wSISSIBiSSPP r-' A ff 11 fe Gfoc IDails fl e b r n 0 Ii n n I! A- Ce Dap Hebraskan A conBolldfttlon of The Hoiporlnn, Vol. 01, Tho NebrnBkan, Vol, 10 Soitrlot and Orcnm, Vol. 4. Published dally, oxoopt Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob. by the Hesperian Publishing Co., Board Of binxoToiw Profcfwora J. I. Wyor, and 0. R. Richards: II. P. Leavltt John Wcstovcr E. R. Walton. Edltor-lnChlof Manager Asn't. Manager Aiieoclato Editor Circulator Athletic AmlRtant Athletic Nowb State Farm Fred A. Swooloy A. O. Sohrolber Fred Naughton A. M Levy Walter E. Standoyon STAFF R. A. VanOradel H. L. Swan H. O. Myeru A. F. Magdanz Editorial RoomR and Bufllncsa Office U 211& PoRt Offioo Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 152S Automatic 2365. Subscription Price, 2 por year, In advanoo Entered at tho poHtofllco at Lincoln, Nob., hn Rccond-olaHR mall matter undor tho act of congroRsof March 8, 1870. Individual noticon will bo oharged for at tho rato of 10 contfl for oooh lnfiortlon. Faculty, departmental and unlveraity bullotinH will gladly bo published free, aa heretofore. Notices and subscriptions may bo loft at tho Dally Nobraskan office, or at tho Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks If the prestige of our opponents is any criterion the game of ball tomor row Afternoon should bo the moBt in teresting contest to be played on the campus. Manager Allen's venture in bringing the leaguers here deserves the best of patronage. of amateurs. These are a few of the new features -wfolch will distinguish the presont publication from all those which have preceded, and which will make the book a lasting pleasure to all the present Seniors. "C. President Butler of Columbia Uni versity has recently taken occasion to refer to the chances of the college man In the commercial world. He sayB: "The Belf-mado man is either a genius or an accident. Geniuses are rare nowadays, and lucky accidents do not often occur. The employer desires the man whose mind has been careful ly trained. He realizes that there are greater possibilities In the graduate Who is not only more refined, but gift ed with a quicker perception. "His four years at college havo not, as some have maintained, been wasted. Even though it be necessary for him to commence on a lower round of the ladder than that on which the non giaduate stands, It is but a question of a short time till he Bhall have pass ed the untrained laborer. The colle gian can see and moro quickly elimin ate the obstacles which bar the way. We do not say, however, that the am bitious, self-made man is doomed to be relegated to the sweat-Bhops; but hiB chances are daily being diminished by the Increasing demand for tho col lege graduate. From the present out look one might venture to prophesy that he who shall in the future bo able to boast of being a self-made man Bhall be admired far more than his predeces sors." Illlnl. Next week occurs two events of Interest to the entire University, but especially, touching the Senior Class. But a short time remains before the popular student amusement of roller skating at the Auditorium will have to cease, as the rink will then close up for the summer. In the meantime it would be well to get busy and visit the place If you have not already done so, as every University student should know how to skate on i oiler skates by this time. Unlike ice skating, It does not depend on the weather and is not interfered with by ruin or shine. If it i.s cold and wet outside, you do not know it while you are gliding around the skating rink, and If the sun shines hot and dreary the next day, you may enjoy yourself in the shade where It is cool and pleasant. Come down and try on a pair of tho new ball bearing TIIIIIITITIIIIIIITIIIIITrrTTTTTIIIITTITTTTTTTTITTTTT Parsifal the Gutless Foot,. Entertained thousands last night. vVo aro not guiless nor ioois uuc wo can entertain nat imyors and our play is short and satisfactory. Best hats on earth for $2.50 THE TWOFIFTY HAT STORE H M TIIIItlTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITimilllHttllllTTttT The first Is tho announcement of the Phi Beta Kappa selections on next ""Wednesday, when the only scholarship honors given In our University will bo awarded, The other is tho appearance of tho Senior Book, which is promised for the latter part of the week. tiThls is the sole publication which the mem bers of the class of 1905 can preserve as a momonto of college life, since this class did not publish a Sombrero. A worthy memento will this Book be, in deed, if the editors fulfill all their promises. A radical departure has beon made from former Class Books in many respects. In place of the usual paper cover there will be a durable and beautiful cloth cover. Tho old and un batlsfactory half-tones have yielded to the beautiful Albertypes. The car toons are the products of professional cartoonists, instead of being the work There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate flfc Vx IH Hi ,. w I Dortt be misled by them 1 Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker 5? Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's LookiihaTude-Mik Cocoa" or "Baker' s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1760 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America. - Columbia National D..1, OF LINCOLN, OatlJC n NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 "QUALITY." nic1 This is the Store that Always Has It f Riggs, Drug Gutter. J U 131 O STREET. ...MELICK'S STABLES... PHONE 435. Closed Carriages. Baggage. ...The Finest Livery in the City... 1230 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. roller skatoH and see If you do not en joy it more than anything you ever tried. LOST Watch fob with Initial "T." engraved on the bottom. Finder please return to the Nebraskan office. LOST A coral of beads betwteen 1600 S street and the campus or on tho campus or In tho buildings. Flndor please leave at the Registrars office. Lincoln Transfer Co.; beggag. Phono 176. Erlo B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phono G66. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1550. Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P streets. ' NOTICE TO STUDENTS WHEN LEAVING THE CITY BELL. YOUR HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO A. C Van Andel The Cash Buyer 139 SOUTH 10TII. Auto Phone 1581 This notice will not appear again. BICYCLES Oolumbia-Orescent Easy Piyntnts, Trading, Proipt lltf ilrtig Lyman's, 231 so. miy L--V STQNEB-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholeeale and RetaM DRUGGISTS ArtomU Phone 1707 IU( O Street LINCOLN. NEB. THERE IS NO Watch, ClocK or Article ot Jewelry WE CANNOT REPAIR O. A. Tucker, Jeweler IJ2S O St. Phone, Bell fi54. Auto (S34 Jrtaycfo. For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students lo29 O STREET The First National-Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital , 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 40,000.00 B. H. Burnham, Prea. A. J. Sawyer, VIco-Prealdent. H. S. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. Prank Parks, Asst. Cashier. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. be fraternity IBullNng Corner lath and X Stra Ifealkstr A Sharp, Fropa, If oUl Rate for Fraternity Dance. TtltftekMi Automatic J74, BU 74 Residence, AtiteeaaUc f0l7,l17 We Sell DOLLARS FOR NICKELS FRED A. POWELL lllnr Tbtitra Bit; 135 N 13th strut E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A.A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Lincoln Don't bes a dead one keep ytxmelf looking acat. Patrcnlzt the Wtbtr Suitorlum Cleaning. Prculng, Dyinf, Repairing and Refitting of Fine Clothti. BII 7S Automatic I70 J' w,'-V."r: Tru?si&x&i Z4 &. A-lfev ', A . . .fa&riteSat&ik'iii sssBnpsssMTar hr&sti' jS1 )L'I 'A