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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
WpN??MP3 Wl,lr ..'".' "" My, TIbe Batty IRebraefcan I fi(. X Vol. IV, No. m UNIVERSIT Y OF NEBRASKA, UNOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6t 1905. Price 5 Centf fjrww''' "1tp, ?"" y'"!?! E.-S I V r;i' p. - Lt :KV NEBRASKA'S DEBATERS Debating Board Finally Decides Who Shall Constitute the Two Teams. THE WASHINGTON TEAM. John D. Ringor, '03, Law '05. Albert Molvin Levy, '07. Joseph Magnus Swenson, '08. Alternate Morton Leroy Corey, Law 07. THE IOWA TEAM. Charles Abobtt Sawyer, '06. Earl Morton Marvin, '06. Charles Algernon Sunderlin, '07. Alternate Frank August Petorson, 05. Tho 1905 Intercollegiate Debating team wore appointed1 yesterday after noon by the Debating Board. Tho eight men who have been awarded the honor of appointment to tho team, and upon whom tho responsibility rests of maintaining Nebraska's unparallel ed record of success and of adding two more scalps to tho seven already hang ing In our trophy room aro as given above. Tho final solectlon of tho team, as a result of two months' deliberation ou Jthe part of the faculty Judges on tho Debating Board, has been accompanied -with an unusual amount of Interest not only among tho members of the squad, but among othor Btudonts Inter ested In debating. The contosts for appointments waxed warmer than on anv Dfevlous years and an unusual number of tryouts were necessary before tho final selections could be made. The members of the teams aro for" he most part new men. C..A. Sawyer, the only old debater, was a member of tho team which an nihilated. Kansas last spring in Me morial Hall upon tho Monroe Doctrine. A. M. Levy was alternate on that team and C. A. Sunderlin was a member of the squad last year. The other speak ers have never before tried for tho squad. Of our two opponents this year, vWashington we thrashed at St. Louis last -May but Iowa wo have never met before Joth debates will bo hold in Lincoln, the contest with Iowa occur lng Friday, ApU 14, and tho debate VARSITY SHUT OUT. Dort Does Good Work in the Box --Score, 5 to O. with Washington three days later, on Tuesday, April 18. Both debates will bo on the same question which is stated as follows: "Resolved, That the second sentence of the second section of the Four teenth Amendment to the National Constitution should bo repealed." This sentence reads as follows: "When tho right to vote at any election Is denied to any male inhabitants of a state being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States; or in any way abridged, except for the par ticipation in rebellion of other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in- tho proportion which the number of such male citizens shall boar to the wholo number of male clt- t izens twenty-one years of age in such a state." The question is a live and up-to-date question, involving the problem of suffrage and negro franchise and is one which is before the National Con gress and the American people today. It is perhaps' the most complex ques tion ever debated by our debating team for years. Tho preparation under the supervision of Prof. M. M. Fogg has required four months of hard labor, and a great many facts which the squad have worked out through a thorough original research have beea unearthed for tho first timo. These huge hunks of facts backed by unimpeachable logic will be hurled at our opponents from the rostrum of Memorial Hall in tho first battle occur ring a week from tomorrow night and tho second a week from next Tuesday. Professor Q. H. Morso of tho Elec trical Engineering Department, has re ceived word from A. L. Rohror, Elec trical Superintendent of the General Electric Company's Works at Schenec tady, New York, -saying that ho would bo pleased to admit three graduates of the Unlxorsity Electrical Engineering .courses In tho Company's Testing De partment. After six months' experience these young men will bo advanced to responsible and well paying positions. Ho will also use one graduate from the Mechanical Engineering Department, putting him at once upon steam tur bine work. Mr. Rohrer will visit the University early in May and give a fitoreoptlcan exhibition illustrating .the General Electric Company's laborator. ...ies and shops after tho style of tho re cent "taovlng pictures Illustrating the Westlnghouso facilities. