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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
FF- TIbe Bail? flebraekan 4v Vol. IV, No. J04 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH J 7, 1905. Price 5 Cents I'v r , i Jr r- ii. f ir r i.rf . rr v, '.. Ifc IS AGAINST LAW BOOK JNebraskan Board Takes Action to Discourage It. Is an Innovation on University l'abllsh Ing Field. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of The Dally Nobraskan held .yesterday a vigorous protest was made against the action of the Junior Law class In deciding to resurrect the de funct Senior Law book next year. 'The members of the board consisting of Professors Wyer and Richards, and Messrs. H. P. Leavltt, John Westover and Edw. Walton, were unanimous In their disapproval of the entrance of the unwelcome Law Book upon the Hold of University publications, as It Is an extra and unnecessary drain upon the already strained treasuries of Lincoln Business firms, and has a tendency to detract from the present University publications, the Sombrero Senior Book and Dally Nobraskan. The Nobraskan Is the official paper Uf the University, and should be kept up and encouraged by the different University departments Instead of having inroads made upon Its advertis ing field. The Sombrero and Senior class "books should be representative of the entire University and the ad dition of another book Is bound to cut tht revenue of these books In two thereby making three Inferior books where there should bo two good books which the University should bo proud of. A year ago when the Law Book was first started the Nebrcskan board made a slight protest against It, but It way published, and, although the book pub lished was one to b proud of, it hurt the Senior book of that year, and also the Nebraskau, and It Is a well known fact that the book In Itself was an absolute xalluro financially. The business Interests of Lincoln could not shoulder the expense of the new book, and-conBequently It was up to the law students to support It and make up tho deficit. It Is well known how they did sup port It. Thoy were called together, the situation was explained to them, and subscription blanks were passed around. Almost to a man they signed the slips, each agreeing to buy one or more copies of the boolr, and the man agement rejoiced. When the book came out, however, their enthusiasm and ardor was greatly on the wane.. A few lived up to thelr promises, but the majority 0T them refused to "dough up" and consequently the editors were left with some one hundred copies of the book on thefr hands, which still He In tho Co-op. and Unl. book stores. Some two weeks ago tho unfortunate editors of the defunct law book paid up the last outstanding account, which made something like $150.00 he has been" obliged to pay out of his cwn pocket. The experience of the above, men tioned book tends to show thattthe law students are too few laJjMMiber, and too short on public VipiM put out a separate book, and If one is at ))())())()t( Senior Prom it n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it Lincoln Hotel, Tonight Walt's Full Orchestra TICKETS $2.50. i t 1i" j ls Q ! i 1 )1 i k tV k k U tempted next year the $150.00 paid out by last year's generous editor will have to be borne by the Lincoln merchants who are already overburdened with advertising mediums at tho University. If there Is a need for a Law Book for the law department, why not a Medical Book for the Medics, a "Farm Journal" for the state farm, a "Cook Book'' for tho Domestic Science girls, and finally, no books at all, or half a dozen which we would be ashamed of. Let tho Law students put their shoulder to tho wheel and make one good "Senior Book" which will be the pride of the University, until tbjjy are largo enough In numbers and the school has grown enough to support a law book. Following Is the resolution passed: Resolved, That It be the sense of the Board of Directors that tho class book now being planned by the Junior Class of the Law College will bo de trimental to tho best Interest of tho University and believing in a single publication by the Seniors of tho Uni versity tho Nobraskan should uso its influence to bring about a union of the Senior publications and discontinue the publication of separate books by tho different colleges. Campus Improvements. Superintendent Feo is making some very appropriate Improvements on the front of tho campus. The three sod less places on the campus, at tho cor ner of the chemistry building, near the library and In the middle of the cam pus, will be seeded down or covered with the best sod that can bo obtained. Men are now at work grading the ground and digging a ditch at the side of the walks to carry off the water In a rain. The University has not the funds At tho present to purchase the tiling which is generally used for drainage purposes and must be satis fied with a ditch for that purpose. For some time the water has beon running down the walks and tho Im provements, meager as theyare, will bo much appreciated-by the students. The dirt along the sides of the campus fence Is also being worked down and this too vvll add to the appearance of the University. 