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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
aegL''-rwsJtojtLJL--j j i". n am fil iW 1 n 1 1 ,. ,'(r .... r t-t ' ''ftyl'vy - w v,wfc. Km .hA. Tsi A'tfi iJi,...!:- ?. rrr rr'ry-ri- i " (- I i J i'nii.i....... . r -t - - -wwy--Mf lt ' -- " wJ ' i-r i"-Jw' .. tuym.yi. ,v, W.w y,J .' It. -- A,i ' f - - '' Zbt all? fUbrasftan (,-' U IV 1 H li Xht Daily Jlebraskan pi i 1 1 i " , ' i " A consolidation of The Hcwpcrinn, Vol. 81, The Nebrnnkan, 7o, 10 Scnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, oxeept Sunday and Monday, at the UnlvorMty of Nobraska, Linpoln, Nob. by the Hcuporlan PtbllhlnK Co., Board Of Dtbkotoiui ' Profortaoru J. I. Wyor, and 0. R. Richard: H. P. Leavltt John Wcntovor E. R. Walton. Edltor-lnChlof Mannger ABfl't. Mananor Anaociato Editor Circulator Athlotlc Afwlntant Athletic NewB BUto Farm Frod A. Bwoolby A. Q. Sohrelbor Fred Nanghton . ' - A. M Levy Wnltcr E. Standoven STAFF R. A. VanOindol H. L. Bwan H. O. Myors A. F. Magdanz Editorial Rooms and Btwlnc-M Office U 211 Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Subscription Price, $2 por year, in odvanco Entered at the poatofflce at Lincoln, Nob., art Bocond-olftHB mail matter under the act of congress of March 8, 1870. Individual notlcoB will bo oharKod for at the rate of 10 cont for onoh inBortion. Faculty, departmental and unlvornlty bulletins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. Notices and subscriptions may bo left at the Dally Nebraskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks The Wisconsin Cardinal, In com menting upon the weBtern basketball championship makes the barefaced statement that this coveted honor be longs to Wisconsin, Chicago or Min nesota, all three Institutions having claims about equal. The opinion Is based upon comparative gameB, Min nesota and Chicago each having won one game from the other, and Wiscon sin as yet having played neither of these teams. And with such a condition of things Wisconsin asserts her right to bo consid ered as candidate for championship. If Minnesota Is In the running where Is Nebraska. The "champion" gophers were defeated twice In two successive games on tholr own floor by Nebraska, and owing to unforseen obstacles couldn't make a trip to Lincoln to have tho performance duplicated. Wo don't claim the championship of the west. It Is rather difficult to see on Just what giounds the. Cardinal makes such a claim for the badgers. ered one of the leading consulting en gineers in tho United States, having designed the elevated intramural rail way at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago and has recently btien chosen by the New York Central Railway to solve the problem of engineering equipment for the roads service In and out of New York City. In his letter donating this gift to the University Mr. Arnold speaks as fol lows: "I take pleasure In adding my testimony to that of others regarding tho qualifications of the technically trained men turned out by the Univer sity of Nebraska. Many of them have come under my observation and have proven themselves thoroughly capable In their respective lines of work. I trust that no action will be taken by trie authorities which will tend toward dlscouaglng the Engineering Depart ment of the University, for the techni cal engineering field and especially the Electrical Engineering field Is con stantly widening and men technically ..trained and thoroughly skilled are al ways in demand." Bearing out this testimony of Mr. Arnold, Professor G. H Morse of the Electrical Engineering department, In his compilation of posi tions held by Engineering graduates recently published Bhows that G5 of these graduates now hold responsible engineering positions with four large electrical companies, the government, or steam railroads. The summary Is as follows: General Electrical Co., Schnectady, N. Y 10 Westlnghouse Clectrlc Co., Pittsburg, Pa 4 Western Electric Co., Chicago 10 Arnold Electric Co., Chicago 4 U. S. Government 12 Steam Railroads 25 65 All of the young men are well paid as compared with other young men of equal age and experience in other pro fessions. Many graduates are also em ployed In Nebraska In the electric lighting, telephone and electric rail road v fields and steam railroad service, as Bhown by the Engineering Blue Print for 1904. Professor Morse states that there Is never the least difficulty In placing university graduates from the Engineering courses who possess a reasonably desirable character. Many of the large companies Buch as those mentioned above stand ready at all times to take- any man confidently rec ommended by heads of the Engineer ing Departments of the University. Managers of the large Electrical En gineering concerns have expressed their satisfaction with the work of these university graduates and declare that their services are equal to and in many instances superior to the ser vices of graduates from older, richer, and more technical schools. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate ffl il i i ,. i mm 9HU vl w '"km f Dortt be misled by them J Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker &P Co.'s is en- (titled to be sold as "Baker's Lookio.tiaTrJe-Mrk Cocoa" or "Baker s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N STREET Donation Made. The University has just received a letter from Blon J. Arnold, president of the ArnoUL Electric Power Station Company of Chicago, donating to the Institution several pieces of apparatus taken from his first experimental elec tro pneumatic locomatlve with which he made his pioneer exposition in sin gle phase electric traction at Lansing, Michigan. This locomotive which has a history In Electrical Engineering and is recognized as the pioneer in work of Its kind, is now being dismantled by Mr. Arnold since It has Berved Its purpose. Professor Morse and Profes sor Richards of the Engineering De partments state that the apparatus sent by Mr. Arnold will prove inter esting and instructive to undergrad uates. Mr. Arnold was an early student at the University at a time when its En gineering courses were limited solely to Civil Engineering. He is now consld- Professor G. W. L.. Taylor has re ported to the Registrar the names of several graduates from the courses of the University who specialized in his department and have since won re sponsible positions In tho government service. Among these are Dr. Worthy T. Stearns who Is in the Bureau of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and Labor, Mr. B. W. Hun ter who directly on recommendation of the Political Economy Department was token Into the Census Bureau In charge of Methods and Results. It was Mr. Hunter who edited the abstract of the last government census. Mr. Ray P. Teolo who took his A. M. at the Unl- I "verslty holds a responsible position with the IJrrlgatilon Bureau of the Government. Other young men who took extensive courses In this depart ment and who have become prominent In' Nebraska politics are C. J. Wainer, Adam McMullen, C. M. Perry, all members of the present House of Representatives. COCOC)CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Order Your Easter Svit f Greene's VoAhqq, 109 N. 11th Street. Barber J- Shops ) Mogul, 1144 O Street. Chanln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe. For Furs see Steele. 143 S. 12th St. Unl, Pennants at tho Co-op. Manicuring at the Famous. Fresh home-made candles at Max well's. 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts. Get a pennant at tho Co-op. INLAND'S 1042 O Street DOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIOOO THE UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor PLAY BALL No Saloon Attached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 1. 1 Ith St. ttbe fraternity Bullbtno Corner 13th and N Streata Faulkner & Sharp, rropa. Special Rt for Fraternity Dane. TtUakaoui Automatic J74, Bli 974 Rtldnc, Automatic J087,Bc84B7 We are solo agents In Lincoln for the celebrated D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full line of baseball shoes. Special prices on uniforms to clubs. Girard Cycle G'mpy J304 O Street GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished upon appli cation. Job work promptly attended to. B48 Soath lotli. LINCOLN, NEB, STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WhoUi.U nJ RtU DRUGGISTS Automatic Phont f707 f 146 Q Stmt LINCOLN. NEB. l . H . V w , tJxvv&iNi.M. ' Xi.l-i ! tu; Af fe ti. ,, v 'f &M&Umj&$