The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1905, Image 2
pPJV ' .'ITT! " J" . 'fci-x'j,- , r . ... ,j . ,-r v th..ji,i I ' ' '! il ' -fV jfew . 3- ? Ttrsfcarar r.,t yrgy..,,.j,lY-'y,-iTj ., i j XT b e alls n e r a 0 K n J -, r'"r"r""' I- Cb Daily Utbraskan A consolidation of The Hcprlan, Vol. 01, Tho Nubraihan, Vol, 10 Scarlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the Unlromlty of Nobnmka, Lincoln, Nob. by the Hesperian Publishing Go., Boaud Or DrnroTonfl ProfoMors J. I. Wyor.and O. R. RlchanU: II. P. Lcavitt John Wcfitorcr E. R. Walton. Editor-in-Chief Manager Ain't, llaafer Aaaoclato Editor Circulator Athletic Aaslatont Athletic News 8 tat Farm Fred A.Uirooloy A. Q. Sohroiber Fred Naurhton A. M Lery Walter E. Standoven STAFF R . A. VanOrmlel H. L. Btran H. O. Myers A. F. Matfdani Editorinl Rooms and Buslnma Office U 2Ui Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nvbr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1525 Automatic 2365. BnbBoription Price, 2 per year, in advance Entered at tho postoffico at Lincoln, Nob., an rcooimI-oIiwb mall matter under tho act of congress of March 8, 1870. Individual notice will bo ahnrged for at tho rate of 10 contfl for onch, Insertion. Faculty, departmental and 'university bullelinH will gladly bo published free, tut heretofore. Notices and subscriptions may bo left at the Dally Nobrnskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks The members of the Senior Class have received invitations to tho recep tion to be given them by tho Juniors April 8th. It Is hoped that the num ber of Seniors taking advantage of the hospitality or '0G will be some what larger than the number present at their own Prom, where tickets were two-fifty per. A day's discussion of the football schedule for 1905 seems to confirm the An effort will bo put forth this spring by Nebraska Alumni whoso In terest in their Alma ATator has never lagged to arouse a more active in terest among the too large number of old Nebraska etudents who, for one reason or another, have grown away from the University. With this In view, Mr. Piper, of the Rhetoric De partment, will, beginning next week, collect and publish all Items regard ing Nebraska Alumni which can be secured, and tho co-operation of the student body is solicited to make this new departure a success. While in sehool a student, though In close con tact with the life of the University, can do few of the many things an AlumnUB can do to aid In a substan tial way. Tho undergraduate's field of operation Is too narrow and his thno Is too much occupied in work laid down by the University authori ties to do more than his school du ties. The graduates field, however, is practically unlimited, andv allowing for a slight diminution in Interest ow ing to absence, the work of the Alumni for the University ought to be as much more effective than that of the under graduate as their field of operation Is greater. But this is not the case, nor anywhere near the case, with Nebraska Aumnl. A considerable number, but too small by far; eep up, from year to year, a keen and effective interest In Nebraska and her welfare, but this very desirable class Is sadly In the minority. Realizing, however, that "a little leaven leaventh the whole lump" this body of faithfuls has planned a big reunion of Nebraska Alumni to be held the latter part of this semester in Lincoln. Everything will be done to arouse more graduate Interest in the University and with this end in view the Alumni Column will be conducted from -week to week, o'- as often as the interest taken In i' will warrant. MageeS: Deemer Top Coats Our selection of top coats for this season Includes plain colors in tans grays and black, also neat fancy stripes. Some full silk lined others serge or Venetian lined. The fabrics are absolutely dependable and our pikes most seasonable. $10, $12.60, $15, $18, $20 Long Gravenette Coats Such a call has sprung up for this praot4ce stylish coat, that we are add ing new lines to our stock every week. The shipment just leceived gives us several new styles that are splendid values. SI2.50, $15, SI8 and $20 ooooodoooooooooooooooooooo The College Man la Particular About HJi Shoe Engineer's Entertained. The lecture Tuesday evening bv Mr. Downton of Westinghouse Elec tric Co. was well attended and thor ough' enjoyed. Mr. Downton traced in a general way the development ot the Westinghouse Co. from the incep tion of the Air Brake Co., which was the first entei prise launched by Mr. Westinghouse, to the present time March Winds Won't Blow Off Your Hat... If you get one that fits right I fit all all kinds of heads for $2.50 a it a it it it it it it it it it it h BUDD, - $2.50 Hatter, - 1141 O Hfr it it Uf Uf ill u , 11 p Ti l l MRS. J. W. PETRY Who,e..,. . BAKERY 21 3- So. Uth 6treet Boll Phono BG4 Auto Phono 2504 opinion that ex-Manager Davis has succeeded In preparing a schedule as nearly Ideal as can well be Imagined. Contests with Conference Colleges to satisfy the most ardent Nebraska sup porter have been secured upon terms . that are satisfactory to the mostexact ing professorial member of the Ath letic Board. Between the big games are sandwiched games which, while of keen Interest, will probably be not so hard on the players, and this partial lelaxatlon makes tho arrangement most acceptable to coach and men. Considered then, from eveiy stand point, our schedule for the coming sea son Is just such a one as we would wish for. We have good grounds for congratulating ourselves and ex-Ma,n-' ager Davis. Artistic Pennants at the Co-gp. when a large number of companies in this country and in Europe bear his name. The moving pictures showed scenes In the works of the electric company with the picture machine mounted on a traveling crane which runs the length of tho shop and gave an excel lent Idea of the shop and tho method of handling largo machines. They in clude pictures of the machine shops, hi ass founderles, armature rewinding rooms, etc., showed the manner of testing engines, electric machinery and steam turbines. To close the exhibi tion a few comic pictures were shown which caused much amusement. Tho growth of the Westinghouse company has been remarkable. The electric company's plant has recently been en larged and employs at present 0,000 men and has an ultimate capacity of IC.OOO, Union Shining Parlors. Shine 5c. Chairs for ladies. 1018 0 street. ' THE WALKOVER 8HOE Is the beat shoe for tnen't ' feet. Our line b strictly up-to-date. Call and let ua ahow them. Rogers & Perkins Succmjom to Perkins Sc SL14on C. 1120 O Street Columbia National D&llK t NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students. . . . . . 029 O STREET The Cash-Grocery J. W. SMITH, Prop. 245 South llth Street. T. J. THORPE CO. Qonor'l Machinists All Kinds of Repairs Locksmiths and Platers Phone 61 309 So. JJth LINCOLN See Yourself as Others See You JTUiE Printed Stationery you ow rellecta your buaineaa udg- ment. No job la too common to be neatly done. "What you want when you want it. KING & JESSUP The Iw Press Printers J25-127 N 12th St. PLAY BALL V& &0k? ir Auto 1292 Bell 147 SOUKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1320 N Street Wo aro solo agents in Lincoln for tho celohrated D. M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full line of hasehall shoes. Special prices on uniforms to cluhs. Girard Cycle G'mpy J304 O Street I 1 V LINCOLN. Nil ti .' w i As v .Uv .' "v -1L- ,.V l&''., ?,; i 2,.,aJ ! ytiM8kMfrj