- fr'Hr-fwf" 'wf.7Tlv". w1IH,?,5r w f "rWW,TV 7WRafj-rftfW-riR 4 vNtS -" ' v d "uv ';5 KSf .' ,; i i tit" . Gbe ails fUBrafthan ff ! IIHI1IW HI1IIIMIP I m li awn - mIT) tut, . ... . 2 .. jrM-'t.v-t nx- &.- fc 7"S I' r W J I- ' ' t I ' IfSJf K ( Ce Dp Hebraskan A consolidation of The Hcftporlan, Vol. 01, Tho NebrMknn, vol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. A. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob. by tho Hesperian Publishing Co., BoAitD Or DmxcTons Professors J. I. Wyer, and O. It. Richards: H. P. Leavltt John Wcstorer E. R. Walton. tedltor-ln-Chlcf Manager Ass't. Manager AMoclntoEdltor Circulator Fred A. Bweeloy A. G. Sehrolber Fred Nanghton A. M Levy Walter E. Standovcn STAFF Athletic Assistant Athlotlc Kovrs Btata Farm R. A. VanOrsdel H. h. Swan H. Q. Myors A. F. MngdanE Editorial Rooms and Business Office U 211$ Post Offloo Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Subscription Price, 12 per year, in advnnco Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Neb., as Hocond-ohiM mall matter under tho act of congress of March 0, 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rrtto of 10 cents for enoh lnsortion. Faculty, departmental and university bulletins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. Notices and subscriptions may be left at the Dally Nebraskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks The girls fortunate enough to re ceive u share of Missouri's hospitality innnot speak highly enough of the ex mltnt treatment acocrded thorn. If there is one position Nebraska graces inore than that of guest it is that of host. It is our tun next year. Tho condolence expressed by the res olution drawn up by the Freshman Law class at the death of William L. Anderson are expressive of the senti ment of the whole University. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the fam ily of tho deceased, sympathy the more sincere in that the loss is mutual. Seen on a Lincoln street car Sun day: "Baseball today University cam pus. Game called at 3 p. ni.' ' What food for the anti-University "howlers. Sunday baseball at the State Univer sity. Shocking If true. But the "if" JiaxeS- us and cheats the howl ers. Through some unfortunate oversight thissign, applying to the game scheduled lor Saturday was al lowed to remain on the front of the car and advertise the University in a manner apt to cause unfavorable com ment. No complaint regarding Sunday baseball has yet been forthcoming from the Llncolnltes residing In the imme diate vicinity of the campus. The Advisory Board of the Y. M. C. A. met- in the Association rooms last evening at seven o'clock. The resigna tion of J. Dean Ringer, who has served Bo general secretary of the association for the past two years, when ho finishes to take effect In June, when he finishes his law course and leaves tho Univer sity. A vote of appreciation was given him for his services during the years of his connection with the Association. Among other matters of business taken up was the securing of a man to succeed him, and was referred to a committee for investigation and fur ther action. (Contlnuco from page 1.) result several men were left on bases. The hatting on the part of the 'Varsity showed plenty of room for Improve ment. The score: 123456789 Lincoln 0 000 1102 2 G Nebraska 3Q.002003 8 The lineup of the teams In yester day's gnmo was as follows: UNIVERSITY: Pitchers Dort, Morse, Boowman, Nllbson, Blake. Catchers Barta, Hyde, Carroll. FlrBt base Schmidt, Barta. Second Base R1no. Third base Gaddis. Short stop Reddick, Schmidt. Right fleldr-Carr. Center field Cook. Left field Fenlon. LINCOLN: Pitcher Thorgmlnson. Catcher Fetz. First base Mickel. Second base, Hammel. ,. Third base Smith. Short stop Sharpnack. Right field Wobb. Center field Mcers. Left field Emerson. Team Goes to Omaha. The 'Varsity basketball team -left yesterday afternoon to play the Omaha Y M. C. A. team In Omaha. Tho Oma ha team will play a return game in Lincoln on next Friday night, March 31. The 'Varsity seems to be In very good form and stands a good chance of winning this last event. They de feated the city Y. M. C. A. last Sat urday evening by a score of 57 to 22. The line up for last evening's game was as follows: Nebraska. Omaha. Hagonsick if G. Wlllard Krake