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HANQBtkHfon lions strtoti raunlca. Patents sent f roc ml f roc Oldest ngenoy for soeurlnirpatents. IhOenU taken through Munn St Oo. rocolTe teds! notice, without oharao. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weokly. I jjiuost clr eolatlon of any sclentlOo journal. Terms, $3 a year: loui llUNN Dranoh lour montns, u uoa Dy an newsaoaiers. Pn 301 Broadway. Dranoh Office, &5 V Bt, Waehlnuton. D, Includes In the New Hditlon 2S.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W.T. HAHUIB, Ph.D., LL.D., U. B. Cotnmlasloner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages. New rU(e. 5000 Iltuttrstlons. Hloh lllndlnn. AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with 1119 ( 1100 Illutntioo. 8Uo : 710ilHl- A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe rritUa from &&. pUU u rvg'uUl' edition. It.bu Ilmpeorere and round corner. 8Uo t 5Hri-H. PRBE, "A Test In Pronunciation," hutmet e and entertalnlajr. Alio Uiiuteatod (MuaphleU. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Sprlacflald, Man, via ijTjnjra TWw SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN Courses to Be Offered at Univer sity Summer Session. Tho bulletin of, tho 8ummor SoHBion of the University Is out and being distributed. It contains in full the program and calendar of work for this intor-torm session. This Summer Session begins June lGth, Friday, and continues until Fri day, July 28th. On Friday and Satur day of each weok lectures by Profes sors Roes, Barbour, Word, Lees, Luck ey, Swezoy, Fosslor, Barber, will be given on subjects in which each has done considerable work. Tho courses of study which will be occurrod during this session aro: Agriculture Elementary agricul ture. Professors Lyon, Smith, Emer son and Haeckor. Anatomy Human Anatomy. Dr. C. W. M. Poynter. Art Art theory and criticism. Pro fessor Dann. Chemistry Introductory organic chemistry, two courses. Prof. Dales. Education Child Study. (Somestral course 4.) Prof Luckey. Adolescence. (Semestral course 17.) Prof. Luckoy,- Supt. Stephens. English Language and Literature Teachers' course. Prof. Stuff. College Literature. Prof. Stuff. Germanic Languages and Literatures Teachers' review course. Prof. Foss lor. Conversation course. Prof. Fossler. History, American General survey of American History. Prof. Persinger or Mr. Ay les worth. Advanced Course In American His tory. Prof. Caldwell. Civil Government. Prof. Caldwell. History of the American Negro. Prof. Persinger. Round Table Text books in Ameri can History. Practical use of source lii American History. Recent contri butions to American History. Ameri can History in Nebraska schools. By members of the Department of Ameri can History. History, European Roman History. Prof. Fling. European History from 814 to 1431. Prof. Fling. History, Greek Greek History from 6th century B. C, to conquests of Alexander. Prof. Dann. Latin Caesar and Cicero (two courses). Prof. Barber. Geography and Nature Study Geog raphy. Prof. Condra. Nature Study. Prof. Condra. Mathematics Teachers' course in Algebra and Geometry. Prof. Candy. Algebra. Prof. Candy. Trigonometry. Prof. Candy. MeteorologyStudy of the weather. Prof. Swezey. Phylsical Education (For women). Miss Jansa. Physical Education (For men). Mr. Lane. Physics Elements of experimental physics. Prof. Almy. Psychology General psychology. Prof. Bolton. Psychological foundation of educa tion. Prof. Bolton. Physiology. Prof. Ward, Mr. Barker. Reading and Expression Art of reading and expression. Miss Howell, Miss Brown. Rhetoric Rhetoric and composition, two courses. Mr. Piper. School Music Mrs. Raymond, iMss Arnold. Zoology. General Zoology. Prof. Ward, Mr. Barker. Courses In School of Fine Arts. Mrs. Brock, Miss. Mundy. Registration In the Summer School 4j SG. In a few of the courses a lab oratory fee lsjcharged' to cover actual ost of material used. In the School f Fine Arts the following fees are ayable: DRAWING AND PAINTING. - One three-hour lesson a week, $3. Two three-hour lessons a week, S6. Three three-hour lessons a week, $8. CHILRDEN'S CLASS. Two two-hour lessons a week, $4. CHINA PAINTING (FOUR WEEKS.) Three lessons a week, $& Special arrangements are made with persons desiring to take fewer les sons In any of thes branches. Fresh homo-made candle3 at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sta. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phono 666, .taP"ejfeaw saLaawPLaaV CALIFORNIA f 1 UNION PACIFIC I m Every Day m From March 1 to May 15, 1905 I $25.00 B Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays I H Be sure your ticket reads over 0 k this line. Inquire K . E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent W r Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N s-s-'---"-------..... i STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring; at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J209. J- Jt jfc Union College Tailors South Eat-ancc College Building "irrsfcfctjisfn?CTcri Oor Microscopes. Microtomes. Liborilonr Glass- wire, .nsraicai apparatus, Chemicals, nolo teases and Shultors, Held Glasses, Projection Apparatus, Photo-Micro Cameras ara used br ine leading Up-.,!,,.!.!,,.-. oratories and Oorsr'ot Oep'tsKS Bound the World Catalog Pre Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. Rochester. N. Y. L New York Chicago Doiton Frankfurt. G'yJ DIERK8 LUMBER It COAL CO. Bell Phone 35 Automatic SO 1 1 THERE IS NO Watch, ClocK or Article ol Jewelry WE CANNOT REP AIR C A. Tucker, Jiftrslr 1128 O St. Phanes, BU 834, Auto 1534 Charles B. Gregory (u.tfn.'gi) Tffehancs 843 , . and 329 1 . . the Coal man NO. 1044 O STREET STREET New York Boston and The East Fast dally train Chicago & North the double-track service via tho Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, connect- Missouri River to fng at Chicago with all lines for The trains of the all points East. NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TVxets and futl Information on application to R. WV McGINNIS, Agont, 1024 O Street Chicago & North-Western Railway NW460 Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK TOR TIIK BION 1 The New Century Printers ia4i N STREET i : : : AUTO 1616 ' k 1,1 " : &tk&- ..