The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1905, Image 4
'.vs- .J, f " -riw ?,? 'r ?, . I" "yf f-Jli- v ';11 -jr.- "' v jv iJ w , -..Oi r i m -, ttbe ails Bebraehin Campus Gleanings Y. M. C. A. Cabinet will 'meet Sat urday evening, 7:00 p. m. Professor Barbour was out of the city ycHterdny on business. TO .'l CALIFORNIA ii J Alpha Omlcron PI gives a dancing party tonight at Walsh Hall. j 1 s n N0wrsry s antEfwi" llyp IIUNOHKI) AND ODD dl 1 at' HL Ttbe fraternity BuflMng Corner 18 tk amd X atra Bfemlkaar Shmrp. Props. taectal Rats (or Fratsrnfir Daocea. YabylMAMi Automatic 74. 9U f 74 Kettienee. Automatic 1817, MI 7 E. E. MANN Carries a full line ol a. a; waterman fountain pens Aodalto Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Lincoln Columbia National Hf, . Op LINCOLN, OaOJC t NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DcaiaNB CoPYRIQHTtf AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ptiic .it rnui ffliinttt niMmnr for AArarliifr nal I'ntcnta taken throunh Munu A Co. rccetre tjxclal notice, without obaro. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated" weekly. Lamest cir culation of any sclentlQo journal. Icrnia, 13 a ysar: four roonthsilL Sold by all nowsdealom. BONN & Co 3IBro'd Hew York Branch OCDce. (25 V BU Waaulnuton. V. C rlHflgjMMH Includes In the Now Edition 25.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Garetteer of tho World Now BlograpEfcal Dictionary Edited brW.T. II Allltlfl, Ph.D., LL.D., 11. f. Comtuisaionor of Ruucuilon. 2380 Quarto Paces. 5000 Illustrations. N.w riaUa. UUli IUn.lli.ff. J Alu Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lllSpaSti. 1100 Illustration.. Hiie i "10i,ln. A Special Thin Poperliditlon De Luxe I'riotvd (nun .onis Uu regular rJitlou It hat limp covar and ruunil rornere. Blxo : &K''i'S PR BE, "A Test In Pronunciation," iutrucc o and entertaining-. Alao lUiutratod pioiphLU. G. 3 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. ijnjTrn OU1CKIT aaCOIu OUT opimmi inn ttudwioi bii Invention Is probablr PotenUhle. Communlcn. iinnantriRtlroonOdBntfiil. HANQIOOK on Patents Lnnta. MS? The Innocents held a business meot Ing Wednesday evening at the Phi Delta Theta Chapter House. LOST Pocketbook containing sliver and a bill, on or near University campus. Please return, to Nebraskan office. The Good Health Cafe Is not selling meala for nothing, nor Is It offering cut rate meal tickets. It Is, however, making special rates to students who will board thore regularly an3 Join tholr eating club. If the proper num ber of hoarders can be procured a real low rate for wfekly board will be made. Every student should get busy and get In on this bargain. For par ticulars consult the manager of tho Nebraakan, or call at the Good Health Cftle, Thirteenth and N streets. If you want to see the swellest $3.50 and $4.00 Tan low shoes you ever Baw. stop In at Sanderson's. They are beau ties. Erie B. Wqodward, M. D., diseased of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone 6GG. For Fur see Steele. 143 S 12th St. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggac. Phone 176. Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's new Restaurant, 110 South 12th. Union Shining Parlors. Shlno, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street Chanln Bros".. Florists, 127 So. 13th. FOUND A bunch of keys. Owner may obtain same by calling at Ne brasfcan office and paying for this ad. LOST Phi Delta Phi pin. Return it office of the Daily Nebraskan. All students are requested to leave their 'phone numbers at tho Registrar's office. Tho Auditorium kating Rink will be closed during Innes' Band Concert. Will re-open April 15. Season closes May 4. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cnfo. NewYork Bostonand The East Fast daily train service via the Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, connect- Chicago & North the double-track Missouri River to lng at Chicago all points East. with all lines for The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything Tk.ets anJ full information on application to R. W. McGINNIS; Agent, 1024 Q- Street. Chicago & North-Western Railway NWG0 VIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Lino. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent PLAY BALL Wo are sole agents in Lincoln for the celebrated D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full line of baseball shoes. Special prices on uniforms to clubs. Girard Cycle G'mpy J304 O Street STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholesale iruf Retail "T- DRUGGISTS Autsmatle Phone 1707 J U. O Street LINCOLN, NHB. MRS. J. W. PETRY SSSfT.r . BAKERY 334 So. Ilth Street Bell Phono B04 Auto Phono 2564 Oar Hlcrnicfinii Mlrmlnm.. I tmr.u.. m... win, Chemical Apparatus, 'chamlcals, R10I0 Laoiii and Xhulltn ri.M ni.. OrniH.. Appahtua, Photo-Micro Camiraa iri mid br i.mBiniuio- oratories and Oom'nt Oip'tsMI Bound tho World Catalog! Fre Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co. 1 Rochester, N. Y. .KewYork Chlcaeo Boiton FrankAict. C'y i Daa't I a dead on keep yourself feoklng nat. Pttrpnlzt Zht Wtber Suitorium Cleanrnr. Pressing, Dying, Repairing and Refitting of Frne Clothes. sUH 73 . Aatoaatlc 1708 Vc have always been known aa fha ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY. This season we are turning out better man ever, we want your YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 ItUO Street aWI7f4 .-2 Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done ..11 NULL A McCOY 1839 O ltrt ONE-WAY RATES. Every day from March 1st to Mav i:th, 1905, inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Mlssoiii i River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusive) as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokune and Wenatcheo, Washington. $22 30 to .Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Soattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Aahland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho polntB. Through Tourist cars run evqry day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and' Pacific Coast; doublo berth $5.75. For full Information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. YOUR .PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS aro not a complete buc- cess without programs and menues. Get them printed at QRIFFIN-OREER PRINTING1 COMP'Y 1136 O Street Sl n 4! v t'; ix v i.i.,u .f.ll,,,,,. L T 3 ', " "jt v- "i. iirT--gcjl r-rrri-- "" av1 "t HI' - tfw irtm'uwua'mw -t