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. x Ttfefortleth, regular meeting of the c Nehraffca section fol the .American vJhwnIoaL 'Society will, ha, held- in "the tory of the University today, at 8 p. m The following progra mwlll be given: Chemistry considered from t Do mestic Science Viewpoint Miss Rosai Bouton. Hydrocyanic Acid Miss Mary L. FosBlor. Recollections of Professor A. B. Prescott Mr. Albert Jacobson. Everyone is cordially Invited to at tend this meeting. Tho second gamo with Omaha's western league toam, played yesterday afternoon, wias finished within tho time limit and, therefore, was not entan gled with "Chaseology" or any othor "malicious science" maneuvers. This feature of tho gamo was indeod re freshing to the "fans," who dlBllke to have tho after-smack of a good gamo soured by a dose of "bayonet pills." The game brought out tho good points of Nebraska's men and Bhowed tho in fluence of the game played on the day before. Tho visitors realized that thoy wero not playing marbles and changed pitchers twico; once In the second half of the fourth and again in the second of the seventh inning. Dort stuck it out for Nebraska and put tho ball over as well In the last as in the first inning. With an occa sional exception his support was ex cellent. Tho first inning was fruit less on both sides, leaving a man on second for Omaha and one on third for the Uni. But In the second inning two leaguers slipped around the diamond. The homo team worked hard, played good, consistent ball, but tho long hard training of the opponents showed 1 1 Itself again In the fourth inning when uondlng crossed home plato, making tho score 3 to 0. Two sensational plays in the seventh brought out great bursts of enthusiasm from tho grandstand. Rine, at second, made the first one when he stopped a buzzer, which he reached' with great difficulty after turning around com pletely, and landed it on first with only a few seconds to spare. Tho second one was a single handed catch out near the fence by left fielder Fen Ion, Tho only homo run of the afternoon was made In the ninth, when Howard, of Omaha brought Welch In with him for two scores. The game resulted In a score of 5 to 0 In favor of the visiting team. Five men walked to first Two 'Var sity men reached first on balls and one was hit by tho pitcher. The Unl, pitch er hit one Omaha man and allowed one man his base oa balls. For Furs see Steele. 148 S. 12th St Professor Bessey received a tele gram yesterday from Washington re questing him to send Messrs. E. O. Siecke and B. R. d'Allemand to tho forest resorve within a few days. Both of the men are seniors In tho Forestry Department and are well equipped to take up the work which thoy Mave se cured . it Gymnastic Exhibition Armory, Friday, April 7th 8 F. M. I Admission :25 and 35 Cents. i ftfoj it it it it it it it it it it it it BIG EVENT FRIDAY Greatest Gym. Exhibition Ever Given Here. Nln Stanta of Exceptional Merit to IS . Olven. The management of tho Oymnastio Exhibition havo about comploted prop-, aratlons for this big event. This- prom ises to be one of tho greatest athlet ic events over hold in the University of Nebraska. Never before has the Phy sical Training Department attempted to put a similar exhibition bofore tho public. The first thing on the pro gram will bo a drill by ono hundred and twonty-flve men taken from tho different classes registered for tho class In Physical Training 14. This drill will constltuto tho elementary exor cises given to tho men Just ontering gym. work. Other events will bo pulled off In which the second year mon will tako part. The advanced mem will also give the pyramids and other highly Interesting stunts. The leading fea ture of tho evening will be advanced horizontal bar work by Dr. Olapp and Mr. Lane. Tho committee given in last Issue aro already assured of a large crowd and a very successful evening. Tho tickets are being disposed of very rap idly and all that remains Is for overy student to give this their best sup port. The events to bo given are as fol lows: 1. Light gymnastic; first year classes; 126 men in drill. 2. Class apparatus work; 4 pieces of apparatus used at same time, par allel bars, long bars, side horse, low horizontal bars; 10 mon selected from first year classes op each piece. 3. Double tumbling work by Lane, Graves, Copeland' and Johnson. 4. Hamburg drill by second year class. 5. Games and contests by first year classes mow feature). 6. Apparatus work by gymnastic team on parallel bars, flying rings and long horse. 7. Pyramids. 8. Exhibition of advanced horizon tal bar workby-Dr. Clapp and Mr. Lane. ' 9. Relay races for lnter-class cham pionship; 3 teams from first year classes. 10. Advanced work by second year class. . . Tickets are oa sale at the C6-op. and Porter's book stores. Admission 25c and 35c. Se?'8 I Pfilace' 1Q0 N' llth Street! ) Mogul. 1144 O Street. . Shops Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P streets. L. W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. nHneo, TranBfei- Co.; Daggai Phdne 176. - Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron'! new Restaurant, 119 South' iStn, Uki w , ib I J 'P f:k ..v.;,v.-:-:.'.: ... v . li u J-"