h - . . v BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jftery lojul Uulverslty Student la faffed to pmtroHlr.e tlieue KebraAkiui 1 Advertiser, ami to mention the pftr Trhllo dolnc to. t t : : : it H A" "Mto ifc f k W f k i T "T T 1 if w BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BARBER SH0P8.-r-The Arlsto, Green's PalacS fend Mogul. BICYCJS-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, 01rard. B00K6TgTATI0NERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unt. Book Store, Brpfc'n Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOGfjte HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANkfi Columbia National, First Na- BO0KBINDL IT Gillespie. BwXING ALLEY Creace&t BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln BubI JsiesB College G&NDr&S Woodward Candy Co. GJtftPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs Drug S(ore. CIGARS Fred A. Powell. Lindsay. CLBANERS AND DYERS Elliott, SOttkup & Wood. CLOTEttNG Armstrong, Mageo ft Deemer, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOL Pittc. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stolner, Woompener, Brojyn, Mann. Rector. Harley, Riggs. DRY GOODS' Miller & Paine, -Herpol- shelmer. trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. MAnrcnnASHHRY $2.60 Hat Storo. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Llndcll. ,JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Mclicks. LUMBER Dlerks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond, Hay den. Konnedy. PLUMBERS Poramerene. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen tury. Ivy Press, Reviow Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam eron, Good Hoalth. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING -The Famous. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Affolter. SUITORIUM Weber, TAILORS Unhand, Union Collogo Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS BUREAU W. D. Grant. COOK WITH... GAS EHDCDLATE5 For Sale Only at Harley's - ' V " "V WJ0m$r t . i ... Aua,y W 1 .v J! Ml bulletin TODAY. New Y. M. C. A. cabinet, 8 p. m. Junior-Senior reception. APRIL 9. Miss Paddook speaks to Univorsity students In Memorial Hall. APRIL 14. Iowa debate, Memorial Hall. 'Varsity vs. Nebraska Indians on Campus. Company B Hoj at Fraternity hall. APRIL 16. 'Varsity vs. Nebraska Indians on Campus. APRIL 17. Second Junior theme due at 6 p. m. in U 311. APRIL 18. Washington debate. Meomrial Hall. IrT Other Colleges Cornell wns defeated Sunday, in baseball, by Nashville league team. Score 8-0. The famous Harvard class of 1880, of which Prosident Roosevelt Is a member, will celebrate Its 5th anni versary by making the college a gift ol $100,000. The Knox College Student conies out in the form of an extra edition to an nounce the donation by Andrew Carnegie of $60,000. The gift Is to be applied on the construction of a new library. The football authorities at Columbia have adopted a new system of gradu ate coaching to go Into effect this com ing season. The plan Is to have a head coach, with two subordinate field coaches instead of one, as In previous years. In addition to these there will be three advisory coaches. Hai'ard men have organized a club to entertain visiting athletic teams. This Is indeed highly commendable. Often the visiting team gets hut the merest glimpse of the University and the city and carries away impressions trtirely false. Whether a club Ik nec essary to extend such hospitality is questionable. Ex. The authorities of the University of Pennsylvania will Introduce Into the cuiriciilum, beginning October. 1, 1905, a course In public health. This inno vation looks toward filling a constant ly growing demand throughout the country for officials specially trained In matters pertaining to public health. The couisef will include Instruction under the following headings: Sani tary engineering, sanitary legislation, Inspection of meat, milk, etc.. social and vital statistics in the United states, general hygiene and personal hygiene. The English Club meets tonight with Miss Dean at 1C.32 O street. SENIOR BASEBALL. Senior baseball men meet on ath letic field Monday, at Chapel time, to elect a captain. MANAGER. The Auditorium kating Rink will be closed during Innes' Band Concert. Will re-open April 15. SeasorT151oses May 4. Chanln Bros.. Florists, 127 So. 13th. Fresh home-made candles at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N SUf. : Lincoln Local Expressl039 N Btreet Both phones. HIOH GRADE BONBONS Drug Store, Hth and O. try.V m. . VL v..' . r.v:iii": .":: tf ttJJjVS- litiiTtl' jt, ONB-WAY RATES. Every day from March 1st to May 16th, 1905, inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Missouri River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusive) as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lako City. $20.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $22.60 to Spokane and Wenatchoo, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through TouriBt cars ran every day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75. For full information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL & McCOY isasTb Strt JAMES TEDESCO Lincoln Shoe Repairing Go. Half Soles Done Whilo You Walt. From 40c up. RUDDER MEELS 40. 1236 N Street, Lincoln, Neb We have always been known aa tba ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY Thlf iiuon wt r turning out txtttr vwdi than ever. Wt want your btuinua. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY A.uto27S4 1614 O Strut aUH74 H. N. TOWN Groceries and Meats Corner 27th and O Stroots PHONE B20 Our Motto: "Nothing but the Best." We Sell DOLLARS FOR NICKELS FRED A. POWELL Ollw Theatre Bit, 136 R 131b Street Book fiospital R. H. GILLESPIE Phon U40 J24 0 Street Pitts Dancing Academy . 1132 n btrickt Class Nights Monday, Wednosdny and Saturday. Private Lessons by Appointment. LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ETC. AINO RETURN. The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 2l5t to many points In Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good for 21 days. This very low rate Includes Galveston, San Antonio, Port Arthur, and la much leas than one way fare. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. CITY TICKET OFFICE S. W. Corner 2th and O Streib F. D. CORNELL, P. 8 T. A. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Fine Candies 'HMH.H' 4mm. ALLEGRETTI LOWNEY'S HUYLER'S Always Fresh at RECTOR'S Sole Agents uuuuuuou HUwHMi Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK rOH THK BION The New Century Printers 1341 N STREET AUTO 1616 GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Estimate furnished upon appli cation. Job work promptly attended to. BAB South lOtll. LINCOLN, NIC II. Visiting and Address Cerds Programs, Invltn.Iona and Correspondonc Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Dulldlnf We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors Telephones: A349, 340 MRS. J. W. PETRY ffir,e.and. BAKERY 234 So. 11th 6trt Bell Phono DG4 Auto Pbono 250 ltjicttJi -j , -i 31 u j i