'DAILY" BOARD MEETS. Changes Made With Regard to Stockholders. The Nobraskan Board met yesterday lu Librarian Wyor's office. Fred Sweeley was formally elected Editor-in-Chief for the ensuing semester. The )))) llrf U b b lly i iy iy ly i L 1 t 1 tt it 1 L ts 1 ti Aj 1j financial reports of the Manager for the first semester wore presented and approved. Section 1 of the By-Laws was amended to read as follows: Each boni fide stockholder, as Bhown by the Treasurer's Btock book Is en titled to one subscription to tho No braskan free of charge. As originally wjprded the section read: Each share of stock entitles the holder to a free subscription to tho Nobraskan. Persons now holding a number of shares of stock are entitled to but ono subscription, whereas he was formerly entitled to one for every sharo he held. After transacting other routine busi ness, the meeting adjourned. Sweaters Here. Tho football sweaters and vests aro ready for distribution. Tho following men have their order by calling at tho oast end of second floor, U hall, this morning at 10. It is desired that the sweaters and vests be called for as soon as possible. Varsity Barta, Barwlck, Bender, Benedict, Borg, Cotton, Craig, Eager, Hunter, Johnson, Mason, Woller, Mills, Davis. Second Team BIrkner, Burns, Cramor, Denslow, Drain, Fonlon, Frazler, Laird, Lantz, Lundin, McDonald, Marsh, Reddick, Robertson, Shook.. Standeven, Morri son. Convocation Program. The Convocation program this morn ing will be an organ recital by Dr. Guernsey Jones. He will render the following numbers: Prelude, Theme and Variations (Rhoinberger). Prelude and Fugue, E. Mln. (Bach). Invocation, Torchlight March (Guil mant). Palladian Program. Saint Patrick's Day, 1905. A Sketch CLB. Conant "My Native Land" (original) Ethel O'Connell Reading Jas. Anderson Vocal "Kathleen Mavourneon" T. A. Hutton An Irish Joke P. F. O'Gara Tho Modern St. Patrick.. J. U. Tingloy Music. Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119 South 12th. 1 Manifolding and typewriting. See Ed. Affolter, check room, basement Unl hall. University rates. WINS THE LAST GAME Defeat William Jewoll in a Fast Game of Basketball. Lit Game of tho Sennon Was Enjoyed IJjr Student!. William Jewell College went down to defeat last night before Nobrasjiaa, fast basketball tossors by & score of 17 to 30. Tho gamo was fast and ox citing from beginning to end', Whilo the score was much In favor of tho 'varsity every point was closely con tested. The team work of both teams was very good and the long pass was used to good effect. Tho varsity played one of tho best games of the season on tho homo floor and sure passing was ono of tho characteristic features of their playing. Tho WilllamTewell team -was com posed of a fast aggregation of players, but their main difficulty seemed to be In throwing baskets from tho field. The reason for this was their long tries for tho goal Instead of working the ball up closer to tho basket. The work of Bradley, tho captain, was the -best and especially worthy of mention. The game last evening was a very befitting finish for tho successful sea son of the varsity. Out of tho seven teen games iplayed' they have won eloven. This gives them a good per centage for tho season. The team has played more games with eastern teams than on any previous season and made a good showing. In last night's gamo tho work of tho boys showed their consistent training and practice for the season. Hagonslck and Burruss did fine work. Burruss's work at guard was without criticism. Krako, who has substituted this year, played a good game at forward. Meyer and Bowman entered tho gamo at tho latter end of the last half. William Jewell defeated Wesloyan on Wednesday night by a score of 39 to 32. Tonight they play Tarkio Col lege at TarltiO, Mo. The lineup of last night's game was aa follows: Nebraska. William Jewell. FORWARDS. Krake, Burruss Bradley HagenslcTTT Prince CENTER. Moser, Meyer Burke GUARDS. Burruss, Bowman Shopp Bell .-. Leadbetter Officials Referee, J. B. Tenlx; Um pire, Dr. Clapp. The Auditorium skating rink Beems to retain Its popularity with the stu dents, for a crowd of them aro to bo found there every afternoon and oven lug. Get Into the game and come along. Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P streets. L. W. Pomerene, Plumber, 238 Si 11th street. Tho Co-op has just received a fine lot of pennants which aro certainly tho finest lot seen in the city this year. Thoy will surely please tho taste of even their most fastidious customers. i i n i ' 1 .! I M kill l I 1 I !9&tffe&flgifc ..,