The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1905, Image 1

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Uhc milv flebraeftan
Vol. IV, No. J 20
Price 5 Cents
Gymnastic Exhibition Given to a
Good Sized Audience.
Mm Who Took Tart Showed Kxcellent
A good-sized crowd, but one which In
view of the extensive advertising which
had been done and of the character of
the program was somewhat disappoint
ing, witnessed the Big Gym Exhibition
hrt night in the Armory. This was
the first exhibition to be given by the
classes in physical training since Dr.
Clapp became head of the department
three years ago, and the showing made
last night constitutes a glowing tribute
to the efficiency and energy with which
he has directed the work, in physical
The men in each event were all In
the same kind of a suit, a marked and
most favorable contrast with the non
descript costumes worn by the men
in gymnastic exhibitions of earlier
The program consisted of ten exhibi
tions and races. In accordance with
the customary promptness with which
frnrtions at the University with the
sole exception of basketball games
are begun, the first drill began sharp
ly "at eight o'clock, and all tiresome
delays between subsequent events were
almost entirely eliminated.
The fii-3t exhibition was a drill In
light gymnastics by over fifty members
or" the first year class under the lead
ership of Mr. Lane, the efficient in
structor in the department. Miss Jan
su accompanied the movements on th?
piano. Tho exercises weie simple, but
well adapted to building up work and
were gone through without a hitch.
Next was an exhibition of class ap
paratus work by forty of the first
year men. Different squads worked
upon the horizontal bar, parallel bars,
lung horse, and side horse. The ex
orcises were of a much more difficult
sort tlian those given to first year men
last year, showing tho advanced stand
ard of work now prevalent in the de
partment.. Some fancy tumbling was then done
by Lane, Johnson and McDonald. Their
work. was very fine and brought forth
round after round of applause.
A Hamburg Drill by twelve members
of the second year class, attired in
white ducks, then followed. The men
went through a ten minute drill with
out an order, simply following the
piano. This was one of the finest
events of the evening, and evidenced
the expenditure of much time and pa
tience in drilling the men.
Then men of the second year class
under Mr. Graves afforded some little
amusement by work upon the "ele
phant," which consists of parallel bars
covered .with mats. The only thing
lacking to make7 this work exactly like
a circus was the fact that by some slip
or other the clown had been left out.
The Blxth event was a double header.
The first part was rf-human wheelbar
row race between- 'representatives of
the three sections of the first year
class. By means of clever sliding for
home plate, Carr and Miller walked
off with first prize. The othor part
was an obstacle race, and this fur
nished more amusement for the au
dience than any event of the evening.
Each runner had to go twice around
the hall, making a long dive, then
climbing through a barrel, making a
high dive over a hurdle, climbing over
the "elephant" or circling through It,
another high dive and barrel, and then
to the starting point. The first year
elass wns represented by Harvey Mc
Donald, Marsh and Haggard, and
were defeated by the second year class
team, composed of Wilson, Heath,
Nelder and Campbell.
Johnson, Copeland, Pipal and Pos
plsal. the contestants in the recent
gymnastic contests for University
Gymnast, then gave an exhibition of
advanced work on parallel bars, the
long horse, and the flying rings. The
parallel bars and flying rings work
especially pleased the spectators, who
applauded each man generously as he
finished each stunt. These men will
probably represent the University at
the contest this spring in Chicago, and
from their work last night they will
doubtless land among the blue ribbon
Dr. Clapp and Mr. lane then did
some fancy and dangerous work on the
horizontal mars, and it was easy to see
where the skill shown by their pupils
enme from. For firteen minutes they
kept the audience Intensely Interested,
and were heartily cheered after each
A picked squad of about fifteen men
then formed a series of pyramids
around the parallel bars. Despite the
fact that any one man could have
spoiled the whole formation by a false
movement, every figure was perfectly
The final event was a relay race be
tween the different sections of the first
year class, and proved to be extreme
ly exciting.
This exhibition was given for the
purpose of raising money for the ex
penses of the gymnastic team to be
sent to Chicago, and its success is due
to the combined efforts of Di Clapp
and the members of all the classes,
who joined in the work with great enthusiasm.
The strike of the local painters,
which has been on since the first of
the month, has been called off and
the painters began -work again yes
terday on the new Farm building. The
strike, resulted In a loss for the men.
They struck for 40 cents an hour, and
got 31 cents, an increase of three quar
ters of n cent'over the former sale.
The breaking of ground on the Ad
ministration Building' site has neces
sitated the replanting of some of the
trees on this plot. One twenty yearb
old was replanted yesterday. The treo
Is a scrub pine and Its size gives no
hint of its age. It was placed near the
Library. Another tiee, the cotton
wood which stands just to tho Inside
,011 ttyo left of tho east 11th street' cam
pus gate,' Is, of considerable age. This
tiee was planted by Professor Cald
well In 1870. It is one of a number
planted by him at that time, but is the
only survivor.
Chris' Bath House, cprner 11th and
P streotB.
