SHMHrnsmBPHBBBBBBBBs sffFr-HRSBag - I - Tv -4 &n I I (Ebe ID all Hebrnoftan Campus Gleanings BTOgS&&gfc-dmggi $ S" U h a K I ho Test titan the gown I has learnod to like the I I Quarter Size Collar I I 'Iho best arr the H and tiu- H Arrow B Clurtt Chaiton Ancowr AiroM H I duett, 83r each, Arrow, 13c oacli, H I fur 99c m I Cluett, Petibody &c Co. I I Makrri of Cluutt and Monarch Shirt H LOST Masonic watch chaim on athletic field or In library. Liberal toward for return to Nebraskan office, or B. F. Butler R. R. Hill went to Omaha yester day to attend gome business of the Sombrero Phi Delta Phi will give a dancing party Saturday ovenlng, April 1st at Walsh hall. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Llttlo Qeni Hot Waffles and Fiho Meata and Lanohon. ( 17-12 t North 13 Street S H. M. Crawford is HI at his home In York. He Is recovering, however, and expects to be In school again next week. Blanks for the annual reports fiom the Accreldted Schools to the Univer sity hae Just been sent out from the Registrar's office. Professor BeRKey has begun oral quizzes In Botany 2, and has notified the class that It Is to be a regular feature every day for some time. Vctuve-lvarn fcnovwti as th ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY., Thi uuon w arc turnlnf out btt ww thin vtr. W wnt your bustneas. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2734 (SI40Strt MATH 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ISjOjE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyono tending a sketch and description mar quloklr ascertain our opinion freo whether an Invoiitlon Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HAltOIOQK on Patents son tf roc Oldest agency for seoudna patents. Patent taken throuKh Munn & Co. rocelre tjxxM no((ce, jrlthoot charge, In thtf Scientific flmcriwn. K handsomely Illustrated woekiy. Ijinrcat clr oulatlon of any sclentlQo Journal. Torrus. S3 a year: four months. L Sold by all newsdealors, Hl)NyCo.38tBrod Hew York Dranoh Office, OS V BL, Washington, D. C HI ,rB Includes In thto New edition 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edited by W. T. H ARMS, Ph.D., LL.D., U. B. Conimlsaloner of IMucutlon. 2380 Quarto Pages. 5000 Illustrations. N.w rUtf. Itlrh Binding AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lliapaffet HOD Ilutrtloo... Hlw . 7tl(hJtla. A8pcclal "Thin Paper edition De Luxe PrtnUu from aun pUtaa M rfUr edition. 1 1 ha limp ooY.r. and round corner.. UU 5H-ilH- PRBB, "A Test la Pronunciation," iMtntot- ! and nUrUlnlng. AUo IlliutraUd puaphlata. G. O C. MERMAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Seventy schools have nlrendy been examined by the Inspector of Accred ited Schools this year and the balance will be completed by the middle of May. Siirt Fee and Mr. C H. Ellsworth, fttrmerly Huperlntendent of grounds and buildings here, now occupying a similar position at the University of Iowa, are (siting for a few days at their home in Fullerton The annual reception to the Seniors by the Juniors will be made a Univer sity ftint tlon again this year, follow ing the custom established some two years ago. The date has been set on April 8th, in the Art hall. Members of all four classes are invited Statistics show that some 47 High Schools In Nebraska arylng from one to four years In length. 24 of these schools maintain a two semester course in German; 13 a .1 semester ctAirse; 14 a 4 semester course; 4 a G semester course and 2 an 8 semester )utse. The Teacher's Burp an of the Univer sity during the pabt year has placed tcacheis in 12 states outside of Ne biaska, viz. Wjomlng. South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois. Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma. Kansas, Colorado, Idaho, and Washington The Faculty really constitutes this University Teachers' Bureau since the authority for the recommendations of the Bur eau rest In the University Faculty. Twenty-ono meals for $3. Cafe. Dormitory Get a pennant at the Co-op. Seniors desiring duplicate pictures may have them in platinum folders This 19 a new style and very pleasing. Ask to see them when ordering. Town send Studio Artistic pennants at the Co-op. Lincoln Transfer Co.; beggace. Phono 176. The Good Health Cafe, the no meat menu 10c and up. $15 00 for $11 00. Uni, Pennants at the Co-op. BICYCLES Columbia-Crescent Easy Payments, Trading, Prompt Repairing Lyman's. 231 so. nth. For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students. . . . . . o29 O STREET TO CALIFORNIA VIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal 9U Heating Stove Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. Whitebreast Co. "- o 6 o STREET AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 How to Attract and Hold an Audience 17 VERY teacher, every clergyman, every - lawyer, every mart or Woman or youth who i likely ever to have occasion in commit tee, or'in public, to enlwi the interest of one or more hearers, and wi"ii them every pci- son who ever lias to. or is likely to have to " speak " to one or more lUten rs will r'nd in our new book a clear, concise. comfltti hand book whuk will enable him l J sucittd I price $1.00 Postpaid cloth HINDS & NOBLE. Publishers 31-33-33 Weft 13th Street. N. Y. City Schoelbeoks of all publishers at out stare DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. BtU Phone 35 Automatic 3011 T. J. THORPE CO. Genor'l Maohlnlsts All Kind of Repair Locksmiths and Platers Phone 6 J 309 So. nth LINCOLN STUDENTS The newest and (finest Barber Shop In Nebraska. Particu lar attention given to face, neck and scalp massaging:. New York Bostonand The East Fast daily train service via the Chicago & North- Western Railway, the double-track railway from tho Missouri River to Chicago, connect ing at Chicago with all lines for all points East. The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equlppYd for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TV..ets anJ full information on application to R. W. McOINNIS, Agent, 1024 O Street. Chicago & North'Western Railway NW4G0 CharhsB. Gregory (o.orn.'9n Zbe Coal man TJfAorj 343 . .n1 4 . -afl -i a T fll ; ,cs v.r;s ? 3 i 4 1206 O St Burr Block NO. 1044 O STRHBT A i ' n hr, i fiW 5kVMvJ C - Jl - .7 LJfiLlr' J'.--i Zb&itllZSli I