The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1905, Image 4
Wf fH't'?'' iys,r57a'','?WB!?P -, )' ? -t " '4 :' , H"'.1- 1 . W C be I l ft e b r g n , Academy Notes. Tho Academy flvo wllj play at least three more games before the scasou closes, the dates for which have not been settled. r-l i"tu xn-v .... t ? :.rzm-i i i' ? I i-. j i 1 w ur ?.-- i " t aw 'Vtaa a Saw7 in OLLARS ure just what a young man needs. O They give him u size between the 4 one too big, or too little ;. in fnct, your size.- Tjiey are mtide in Cluett 25c Brand or' Arrow 15c Brand Ak any up-to-date dealer Cluett, Peabody & Co. VUkera of Cluett And Monarch Shirt Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Gem Hot Waffles andFine Meals and Lunches. 1 17-12 J North IS Strt Ve haye-always fceenknowa u lb ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY. Thl acatoa wt ara rurninr out batter man evir. wa want r' bualnaaa. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 270 IS 14 O Streak lag TO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dmiqns COPYRIQHT8 Ac. Anyono Bonding a ikoteh and doacrlptlon may onloklr escort ain our opinion freo whether an Inroiitlon Is probably opinion ireo wn natentnbln. Can -ommunlcft- tlonaatrlctlroonndeuMal. HANDdOOK onPatenU aont free, Oldest agoncy foraocurliiK patents. . I'ntenta tokon through Munn A Co. rocolrl tpeclal notice, without ohjireo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrKcst olr- eolation of anr aolontlUo Journal raar: four niontha. SL Sold brail nnwurtnnlnr 'l ernis, ?j a MUNN rJCo.3010-. New York Branch Offlco, (BS V 8U Washington. D. C. Imfi Hn Includes In tho Now E,dltlon 254)00 NE.W WORDS, Etc. Now Gasottaor of th World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by TV. T. II AUUI8. Ph.D. , I.L.D., U. S. Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pajes. 5000 Illustrations. Nw PUUfc nich hlnJlnK Abo Webster' Collcglato Dictionary with IlUpagM. UOQ Illttrtrailoiu. BUo : 7iJ0i$KU. A BpacUl Thin Paper Edition De Luke limp cotcu and round nornw. Blaa i KJ4tK PREB, "A Teat In Pronunciation," butmct adnUrthiUf. AUo UlaatraUd pjunphUu. G. & C. MEJ11UAM CO: Publlakera, SprlagfUld, Mast. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv. ijmiTFH Miss Harriet Mitchell, instructor In Pnyslcs in tho Academy, left last ev ening for Chicago where she was sud denly called by the serious illness of hor father. She will probably return Sunday evening. The next issue of the Academy New will appear this week. The basketball game played last Fri. day evening in the City Y. W. C. A gymnasium between tho Academy girls' tfenm"afld tho Y. W, C. A. five resulted in a victory for the Academy by the score 48 to 33. Tho Academy five eas ily outplayed the Christians in the first half, but a change In the Y. W. C. A. lineup at tho beginning of the second half made the teams more even ly matched, the half resulting in a tlo and the margin between the scores re maining the same as at the end of the initial half, the final Bcore being 48 to 33. The dlsfranchls,oment ot tho nero was the question up for disctiBslon at the meeting of the Academy Debating Club held last Saturday evening In Academy Hall. Miss Barbour . and Messrs. Russel and Smith participated in tho discussion of the question. A short preliminary practice was also enjoyed by those present. The ques tion of debates with other schools was not taken from the table and It is probable that no outside debates will bo held this year. After the regular program Professor Hodgman treated the members of the flub to Ice cream and cake. The prin cipal's part of the program added greatly to the pleasure of the evening and those present express themselves a.s being highly pleased with the enter tainment of the evening. The Academy baseball men are prac ticing regularly from G to 6 p. m. on tho vacant lot south of the Academy. About twenty men have been report ing for practice and a team up to the. ur-ual standard seems to be assured Already money enough has been pledged to buy the necessary equip ment to conduct practice. Mr. C. A. Perry has been elected manager of the team for the year and Ih beginning to make out his schedule. The first game v.lll be played with the Lincoln Busi ness College team. The date for this game has not been definitely decided yet but it is expected that it will bo played next Saturday afternoon. An oflojt will be made to secure games with Lincoln High School, Cotner, Wusleyan, the class and society teams 01' tho University. The last number of Science contains an article on the liberality of the Hon. Chailes H. Morrill In offering to donate one hundred thousand dollars per year for geological work In the Unlveislty of Nebraska The Department of Geology has jrbt prosented the Hon. Charles H Morrill an oak cabinet containing col oied plates of the photos taken on the Morrill geological expedition. The plates contain the photos from 1891 to I he present time. Andrew Carnegie's latest gift to edu cational Institutions has been a one hundred and fifty thousand dollar do nation to Syracuse University which 13 to be expended in the erection of a new llbraty. -- I OST A silver handled brella. Please return to Jewelry store. Reward. Bilk urn Trlckey's T... W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 S. 11th street. Get a Pennant at the Co-op. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1130 O street. Both phones. Unl. Pennants at the Co-op. Fresh home-made candies at Max well's, 142G O St. and 13th and N Sts. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards CALIFORNIA UNION PACIFIC 4 Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 $hort Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent .' Crescent Bowling Alleys 1 14 N STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring; at low prices, zee Union College Student Tailors, Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J209. J jt jt Union College Tailors South Fnt'incc College Building laWL,.,F1M Our Hlcraitaati. Mlcralnmi I hnrUr m.... win, Chimlcal Appintui, Chinlcalt, Photo Limn and ShtiKir nM m..... dAi..ii.. 'PPiratut, Photo-Micro' Cimirai in o:id br thiltidlnitab. Drilorlai and Dmr'Bt Dtp'UHleundthi World Catalogs Pre Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. ROCHEUTKR. N. Y. NcrYotlc Chlcigo Botton I'tmkfutt. G'yJ Book Bospltal R. H. GILLESPIE PhoM U40 J24 Q Street THERE IS NO Watch, CIocK or Article o! Jewelry WE CANNOT REPAIR C flL. Tucker, Jeweler II2S O St.PhonM, BaU 534, Auto J534 CharhsB. Gregory (u.rn.'9i) TtUrfuxit B43 , . ani 329 1 '. . Zb Coal Wan tmeBmmmmmma '; VIA STREBT New York Bostonand The East Fast daily train Chicago & North the double-track Missouri River to Jng at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, "railway from tha Chicago, connect- with all lines for The trains of the NorthWestern line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything- - TLets and full Information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, AgonfT . 1024 O Street Clilcago & North-Western Railway NW460 . Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK ron THE PION i t )utm The New Century Printers 'i, i 1341 N STREBT t ft ; j AUTO 1616 X J iix !l ' ii ..-.'i '5 I ftf IH U1UW-X. MTUVU UU. J NO. 1044 O STREBT 2"!l v.'Jf II 'fl. ' -M', tf-mdi . .1"V v 1 "'- ' lI Mitisfci y &irm. , '. --l.j3a!;: