KV& "VS ' Cbe Dallp Ylebraeftan v laViaVisV sV Ua? V U i 11 nVaV a V U W I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every loyal University Student I Brffexl to putronlao tlieiio Nebratknn Advertiser, nl to mention the paper white doing so. : : i : t : : it r T "T 1 T BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BARBER SHOPS. The Aristo, Green's Palaco and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, Glrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional BOOKBINDL .0 Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Busi ness College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo.-A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs Drug Store. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup &rWood. CLOTHING-Armstrong, Magee & Deemer, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White breast. Tr CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stelner. Woempener, r Mnnn. Rp.ctor. Harley, Rlggs- DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, HerpoP shelmer. trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. HAiiERDASHBRY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS LIndoll. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Melleka. LUMBER Dlerks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. PLUMBERS Pommerene. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P.. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., Now Cen tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam eron, Good Health. "ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING The Famous. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR ynlon Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Affolter. 8UITORIUM Weber, - TAILORS Unland, Union College. Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS'- BUREAU W. D. Grant. FREE COOKING LESSONS In Demonstration Hall (over gas company's office) Tuesday, 10:00 a. m., Wednesday, 3:00 p. m., Thursday, Fri day, Saturday evenings, 8:00 p. m., Miss Gena Vawter. instructor. 'Bulletin TODAY. Varsity vs. Omaha Y. M. C. A., Armory. Medical Society, Y. W. C. A. rooms. APRIL 2. Dr. F. S. Stein speaks to University men a 3 p. m. In Memorial Hall. APRIL 3. Subject of second Junior theme must be submitted to the Department of Rhetoric, U 311. ARIL 4. 'Varsity vs. Omaha League on the Campus. APRIL 5. Phi Beta Kappa elections announced at Convocation. 'Varsity vs. Omaha League on Cam pus. APRIL C. 'Vaisity vs. Omaha League on Cam pus. APRIL 7. Omaha league vs. Chicago Nationals or Campus. APRIL 8. Junior-Senior reception. APRIL 14. 'Varsity vs. Nebraska Indians on Campus. Company B Hop at Fraternity hall. APRIL 15. 'Varsity vs. Nebraska Indians on Campus. APRIL 17. Second Junior theme due nt 5 p. m. In U 311. The track men are urged to get out for work this evening. The follow ing plan has been arranged for train Irg: Sprinters 4 to 4:15 p. m. Hurdles 4:15 to 4:30. Weights 4:30 to 4:45. Distance Runs 4:45 to 5:00. High Jump 5:00 to 5:15. Broad Jump and Pole Vault 5:15 to 5:30. The editors of the forthcoming Sen loi Book have announced a few of the special Hteiary and artistic features which are Incorporated in the publi cation, and many new stunts are prom ised. The usual background for the photographs Is the work of Miss Hay den, of the Art Department, and those who have had any knowledge of pre ioii8 class books will be glad to know that the old frayed-out mottoes have been omitted. The customary calendar has been raised from Its former lowly condition and has been made one of the most prominent features of the book. Each month Is separate, and Is headed with a cartoon, all of them tho work of Miles Greenleaf, of Omaha' This artist is also responsible for a number of other cartoons, several of which occupy a full page. Another cartoonist who has contributed to the excellence of the publication is George Shidleivwho amply sustains the repu tutlon his work has earned him dur ing the past few years. These two alone have produced more cartoons than have appealed In any class book before, and this one feature insures .n successful annual. The Illustrations are tho work of nearly every artist In the University, and the quality and number place the artistic value of the annual beyond doubt. LOST Watch fob with Initial "T." engraved on the bottom. Finder please return to the Nebraskan office. Fresh home-made candies at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts. Twenty-one meals for $3, JQormitory Cafe. Greene's ) Palace, 109 N. 11th -Street. Barber v Shops Mogul. 1144 O Street. HIGH GRADE EHDCDLATES BONBONS For Sale Oftly at Harley's Drug Store, 11th and O. ONE-WAY RATES. Every day from March 1st to May 15th, 1005, inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Ml scour 1 River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusive) as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lako City. $20.00 to Helena and Butto, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wonatchco, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oro- gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through Tourist cars run every day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and Pacific CoaBt; double berth $5.75. For full information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. Lincoln Local Express, 1030 N street Both phones. Summer School In Mechanic Arts ITATS COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY Elective count! ire provided In (II subject tautht In mechanical ind electrical enclneerlnc schools. Special attention Is tlren to ihop couriei, mechanical drawing and design, mathematics, mechanics ol enclneerlnc. theoretical electrical subjects, laboratory courses in steam and electrical enclneerlnc. Ten weeks, beginning June 8th. F. Paul Anderson, Dean. For detailed Informa tion relative to any special line of work, addreta JOHN T. FAIQ, Registrar, Lcxlnston, K Visiting and Address Ct rds Programs, Invito Ions Mid Correspond) ncc Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Bulldlnf We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. Telephones: A349. 349 fHaHkjKnPLafVJpiL i 1 EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWH COAL have been very iwccmfel la catering to wcddlnga and parties where something EXTRA FINE la wanted. Why can't we htrokls you with your Groceries for ail occationc? KEYSTONE GROCERY ia i South 13th Street Gbe fraternity ftuilbino Corner I8U1 n& X IIwm Vaulkaer A Sharp, Frope. Iftrftl RatM for Fratsrnlty Vtacm. Triteftww Automatic J74, BH 97 Rulafenca, AutawuUc 1017, Wl flF NOTICE TO STUDENTS "WHEN LEAVING THE CITY 8BLL YOUR HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO W. C Van Andel Th Caeih Buyer laa SOUTH lOTII. Ante Phene 1S81 Tbla notice will not appear again. Auto 1292 Bell 147 8OUKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1320 N Street LINCOLN. Nil I Protected by Block Signals Tho first railway in America to adopt tho absolute Block System in the- ope rati on of all trains was the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway It today has moro miles of road operated under bldck signal rule than any other railway companyT Tho St Paul Road was tho first railway to light its trains by electricity, and it now has moro than 400 electric-lighted passenger enrs in daily service. Throe trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago, every day. For time table, special rate write F. A. NASH, General Western, Agent, 1524 Knrnnnj Street, OMAHA,, XKU. . , OIQ RR LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ETC. OIQ QG 0llJ,OJ AND RETURN. JlO'OJL . The Missouri Pacific will sell ticket on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 21st to- many points In-Loulelana, Texas, Arkansas and return-at $18.85,oodfor 21- days. This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Pert Arthur, and is much less than one way fare. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. CITY "UCKET OFFICE . W. Corner 12th &nd O Streets F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. l j i i i A . . . fJf - L!'.-"5