TO" 3 If.".-' , i vl " f t ' Sbe 3)aih IFlebraekan Staff. p Vol. IV, No. U UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, J905. Price 5 Cents """TC1 a u x, c s: ' &&& iU :; fcv V 'J$$r GIRLS ARE SHOWN Defeat Missouri in a Close Game on Friday Evening. Iteftt of Treatment In (iirrn Nehrntkn'ii Rcprcnentntlven In Columbia. The girlB basketball team returned early Sunday morning from the trip to Columbia, Missouri, having been away since Wednesday night. During the last eight or nine- years the team has made a good many trips and been en tertained at many places, but it main tains that the stay at Columbia was the pleasantest of all and the mo3t enjoya ble. If there are any where more hos pitable people than at Columbia, the girls say that they would like to see them. The team reached Columbia Thurs day at a quarter of four, and the mem bers were taken to their various places of entertainment. From five to six, tuey were given a inception at Read Hall, by Miss Lewis, the Women's Ad iser, and by the girls of the Hall. Mrs. Clapp and Miss Pound were enter tained at dinner after the reception by Miss Lewis. Thursday night a recep tion was given in honor of the visitors, to the faculty and students, in the main building. This was followed by a dance. Many hundreds of people were in attendance. Friday morning the institution was inspected, convoca tion attended, and the parlor or rest room visited,- where chocolate was served to the team. At noon Mrs. A. Ross Hill gave a luncheon to the teams. Here, as at the dance the night before, decorations were in the Nebraska colors. The time from three till four the Nebraska players Bpent in the gymnasium, getting used to the goals, and trying to accustom them selves to the strange floor. From four till six Mrs. Hill gave a reception. In honor of Mrs. Clapp and Miss Pound, to the university faculty and the wives. After th. game, a dance was given for the Nebraska team by Phi Delta Theta, at Its new chapter house. Saturday morning the vlsltois were taken driving about Columbia and the vicinity, and they were entertained variously at luncheon. The team left for home in the afternoon. The game Itself was close and well contested. Nebraska found Bkillful and veil trained opponents, and the game consistent, quick, and free from fouls. In the three-court game height counts, and the inches of the Nebraska captain and the Nebraska guards stood them in good stead. The following waa Ihe lineup: Nebraska. Missouri FORWARDS. Minnie Jansa (Cam) .. .Isabel Johnson Marguerite PiiLfniry Dottle Hewitt : jr. Margueret Murta CENTER. Pearl Archibald Benson Botts lna Gittlngs Virginia Lipscomb Emma Ody Pohl GUARDS. Alice Towne Jane Dunaway Ruth WoQdsmall Lake Br ewer Caroline Jesse (Capt.) SUBSTITUTE. Mattle Woodworth .OFFICIALS. Umpires Dr. auise Pound, Nebras ka; Duncan, Missrarl. Referees Mrs. AnnaBarr Clapp, Ne braska, and Miss Marylda Mann, Mis souri (one-half each). Timekeepers Florence Robinson, Mary P. Jesse. ScoreUeepers Ethel Lowery, Qussle Terrell. Linesmen Mary Sears, Eliza Jack son, Missouri; Eleanor Miller, Mattie Woodworth, Nebraska. ' Official ScoreUeepers Dr. W S. Carnart, M. U.; Mrs. R. M. Bird, N. U. ,' Business Managers Miss Louise " Pound, N, U.; Miss Elsie Waddell, M. U, . ," Between the halves of the University Junior-Senior Reception.. tin "M. tin )fc He it it it it n it it 4 it it it ifr it it it it it- w to W M A f it u it it n it it it TICKETS $1.00. it EVERYBODY INUITED. jj APRIL 8, 1Q05. 1 H)HMt)()f)(4(jg game there was a ten minute game between the Longs and the Shorts. Music by the University Orchestra. The girls' gymnasium at Missouri is in charge of Miss Mary Ida Mann, who sterns unusually capable and efficient a, a physical director, as well as charming personally, and whom Mis souri is fortunate to have secured. The Missouri playeis will be brought to Lincoln for a return game some time next year. They have not played in Lincoln since 1901. William L. Anderson. William L. Anderson died Saturday morning at the sanitarium. He was HI only a week with appendicitis and hlr. sudden death was a shock to his many friends. Mr. Anderson was a member of the Freshman Law Class. His home was In Lincoln. He prepar ed for college at the Lincoln High School, graduating with the claass of 1903 and entering the University in 1904. He was a very promising stu dent having graduated from the high school before he was seventeen years of age. He leaves a host of friends and classmates to mourn his untimely death. Funeral services were held at the home of his parents Sunday afternoon. Many of his friends were present, and about thirty Freshman Law stu dents attended In a body. At a meet ing of the Freshman Ijiw Class Sat urday afternoon n committee was ap pointed who drew up the following res olution: "Whereas. The Creator in His infin ite wJsdom has removed our friend and classmate William L. Anderson, there fore be It "Resolved, That we, the members of the Iaw Class of 1907, deplore the loss of his association and friendship, and extend to the bereaved parents, brothers and sisters our sincere sym pathy. "G. E. COWAN, "B. C. ENYART, "R. C. OZMAN. "Committee." Miss Corwin at Convocation. Miss Gold Corwin, state secretary of the Y. W. C. A., spoke at convocation Monday. College life, she said, is a great struggle for the real student. Some people can go through college merely existing, but students who want to make men and women of themselves cunnot go through college existing; they must live. College life is merely a preface, an introduction to our world life. The characters we form In college will be cur permanent characters. We cannot change them afterwards. The Ideal of a