CDc Dnilf fUftraffcan :fc vGampus Gleanings s- if Phi Kaprm PbI will give a formall party at the Lincoln Friday. fiT 1 i t ? tf I ' . It v I Ctr t t n t m KrBp 1 1 Atinow Aldiko- I Quarter Size I lyftTST be Quarter Size I I ! Collars, is they must I I be precisely riht and made I I of stuff which will not shrink. I M The duett and Arrow Col- Inrs uro rightly made ofl I Cluett, 25 cents I I Arrow, IS cents I I each or 2 for (J.r cents I I Cluctt.Pcabody&Co. I I Maker of Cluett mid Monarch Shirt I Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sawi's Cafe Little Oem Hot Wnfllos and Ft no Muabi mul Lunnhes 1.7-121 North t3 Strt Phi Delta Theta held Its annuaTTnnr quef Saturday night at the Llndcll. Any Btudents desiring work should call on the General Secretary of the Y. M C. A. at once. e have always been known as the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY,, This uuon wi art turning out Ixttti wA than vtr. Wi want yout business. YULl BROS HAND LAUNDRY Auw2754 1 514 OSlrctt aura 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE y-y 1!7iMIiki rifner Anyone B(jri Trade Marks DCSIQN8 COPYRIOHTB AC. n alrMli mil rifMftrlntJnn riit ascertain our opinion freo whether an .ntcklf ascertain our opinion free lUTontlnn l probably patentable. Uoua strict confidential. HANDBOOK out free. Oldest agency for aoourln I'aienia laiou inrouKii muuu at rrlnl rtnttrr wlthnnt. onuvA. In thf Scientific American. rnfnniiiiilnjt. on Patents nor Datenta. mil Munn A CX. recelre Dharne. In the Lamest clr- Torms. so a A handsomely Illustrated weokly. kMUMnli t9 aatlW HAlAntlfln 1ll1Pf1ttl VUlMtlVM ' 111 DVIiIMH iuhihwh a va i vv n 7ar; lonr mourns, ft ioia uyu nownueaicrB. MUNN SCo.3810 New York Branch Office. (OS F BU Washloaton. D. C. maneiMMfia Includes Inlhe New JCdition 25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World Ne.w Biographical Dlotionaror Edited by W.T. IIARUI8. Ph.D., LL.D., U. 8. Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pts. n.w ruu. 5000 Illustrations. Ulch HlnJlnrt. Alto Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lillptC. UOOIIItutnttou. Hiw s 7e10xSH- A Spaclal.Thln Paper Edition De pilxe IrtaU4 from umvUUi u rg-uir edition. It ha liiapcoTfr and roaml corner. 81i &HriilK- FREE, "A Testla Pronunciation," tutriut ! and tntartatalajr. AUo lllu.trat4 paiapaUu. G. 6 C. ME.IUUAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Dr. I-ees will address the Athenea Club this evening in U 207. The sub ject of his address will be "Greece." Mr. A. E. Sholdon recently procured the best collection of Saline County newspapers extant; some of them dnto back thirty and forty years. The annual banquet of Delta Gamma was held Saturday night at the Lin coln. Preceding the banquet a play was given in the afternoon by D. G. talon'. House Roll 1G9 will probably como up to a vote In the Senate tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning. As the bill now stands it is number twen tj -eight on the general file. The local chapter of Phi Rho Sigma (medic) will go to Omaha Saturday to attend the annual banquet of the fro tfrnity which will be given by the Omaha ( hapten. A new book on grasses has been re ceived by the Department of Botany. It is the work of Professor Splllman, of the United States Department of Agriculture .1 M Long fell victim to an explo sion of suLphuric and nitric In Chem ical Laboratory ycsteulay morning. He was quite seriously burned about the forehead And eyes, but fortunlately his sight was not injured. Profetsoi Besscy gae his class In Botany 12, the course In methods of teaching, an extra lecture on "Nature Study" last Friday. The Professor has some very decided notions as to the right and wrong way to taking up this subject Mr Edwin V Piper, of the Depart ment of Rhetoric, has kindly con sented to take charge of an alumni column Any alumni notes or Infoi matlon regarding lormer I'nlversitj students should be addressed to him. All such notes are solicited In the March "Aiena" Rudolph DIankenburg describesthe ripening and revealing of political corruption in Pennsylvania under the Quay reg ime. This paper contains the startling expose of the criminal acts of Senator Quay which threatened to land him in the penitentiary; and the Interest In the recital Is much heightened by the reproduction of telegrams and auto graph letteis. There are also a num ber ot portraits of men who figured crnsplcuously In this great drama of modern political corruption. Mr. Blnnkenburg's series of papers Is prob ably the most Important contribution to the liteiature of the new crusade foi political morality of the present year I OST A silver handled silk um b:ella Please return to Trlckey's jewelry stoie Reward. LOST OR LOANED Some time ago a four blade,-pearl handled pocket knife. Finder or borrower please re turn to "Nebraskan" office and re ceive leward. "Finding Money" Worth reading. on page three. Twenty-one-meals for $3. Cafe. Dormitory Get a pennant "at the Co-op. This is the season everybody feels like sitting for pictures. Have you had that "feeling?" If not, see what Town send is producing and you will make an apopintment immediately. Studio 22G South 11th street. Artistic pennants at the Co-op. Lincoln Transfei Co.; b&ggage. Phone 176. TO CALIFORNIA VIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. I. SLOSSON, General Agent Ml Crescent Bowling Alleys SMli AVv J S SH I s3friMnHGsy 1134 N STREET THOROUGH COUKICS IN BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, 1 YPLwniTiNG, Telegraphy and Preparatory I Kxperienced teachers I'lne Kquip-inetit- (iyiiiunatiim work Assistance in -c.iiritiK position W'orlc to earn hoard Individual instruction Hnterauy tunc I,cs.sou by tuall Advantages of a capital city. Write for Catalogue No Lincoln Business College LINCOLN NKIIKASKA NewYork Boston and The East Fast daily train Chicago & North the double-track Missouri River to ing at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, connect- with all lines for The trains of the DIEItKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Bell Phone 35 Automatic 30 I X BICYCLES Columbia - Crescent Easy Payments, Trading, Prompt Repairing Lyman's. 231 so. nth. fyarhsB. Gregory aZbe Coal man Tsfaefioncs 843 , . antf 329 Northwestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything Tiiets and full information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, Agont, 1024 O Street. Chicago & North-Western Railway NW460 NO. 1044 O STREET How to Attract and Hold an Audience 17 VERY teacher, every clergyman, ever - lawyer, every man or woman or voul vrho is likely ever to have occasion in commit tee, or in public, to enlist the interest of one cr more hearers, and aiivince them every ci son who ever has to, or is likely to have t. " speak " to one or more listen rs will did in our new "Hook a clear, concise. comUU hand book whici will euable him to tuccttd I mice $1.00 Postpaid cloth HINDS &. NOBLE. Publishers 31-3335 West IStb Street, N. Y. City Scheol&oeks all fiublithtrt nt out tiort J tn Hi In I- h ; . BSV " ' - . "tor- -- J11 ? -C&, .fr A:J . JbuMv&iffl&fi