If Joy Clarke Moser c Hansen Burruss lg A. Anderson Bell rg C. Wlllard Captain Hoar will be out of the game on account of late illness. Medical Society. An unusually strong program has been arranged for the meeting of the Medical Society to he held next Friday exening in the Y. W. C. A. rooms. The fallowing will be the program: Vocal solo Mr. Bates. Duet Miss Tucker, Mr. Henry. Selection Miss Gibson. Piano solo Miss Pool. Vocal solo Mr. Clark. Address Mr. Stoakes. Sigma Alpha Wins. The opening game of the inter-fraternity baseball schedule beat the rain storm in last Saturday morning and pioved to be a victory for the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity by a score of 11 to 1. A good crowd of Frat. men attended and showed the spirit that wins. The Delta U.'s and friends supported the losing team admirably. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 11; Delta Up silon 1. Won. Lost. P. C. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1 0 1000 Delta Upsilon 0 1 0000 House roll 250, the salaries bill which provides for an appropriation of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for University salaries and -which passed the House some time ago, was amend ed by the Senate yesterday and sent back to the House for the concurrence of the House In the amendment. The amendment, however, does not effect the part of the bill relating to the ap propriation for University salaries, so that tho part of tho bill in which the University is directly interested rer malns intact after having passed through deliberation of both houses of the legislature. This would seem to indicate that, at least as far as the legislature is concerned, the Univer sity is going to next year be much bet ter supplied with money for salaries than It has heretofore. This Is one of tho greatest handicaps with which the University officials have had to con tend and has cost the institution some of the strongest members of Its fac ulty. Senate File 180, the Historical So ciety hill, has been advanced to the third reading in the Hcuise and will come up to a vote sometime this week. There are Many Imitatiotis of Baker's Cocoa and . Baker's Chocolate Do?tt be package titled to Lookiiiu,Tifc.Mk Cocoa" or in HI imm Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete suc cess without programs and raenues. Get them printed at GRIFFIN-QREER PRINTING COMP'Y 1136 O Street Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 "IUAMTY. IU Z3 This is the Store that Always Has It fl Riggs, Drug Cutter, J U 1321 O STREET. BICYCLES Columbia-Crescent Easy Payments, Trading, Prompt Repairing Lyman's, 231 so. 11th. NOTICE TO STUDENTS WHEN LEAVING THE CITY SELL YOUR HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO A. O. Van Andel Tho Cash Buyer 13 SOUTH lOTn. Auto Phone 1581 This notice will not iippear nguin. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 40,000.00 S. H. Burnbam, Prea. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President. H. S. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. P. It. Easterday, Auditor. j '.--r'-rM- fit. misled by thenui ! Our trade-mark is on every of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en be sold as "Baker's "Baker's Chocolate Electric Shoe Repair Factory 1220 O STREET Price list of our Electric Shoe Re pairs. MEN'S. Sewed Soles 75c Nailed Soles 50c-75c Straighten Heels '. 25c Ruhher Heels, 1st quality 40c Patches 10'j Pieces on Soles .13c Goring . . .50c-7o: Insoles 10c Eyelets 10c Tongues 10c Heel Lining 25c Rips 10c-25c Heelplates 5c-15c Re-Dyeing 25c Cuhan Heels 35c LADIES' Welt Sowed Half Soles 50c Hand Turned Soles ,-.-r 85c Heels 15c-25c Nailed Shoes 40c-50c Ruhher Heels 35c Pieces on Soles 15c Patches 10c-15c Tips 25c MISSES' Half Soles 40c Heels 15c--20c CHILD'S . Half Soles 35c Our wagon calls for and delivers goods. Also spring styles of Ladles' and Gents' Shoes in tan andt)lack. Woifanger, Warthon & Go. Auto Phone 3902 E. E. MANN - Carries a full line of A.A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Eleventh Lincoln Don't fx dead one keep yourself looking neat. Patrcnlzt the Weber Suitorium Cleaning, Prcuing, Dying, Repairing and Refitting o! Fine Clothei. Bell 708 Automatic I708 W i m -,H . . V! j I h. r k 4" 'i.j&j 'n.. . ik' mjil it' vWlV,) - - j?fr