The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1905, Image 4
iy&ws V,V fiiryt",t -r ' nmrifi. igtJtpgprvr "&f - "i"i , K ttbe Dail fl e b r a 0 lu n W Campus Gleanings C. A. Jonson read a paper on 'lWbefU ic Diseases" Thursday to the class in Plant Pathology. TO 4 Dr. Plllsbury will addrpe the meet ing of tho Medical Society, to bo held CALIFORNIA ' tl JBes (OLLARS today, In M 301 on'Some Typhoid Epidemics." VIA i Ivl ft 1 t; r V are just what a young man needs. O They give him a size between the one too birr. or too little: in fact, your size. They I are made in Cluett 25c Brand or Arrow 15c Brand yvsK any up-io-aacc ucaicr I Ciuelt, Peabody & Co. 1 A. E. Sheldon, curator of tho State Historical Society la out on a trip to Crete aim Wilbur to look up an old collection of newspapers that date back InUr the seventies. A lfhkern of Cluett mid Monarch Shirts E. E. Blackman, state archeologlst, la preparing a report of tho last two years' work, by request of ex-Governor Furnas. Mr. Blackman goes to Ruby, Neb., soon to Investigate the Ruby Indian Mound. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Llttlo Oom Hot Wnfllos nndFlno Moalfl and Lunohus. I 17-121 North IS Street mtcIA Tho Academy girls basketball teams will play a game with the city Y. W. C. A. team this tvenlng In the Y. W. C. A. gymnasium, corner of 12th and M streets. An Interesting game and a good crowd Is expected. Fifteen cents admission will be charged. Ve have alwayj been known ai the .STUDENTS' LAUNDRY- Thl Kuon we an turning out tttttcr wwfr . than vr. W want your bualntaa. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY 7704 ISUOStml Bfl7M Auto7704 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE i!iinliw Trade Marks Designs COPYRIQHTS &C. Anyono Bonding a sketch and description may qnloklr aacotlaln our opinion froo whothor an Inrontlon Is frrobably pritgntaliln. Communica tions utrlctlj conOdontlal. HANDBOOK on PatonU ont froo. Oldest nuonoy for socurlnKpatonts. I'atonta takon through Munn 4 Cfo. receive tpteial notice, without ohamo. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated wookly. iJinrost cir culation of any solontlUa Journal. Terms. $3 a wnr fnnr mnnthft. III. flnld hv nil tinwsdnAlftnt. HUNN & Co.381Brod New York Brauon Utnco. E it BU wasninuion. Includes In the Now ludltlon 25.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gaxetteer of the World Now Biographical Dictionary Edited by W. T. II AnUIS, Ph.D , LL.D., U. b. Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Paget. Nrw 1'UU. 5000 Illustration. Itirh Ilin.linir. AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with 1110 par. 1100 IUuitratloa. Blio : 7il0iHta. A 8pcial Thin Paper Edition De Luxe Prinlou from nun pUtM u regular edition. Ilha limp ooTers tod round corner. Blie i & ilxl J. FREE, "A Teat to Pronunciation," tutruct- It and entertelnlnff. Alio llltutnted paunpbleU. G. Q C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Professor Bessey Is to deliver the commencement address at the graduat ing exercises of tho Weeping Water High School In the latter part of May. Ho will do some botanizing about the town while there, as It Is one of tho best regions for botanizing In the state. Mr. Pool of the Forestry class, expects to accompany him. Tho officers of the Nebraska alumni association have lately become more actively Interested than ever In alumni matters. It has beon suggested that the association get up revised lists and co-operate with the Nebraakan In publishing theeo from time to time until a complete list shall bo printed. J A. Barrett, secretary and treasurer of the alumni association, will soon begin this work. Collier's, for March 18th, comment ing upon the Stanford millions, closes with tho following tribute to Mra. Stanford's self-sacrifice: "Thus one of the richest women In the world voluntarily reduced herself to the position j)f a person of modest means. But In doing so she won a Distinction all her own. There are l.lenty of rich women, but there Is none, nor any man either, who has de liberately given to others a fortune comparable with that sacrificed by Mrs. Stanford." In Oliver Colleges Tho University of Idaho and Utah recently held a joint debate on the question, "Should every eligible voter bo compelled to go to tho polls?" Within the last few years a num ber of Filipino students have entered the University of Indiana, where they arc showing great susceptibility to flirtation with the co-eds. This has alarmed the good people of the Btate; consequently, a bill will be introduced at the next session of the legislature prohibiting intermarriage with Fili pinos of moie than one-eighth blood. -Ex. - UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent &' TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal $7.00 For the Heating Stove Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded Whitebreast Co. AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 y!4"! I IO 6 O STREET Visiting and Address Cards Programs, Invitations and Correspondence Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Bulldlnf We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. Telephones: A349. 3AO The Triangular Debating League, embracing the three universities, Col umbia, Cornell and Pennsylvania, have arranged for joint contests for 1906. All three universities aro enthusias tic over the new league system. The success of tho plan will doubtless be followed by its adoption in other In tercollegiate debating leagues. The Harvard-Yalo-Prlnceton leago and Dartmouth - Brown - Williams league have already announced their Indention to adopt tho plan, which is considered a diBtlnct improvement over all pre: lous mothodB of conducting intercol legiate debates. STUDENTS Boston auil Artistic pennants at tho Co-op. Lincoln Transfer Co.; toaggac. Phone 176. The Good Health Cafe, tho no meat menu. 10c and up. $15.00 for $11.00. Unl, Pennants at the Co-op. The newest arid finest Barber Shop In Nebraska. Particu lar Attention given to face, neck and scalp massaging, j The Arlsto' 1206 O St., Burr Block The First National Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED' STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital ,....$ 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits . . 40,000.00 S. H. Burnham, Pres. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President. H. S. Freeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier. Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. Columbia National Rfr Op LINCOLN, DaUK & NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 service via 'the Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, iCOKnect- wlthslliUtos for The trimtsr of the W8 Fast dally train Chicago & North the doubhj-track Missouri River to Ing at Chicago all points East. NorthWestern Line are most completelyfeojujpped for the safety and comfort o( patrons. The Best of Everything 7ets and full Information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, Agont, ' 1024 O Street. Chicago & North-Westeni Railway NW4C0 CharhsB. Gregory r. Zbe Coal Wan Telephones B 43 i , . nd 329 Jiai jxi .j r: Id vJJ ASA ft NO. 1044 O STREET tm K -f 'S&.I " -r v '. -'j&jmm & WJi:t7'r&'MxrZzs?r '1 j ,... MiK . i :..!!-', .' &&&:&