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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1905)
" . tlbe Datlp ftebraefcan es w ,-'- .rT-T?r X u. wTTrT BUSINESS DIRECTORY it n it it Kverjr loyal University 8tadent It ryed to pmtronlae tbets Kebraiknn Atfvartlsar, and to mention the paper while doing ao. :::;::: BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BARBER SHOPS. The Arluto, Oreon's Palaco and Mosul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, Glrard. BOOKStTATrONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK; HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional BOp'KBlNDIl.G Gillespie. BOILING ALLEY Crescent BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Bual rness College. OAfjDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson, OATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug 'Sjore. CIGAS Fred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLtiA'NERB AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. $ CLOTHING Armstrong, Mageo & Deemer, TJnland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Steiner, Woempener, uromn Mnnn. Rector. Harley, Riggs. DRY GOODS Miller fc Paine, Herpol- sheimer. trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORI8TS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. HAiiERDASHDRY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Lindoll. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Meliclvs. T.T7MBER Dlerks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. PLUMBERS Pommerene. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam eron, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING The FamouBr- 8HOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Affolter. SUITORIUM Weber, TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS' -BURFiAU W. D. Grant. f REE COOKING LESSONS I-n Demonstration Hall (over gas company's office) Tuesday, 10:00 a. m., Wednesday, 3:00 p. m., Thursday, Fri day, Saturday evenings, 8:00 p. m., Miss Gena Vawter, instructor. Wg EHDCDLATE5 For Sale Only at Harley's 'Bulletin TODAY. Post-graduate music recital by Miss Allcyno Archibald. Special meeting of Engineering So ciety. MARCH 21 Medical Society, M 301. Annual Intor-Soclety party. MARCH 31. 'Varsity vs. Omaha Y. M. C. A., Armory. APRIL 3. Subject of second Junior theme must be submitted to the Department of Rhetoric, U 311. APRIL 8. Junior-Senior reception. APRIL 14. Company B Hop at Fraternity hall. APRIL 17. Second Junior theme due at 5 p. m. In U 311. MAY 20. Ninth Annual Pan-Hellenic dance at the Auditorium. Campus Gleanings E. D. Stanley, '04, Is visiting at the Pha Gamma Delta house. Prof. Grummann will give a lecture on Wagner's "Parsifal" at 5 p. m. Fri day, March 24, In Room U, 111. J. P. Gllligan will address the meet ing of the University Medical Society to be held on March 24 In M 301. FOUND 1Conklin' self-Inking pen. Owner can have same by calling at Ne braskan office and paying for this ad. The annual election of members Into the Society of Sigma XI will occur neai the middle of May, last year's mem beis being elected May 19th. All writeups of Individual members of the Junior Class must be in by Fri day of this week. SOMBRERO BOARD Several Sisters from the St. Mary's Academy of Omaha, visited the De partment of Botany on Tuesday, and consulted with the different professors of the department In regard to meth ods of teaching botany in the secon dary school. The edltois of the Morton History company have recently located the fnnilly of Augustus H. Harvey who was the flist secretary of the Univer sity. He was one of the men who helped lay out the site of the city of Lincoln, the Capitol and University sites. The High School Inspector, Proforf sor Hodgman, finished the inspection of all the city schools on the Union Pacific road as far west as Cheyenne, Wyoming. This leaves the northeast counties of the state and a few other scattering schools still to be Inspected. The inspector expects to complete the work of the year's inspection by the middle of May. Get a Pennant at the Co-op. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phono 176. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1550. The Good Health Cafe, the no meat menu. 10c and up. $15.00 for $11.00. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. HIGH GRADE BONBONS Drug Store, 11th and O. ONE-WAY RATES. Evory day from March 1st to May 15th, 1905, Incluslvo, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Missouri River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, Inclusive) as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Helona and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. ,$25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oro- gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San gYandaco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through Tourist cars run evory day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and! Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75. For full information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. ...MELICK'S STABLES... PHONE 435. Closed Carriages. Baggage. ...The Finest Livery in the City... 1230 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. JAMES TEDESCO Lincoln Shoe Repairing Go. Half Soles Done While You Walt. From 40c up. RUBBER HEELS 40. 1236 N Street, Lincoln, Neb YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete suc cess without urograms and menues. Get them printed at GRIFFIN-GREER PRINTING COMP'Y 1136 O Street Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. Tha Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Ry. has electric-lighted trains, solid vcstibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modem safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. "Write to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Famam Street, OMAHA, NEB. $18.85 "SSSSSJ- $18-85 The Missouri Pacific will sell ticket on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 21st to many point's In Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.$$, good for 21 dlys. This very low rate includes Qalvtfsto'n, San Antonio, Part Arthur, and is much less than one way face. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points soutji, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. CITY "TICKET OFFICE S. W. Comer t2ih and O Streets F. D. CORNELL, P. 8 T. A. STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WholMk uid Rmil '".- DRUGGISTS AmUmttU VUnt j 707 I tU O Stmt LINCOLN, NEB. Cbe fraternity SuaMno efBrllta a4 V Itrota lka Sharp, rreyt. BptoUl Ratta foe Ptt rnhr Pinm. mm Autamatic If 74, BtQ 74 )Utac, AtWc I M7,lal SIT The First National Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital I 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 40,000.00 B. H. Burnham, Pros. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President. H. 8. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Bvans, Asat. Cashier. Frank Parks, Asat. Cashier. P. R, Basterday, Auditor. THE UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor No Saloon Attached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, i46H.mii st. Riggs The Drag Cutter Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL fc McCOY 1829 O ltrt 5000000000CXXXXXXX30000QOQOO M f ll II 'MM 0)C v a !2 b&n&k tii .,k ';'' ,V-'