The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1905, Image 1

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ttbe SDails flebraeftan
Vol. W, No. 1J2
Prite 5 Cents
House Roll 169 Passes Through
Last Stagq in Legislation.
Other University IUIIh Are Still Pending
In the Leslfllatnro.
I'.. . . - . ...
Governor Mickey affixed his official
signature to House Roll 169, which
has been commanding so much interest
. iu yniverslty circles during the present
session of tho legislature, Monday af
ternoon. The bill gives the Board of
Regents of the University the right of
. emminent domain, but, contrary to the
general coonceptlon, does not appro
priate money with which to purchase
lan,ds that may be condemned under it.
Though an emergency clause was
"tacked on" to tho bill before It left
the House, the University has not the
money with which to purchase the
lands that the Regents may see fit to
condemn and it is probable that no
action will be taken by the Regents
until the necessary funds can be se
cured. The passage of the measure
does, however, insure an addition to
the campus sooner or later and the
University authorities may be congrat
ulated upon their success, in spjte of.
the limitation. .
House Roll 250, the salaries bill,
" 'frbjc! passed the HOU8e n$ va3
'amended in tho Senate and returned to
the House, was in the hands of a con
ference cqmmle yesterday after
noon The amendments "made by the
Senate did not ajfect tljq University's
appropriation (or th.rje hundred and
fifty thousand dqjlaa, (or University
salaries and It js prpbab.le thij.t It will
remain intact.
Ho'use Roll 9, which originally called
for "one hundred thousand" dollars and
was amended before passing the House,
cutting It dawn to twenfy xgujand
dollars, ha be.en amended In the Sen
ate and is now on the gonoral file of
that body. The bill as It now stands is
, for thirty-two thousand dollars, twen
ty thousand of which is to go for tho
erection of a sub-station at North
Platte and the remaining twelve thou
sand will go to the farmers Institute.
Tickets ;2S anc4 C3J55 Cents.
Varsity vs. Opiha Y. $! G A.
Lincoln Y. 1VI. C. A. Jynfars vs. Parochial School.
Uaws tp Play.
' The Kresnman Laws beld a meet
ing yesterday morning in the Law Lec
ture rodm to arrange for a Law base
balf team. The request of the Junior
Laws was complied wjltb, that a Law
baseball team should hs organized to
represent the Law School p a Whole
ro.ther than. p Vn tQ? every cTois.
The Junior Class elected as captain
of tbe tea,m l, C. McMahqn and the
F cabmen Glass-a. c. Mjjier, xinaPaeer
of the team Nartiedule h,as
been arranged. Manager Meier has al
ready receJv.Qd, a, request from Peru
There are still on hand a few copies
ofttfe Student .'and Faculty Directory
one or wmen may; nja uaa oy any su-
'Av'iTlft vaiF- v;
a few conies of the HtandJwok one of
raJS " M
r,j?r fTOwp mmy :i
1:06 p: m Tk are; also on 1
Unanimous Choice of the Rhodes
Scholarship Committee.
The Nebraska Rhodes Scholarship
Committee met at the residence of
Chancellor Andrews at 3 p. m. yester
day afternoon and after mature delib
eration Arthur H. Marsh was electel
as the next Rhodes Scholar from Ne
braska by a unanimous vote.
None of tho candidates who took the
examination this year passed and only
two duly .accredited candidates pre
sented themselves. These were: Ar
thur Henry Marsh of Blair, Neb., a
senior in the University of Nebraska,
and Edward Sutherland, of Grand Isl
and, representing Grand Island Col
lege. The following act, passed by the
Comlmttee at its meeting on January
14, 1904, was read: "While In general
the highest individual fitness shall
form the basis for the selection of
Rhodes Scholars; yet, at any selection
after the first the recentness of the
choice of a representative from any
given Institution shall weigh against
the appointment of another representa
tive from that Institution."
The representative chosen .last year
was from Grand Island College and
this fact weighed against the choice
of Mr. Sutherland, coming as he does
from the same institution. After ma
ture deliberation on the arguments for
and against the candidates tho Com
mittee proceeded to vote, the result be
ing the unanimous election on Arthur
H Marsha.
While in the University here Mr.
Marsh has specialized In Latin and
Greek and has made an enviable repu
tation as a student.
Almqst Corriptet.
The latest addition to the buildings
at the Stato Farm is undergoing the
completing touches and uyjlll be ready
for use in a few days. Stair and cas
ing are up, doors have Jbeenhung,
hardware Installed, and the inside
woodwork Is being given Its first pol
ish. It is the opinion qf those con
nected with the construction of tho
new building, and of those who have
inspected it, that this structure is one
Students Debating Club.
The meetings of tho "Students' De
bating Club" continue to grow. Larg
er crowds are not only In attendance
but a greater Interest is taken In the
work. The Parliamentary Scraps
which formerly were carried on by only
a few "stars" are now Indulged In by
everybody and as a result several new
stars appear on the zenith, and dis
perse Parliamentary Light. The Club
prides Itself In having oven black bod
ies which, contrary to the laws of
science, radiate light parliamentary
Another new and encouraging fea
ture of the last meeting was a crowd
of ladles In the audience. It is tho
first time that the "fair ones" have
greeted the members of the Club by
their presence since the "rnjlitary"
me ting In U 106.
The question debated was: ''Resolv
ed, That proportional representation
should be abopted for the election of
representatives and state legislators."
Messrs. Kelsa A. Morgan and Roscoe
J. Anderson spoke for the affirmative
and Messrs. Hughes and S. E. Black
defonded the negative.
Next Saturday evening occurs the
tegular tryout for the team which Is to
debate Doane. The question as sub
mitted by Doane Js: "Resolved, That
thejgecond sentence on the second sec
tion of the 14th amendment be re
pealed." The men who have signified their
intention of entering the preliminar
ies are: Kerr, Zandosky, Yoder, Whal
en, Hill, Hunter, Bruboken and Emery.
Ii is expected that others will enter
who have so fiar failed to make their
intention to so do known.
Varsity Defeated by One Point
in Omaha.
Meet Christians for the Litit Time Here
Next Friday Rvenlnc
A number of -the local chapter of
Phi Rlio Sigma attended the banquet
of that society held In Omaha Satur
day evening at the Millard Hotel. Pre
ceding the banquet a number of men
-were initiated. The banquet was held
Jointly by Eta Chapter of Creightorr
Medlcal College and the Omaha and
Lincoln chapters p lota. Covers were
laid for some-eighty members of the
Nrirn for a game ad gmc. are exrjoak which tales' on a beautiful polish
pected to be arranged with Dctone and and makes an excellent appearance.
The bulletin of Information for the
Summer Session for Columbia Unlvcr-
of the finest so far erected by the, state. s(ty of New York City 'stows that four
Jhe Interior finish is of antique white Uraduate8 qf tie University p,f Ne,b.ras-
vo nv HU,F? V3 V"v ouiuuicr session
faculty.- tfae3r7areT(H9"T.TBearis, ln-
T4ie Bea-Alpha Tau; baseball game
to have been played yestejejay has
been postponed to Satuiday marking.
The next game on the Inter-fraternity
scedule Is the Sigma Chl-Kappa Slg
) ,'.v
W;hite duck PJjftts at &Jayer Bros.
siructor in Chemistry: Georfce W.
Botsford, Adjunct Professor in His
tory; A1Vin aaunqers. Johnson, Instructor-
in Economics; and Walter .Bowers.
Pillsbury, Assistant Professor in Psychology.
The Western PhUqsophlcal Society
ij.4u mvi m faucoju April zi ana w
and will be entertained by the faculty
of the department of Philosophy.' ' '
Omaha Y. M. C. A. and Nebraska
basketball teams lined up against each
other last evening for the third game
this season. The game was played in
the Omaha Auditorium and was wit
nessed by a good sized crowd. 30 to
35 was the final score, which gave
Omaha tho victory by one point.
Both teams were In the pink of con
dition and played gilt-edge ball. Al
though the Nobraska team was handi
capped somewhat by tho loss of Cap
tain Hoar, they played with a vim and
determination, last evening, that was
very commendable. The team work
ot both teams was good and in this
point of the game neither excelled.
Tho score at the end of the first half
was 16 to 19 In fayor of the 'Varsity.
This lead was kept well on toward, the
close of the game. But just as a few
minutes before time Wfts called the
boys took a slump, and Omaha suc
ceeded Id getting four baskets. This
placed the score 35 to 35, Hvrv It
. ...v. until just a few seconds be
fore time was called when the Omaha
official called a foul on Hagenstck.
Before the man tried for the goal time
was called, and the game was made.
Thus the game ended with the score
3G to 35 In Omaha's favor. ThlB
makes two games out of the threne won
by Omaha, but tho 'Varsity 1b practic
ing hard for tho game Friday night
when the same teams will line up
against eacl other In the Armory.
Andreson reforeed the game for Nebraska.
With the Debaters.
The annual Harvard-Yale Debate
will be held In Cambridge May 5. Tho
question will be: "Resolved, That a
commission be given power to fix rail
road rates." To the man who does
the best woik in the Harvard "tryout"
a prize of $100 will be awarded.
Stanford dnd California meet In
joint debate April 15. The question will
bo on the regulation of railway rates.
The victorious team will be awarded
the Carnot medal. ThlB debate is the
most important Inter-collegiate con
test in the west.
Stanford University and the Unl-
vcrslty of 'Nevada, wljl tycet on" tho
rostrum April 22. The subject for de
bate wRJ )Q the djvorce question.
Wisconsin debates MJchJgan at Mad
ison Fidgy oyenlpg on (hV advantages
lot the Direct Primary system.
Tjie Falhidtan 'Society, baeall team
plaVed thf tate Farm nine qn tlje
Sj.SLto Tirm, field fast Saturday after
Bon. Jfte wme m cWw ?W pxclt
(ng broughqut. Sen innings were
played and itie flnl scqre IJtoqd 6 to
5, la favor pf the "I annere." l
Unl. Pennants at the Ccjrpp.
v -H
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