university should not be how many graduates It can turn out; how many lawyers, doctors, teachers or engineers it can make, but how many men and women it can pro duce. Manhood and womanhood should be the first consideration. All others should be means to this end. White duck pants at Mayer Bros. Unl. Pennants at the Co-op. Get a Pennant at the Co-op. Annual Inter-Lit Party. A goodly representation from the Union Palladlan and Dellan Literary Societies attended the annual Inter literary society party given In Art Hall Friday evening. This most Imoprtant social function with the literary soci eties proved no less successful than the previous annual parties. The hall was prettily decorated with ferns. On the walls were artistically hung the pic tures of the Chancellor, draped in scar, let and cream, and the pictures of the three society presidents, each decorat ed with the colors of their society. The program opened with a grand march led by Mr. Campbell and Miss Baker. Following three minute con versations on up-to-date topics amused the couples. A guessing contest, "Who's Who," embracing riddles on the names of pronounced members of the faculty was the source of much amusement. The following individual selections concluded the program: Vocal solo Miss Louchs. Reading Miss Grace Sargent. Quartet Messrs. Hutton, Anderson, Warren, Turner. Light refreshments consisting of Ices were served by "Tommy." The fol lowing are responsible for the success of the party: Master of Ceremonies J. E. Bednar. Union Committee Miss Daughters. Mr. Thomas. Mr. Bednar. Palladlan Committee Mr. Strickland. Mr. Hadlock. Miss Moore. Dellan Committee Miss Eckles. Mr. Bates. Mr. Davis. Addition to Electrical Department. A second letter has been received at the University from Mr. Bion J. Arnold saying that the Electric Motor which he is giving the University was ship ped on the 17th. He writes as fol lows: "I trust that the boys will be able to get some Instruction out of the ma chine as it is an interesting device to experiment with. I have presented a duplicate of the motor which you are tc receive, to the University of Michi gan at Ann Arbor as Michigan was my native state and the state in vhlch I grew up and the University oi Nebraska the school which I first at tended. I have thought by dividing tho machine thus it. would best serve to remember my friends. You will under ttand that each machine is complete in itself as there were two motors for the electroo-pneumatlc locomotive, and ench institution gets one. This lo comotive practically half of of which you receive, represents an expense to mo of about $40,000, but it has been the means of causing a btep forward jn Electric Railway work, and I am there fore satisfied. The wheels, axle and Journal boxes upon which the machine lc mounted are loaned to the University by me as I may some day desire tose them, but all other parts I take pleas ure In presenting to the institution." Summer hunting with a good salary attached. Read "Hunting Eagles" page three. PLAY NATIONALS Big Game of Baseball on Fri day Afternoon. Vnralty I)reitt Lincoln In t'lomi Gfttn Yvtterdnr Afternoon. Manager Allen has arranged a game with the Chicago National League team to be played on tho University campus on next Friday afternoon, March 31. This is t.ic first time the 'Varsity has ever attempted to mix with h . h fast company, but the sup porters aro confl'hut that they will make a good showing. The Chicago team has been In tiie aculli ('omg their sr-iing practice an J played several ganes there with southern league tearm. They are now at Spilngflold, 111., where they played a game. The manager when he hearJ that tMoy were coming west Immedi ately i, r ranged a dale. The br.seball enthuriaf-ts of the Unl ersity rnd Lincoln .111 havo an ex cellent opportunity to see one of tho fastest teams In the country play on Friday and every one should avail themselves of this excellent chance. The price of ndmlsslon has been set ai 50 cents, no extra charges for re served seatB. In the first game of the season yes terday the 'Varsity defeated the Lin cold team by a score of 8 to G. The game was loosely played and many errors made by both teams. Of course tho strong wind had something to do with the nuniber of eirors, b still there were too many. Captain Bender made a great many changes In tho lineup from time to time, five men be ing on the slab for tho 'Varsity, Dort was fiist man up to twirl for Nebraska and he was very effective, as he only allowed nine men to face him in the three Innings he pitched. He struck out two of these nine and showed ex cellent control at all times. Morso pitched his usual game and fielded his position well. Nllsson, Blako and Bowman were the other slab nrtlsU but they showed a lack of control. The way some of tho new men show ed up yesterday waB a sourco of grati fication to their friends. Reddick, Rlne and Smith all played in good form. Cook showed up well In tho field as did Fenlon, but he missed two that he should have smothered. Tho city men played a good game "and made the fellows work for every score. Mlckel, for the city, played a good game, cov ering first, and nlso proved to bo a hard hitter. Tho eighth -and ninth Innings wero the fateful Innings for Uio 'Varsity as the Llncolnltes ran In four runs, two In each inning. The first and eighth Inning proved to bo tho score making Innings of the 'Varsity. Three tallies wore made each Inning. The 'Varsity did not seem to bo ablo to rise to the occasion at opportune times and as a (Continued on page 2.) The Good Health Cafe, the no meat menu. 10c and up. $15.00 for $11.00. ynl. Pennants at the Coop. 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