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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
-A. s'v: Cbc JDailftfUbraeljan ? i v il il BUSINESS DIRECTORY jj if n 4t gerr loyal Cnlverilty 8tttdfent U arffed to patronise these Kebraskan H 41 Advertiser, and to mention the ih paper while doing o. : i : i : : i 4t it il r d sW aW .Lf tf rf af a tAf. bWL?mWvm? mV .wW.Bf.-vWBMl .MJb? .1 BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BARBER &H0P8. The Aristo, Green's Palace and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, Glrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BQOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional BOOKBINDL .G Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Busi ness College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs Drug Store. CIGAflS Fred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Magee & Deemor, Unlttnd. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, Whito breaBt CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Steiner, Woempenor, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley, uiggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol shelmer. trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, N. H. Town, Smith's Cash Grocery. HAnERDASHBRY $2.60 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Llndell. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables, Melicks. LUMBER Diorks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. PLUMBERS Pommerene. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., New Con tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam eron, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING The Famous. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null atod McCoy, Blue Front Shop. 8HININQ PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Affolter. 8UITORIUM Weber, TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS' BUREAU W. D. Grant FREE COOKING LESSONS In Demonstration HalljCovor gas company's office) Tuesday, 10:00 a. m., Wednesday, 3:00 p. m., Thursday, Fri day, Saturday evenings, 8:00v p. m., Miss Gona Vawter, instructor. YW CHncnLATESHDWBDNS For Sale Only at Harley's Drug Store, 11th and O. Bulletin TODAY. First and second team football men call at tho Nebraskan office at 10 a. m. for sweaters. Organ recital by Guernsey Jones at Convocation. Academy vs. City Y. W. C. A., Y. W. C. A. gym., 12th and M streets. Dr. Pillsbury addresses the Medical Society in M 301. Senior Prom, Lincoln hotel. MARCH 18. Forest Club, 8 p. m., N 102. MARCH 23. Post-graduate music recital by Miss Alleyne Archibald. APRIL 3. Subject of second Junior theme must be submitted to the Department of Rhetoric, U 311. APRIL 8. Junior-Senior reception. APRIL 14. Company B Hop at Fraternity hall. APRIL 17. Second Junior theme due at 5 p. m. in U 311. MAY 26. Ninth Annual Pan-Hellenic dance at the Auditorium. Engineering Notes. A. A. Miller, ri. E., '98, of the Seat tle office of the Westlnghouse Electric Co., was here for a few days visit. H. L. Woodford, "07, has left school to accept a position on the mainten ance of way on the Burlington rail road. J. A. Green is now managing the Cul bertson irrigation ditch construction. Tho ditch when finished will connect 35 miles of main canal and manyn miles of tributary ditches. G. W. Bates is now assistant secre tary of the State Board of Irrigation, equivalent to Assltant State Engineer In other states. Mr. Greon and Mr. Bates were senior civil engineers. G. H. Ellsworth, formerly superin tendent of Garden and Buildings, an engineering Btudont In the late eighties was here for a few days. Mr. Ellsworth was In tho employ of tho University for about nine years. Prof. O. V. P. Stout will go to Lex ington for a short time to commence the work of irrigation and drainage Investigation. The State Legislation has appropriated $500 for this purpose, and the U. S. Department of Agricul ture has given a like amount. Westlnghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa., representative, will give a moving picture exhibition of the in terior of their shops. This demonstra tion will be given by Mr. Chas. E. Downton, foreman of apprentices, on March 21st. -Mr. Downton was a class mate of Prof. Richards. In connection with the positions held by Mr. J. A. Green and G. W. Bates, they are an example of what takes place among the best material of the Engineering courses. Many of the un dergraduates leave school to accept positions or take a position through tho summer and find them so remuner ative that they fall to come back to complete their Junior and Senior work. This demand for trained men with ability accounts partly for the- large number of registrations and fewer graduates that statistics would other wise show. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street Both phones. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 6c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street HIGH GRADE ONE-WAY RATES. Every day from March 1st to May 16th, 1906, inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Missouri River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusive) as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Helona and Butto, Montana. $22.60 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Washington. $22.60 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $26.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oro- gon, via Portland. V $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through TourlBt cars run every day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75. For full information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A.A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. 117 North Elovonth Lincoln Don't b a ded ope--keep joutmII looking neat. Patronize the Weber Suitorium Cleaning. Preeelng, Vying .Repairing and Refitting of Fine Clothe. Ball 78 Automatic I708 YOUR PARTIES BALLS AND BANQUETS aro not a complete suc cess without programs and menues. Get them printed at GRIFFIN-OREER PRINTING COMP'Y Iij6 O Street Better Investigate the merits and advantage offered by the various railway lines before purchasing ticket. Thf Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has electric-lighted train, oIid vestibuled, ateam heated, equipped with every modern aafety device, heavy steel firt-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. HASH, Bineral Western Agent, 1524 FarnaFStrMt, OMAHA, NEB. $18-85 LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ETC. A.IND RETURN. The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 21st to many points in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good for 21 days. This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Part Arthur, and is much less than one way fare. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. CITYjnCKET OFFICE S. W. Corner t2th and 0 Strttts F. D. CORNELL, P. T. A. MrafflffiRfflQH EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWH OOAl We have been very succeetftil ta catering to wedding and parties where something EXTRA FINB is wanted. Why can't we furnish you with your Groceries for all occiiIom? KEYSTONE GROCERY iai South 13th Streot For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students '029 O STREET MRS. J. W. PETRY WhoJeM,c and BAKERY 2I3-4- So. Uth Streot Bell Phone 004 Auto Phono 2064 Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL & McCOY 1839 O Street $18-85 sffa6& il r "il '1 -rv, hm $ " T- :' ,.t i.'.TA'' K.