Ls W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 S.
11th etreet.
Senior Class Publication is in the
Hands of tho Binder.
Will lie Put on Hnle Tnemlny Uo'nUlim
Mnnr Kxcellent Fnture.
The Senior Book ls out! It will not
go on sale until next Tuesday, but the
entire edition Is off the press and In
the hands of the binder. The first copy
has been looked over by a number of
people who have been acquainted with
n number of previous publications,
Junior, Senior and Law, and they pro
nounce It undeniably the best annual
eer produced at Nebraska. Instead
of a hundred and fifty pages as the
previous Senior Annuals have con
tained, there are In the present book
212 pages of which 183 are reading
matter not reading matter either, for
there are twice as many cartoons nnd
more Illustrations than any book has
ever held. The photographs of tho
class are Alber types, of a brown tint
instead of the green aB was used In
the Law Book last year.
The Josh Department Is larger and
better than has before been the case.
The faculty especially come In for
their share, and the editors appear to
have been free from the usual fear
which has hitherto entered Into faculty
roasts, for as one of those who have
seen the book expressed it:
"Those faculty joshes are vicious."
Recaption To-night.
The annunl reception to the Sen
iors given by the Juniors occurs to
night In the Art Hall. When this re
ception was first given It wtis given
by the Junior Class to tho Senior Class
and only members of those classes
were allowed to attend. Of late years,
however, the affair, while given under
the auspices of the Juniors to the Sen
iors, Is made a University affair, and
attendance is not limited to the two
upper classes but all classes are In
vited to make the reception a more
itpresentatlve University lunctlon. a
piogiam of fourteen numbors has been
arranged and Eddie Walt's orchestra
has been engaged to furnish the music.
Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock.
The- Student Volunteer Movement
has again favored our university by
sending us one of Its strongest repre
sentatives In the person of Miss Estel
la Paddock. The only meeting open to
the general public will be on Simday
morning at 9 o'clock. We owe It both
to ourselves and to others to take ad
antage of this last opportunity of the
year to hear a Student Volunteer Sec
retary. Attention is called' to the announce
ment that the Pershing Rifles will
meet on Tuesday evening of next week
Instead of Thursday evening.
For Fun, see Steele. 143 S. 12th St
g' Palace, 109 N. 11th Street.
Shops Mogul. 1144 0 Street.
F-orbcV Stables, livery, cab and bag
gage service. 1125-31 P strAnt nn
iJhono, 550. Auto 'phone 1550.
Chicago Meeting.
The meeting of the North Central
Association of Colleges nnd Secondary.
8(hools, Just held In Chicago, mnrks
the completion of the first decade of
history of this educational body. The
Association seems to me to suggest tho
spirit of co-operation rather than dom
ination which has been too prominent
in the past relations of tho two edu
cational Institutions represented. A
question which ought to bo before It
constantly ls: How can wo popularize
higher education and give It vital con
tact with life?
On account of a late train I missed
the leport on college entrance require
ments In English, by Professor Scott,
of the University of Michigan. Of tho
remainder of the program the two
most vigorously discussed topics were,
athletics in the high school, and grad
uate study In the university. As to
the first there was a new attempt made
to define legitimate athletics to set
a new standard, encouraging games as
sports and trying to limit opportuni
ties for professionalism and for mak
ing athletics the main object rathor
than an incident of a course of study
as may be done according to present
printed regulations. The ago limit
for secondary school contests is to
be fixed at 20, and the amount of
work to be carried with credit, as a
condition for participation, represents
serious study, while a sentiment was
expressed in a resolution, though not
In the body of the now students, that
In the body of the new statutes, that
professional coaching should be abol
ished. In the course of tho discussion
the thought was suggested that It
might bo well for colleges to admit to
athletic contests only those who uro
undor 52.
Probably the matter of graduate
study has never been so carefully dis
cussed at any convention. Views rang
ed from the restricted idea of picked
graduate students working out sub
stantial problems for their own sake
to tho Idea of a democracy of graduate
work, sifting Itself by a process of
natural selection and applying itself
Intimately to the social and industrial
needs of the people. But all the dis
cussions represented a high ideal of
genuine graduate work. It seems to
me that Dean Birge, of tho University
of Wisconsin, came the nearest to a
scientific expression of a true American
Ideal. 1
A phase of the professional train
ing of secondary school teachers was
discussed by Professor Hill, of tho
University of Missouri, recently witlP
us In Nebraska, and President Jones of
the Ypsllante Normal School. The gen
eral conclusion-was that under prosent
conditions the better normal schools
have a part to perform In tho matter.
But it is interesting to note that Pres
ident Jones, a normal school man,
readily concedes that the final solution
of the question rests with the college.
It is a question of ability v to supply
all the teachers needed. Dean Hill
emphasized tho. need of Schools of Ed
ucation to meet tho just requirements
for such training in colleges.'
The meeting as a wholo was very in
teresting and profitable.
Piofessor Smith was one of tub del
egates to this association.
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